My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 246: A good vision becomes a bubble?

Without saying anything, he immediately went up and inquired, and asked the airport staff if he had just heard it wrong, and whether the z-731 passenger plane on which their young lady was boarding exploded!

But in that moment of effort.

He almost felt that his legs would almost never go away. For the first time in his heart, he was so nervous and nervous, even when he was speaking, his voice was trembling slightly.

"Hello... let me ask, the passenger plane that happened..."

As soon as Erui spoke both in Chinese and English, he heard the airport staff say, "The passenger plane z-731 from country Z has been killed in the early morning, sir, unfortunately, we will try our best to search and rescue..."

"No, no, I just want to know who is on the plane, on the plane..." What if the little lady didn't get on the plane?

Even if the possibility is so slim...

But the next moment, when I saw the pictures of the passengers on the airliner on the news screen, he opened his mouth, but he could not say a word again.

On the huge screen, most of the photos of passengers shown on it are people from countries m and z. There are only a few other countries, ranging from babies to 80-year-olds, and people of all ages.

But there is only one picture of a girl with a slight smile at the corner of her lips, which is particularly eye-catching because of her pure and beautiful face.

Ai Rui's eyes shook when he saw this!

When he was busy looking back at their boss and eager to find him in the crowd, his heart trembled.

There were people coming and going at the airport. Many people stopped and were shocked when they saw the news at the airport. Some people even broke down and cried when they saw the pictures of the victims.

As soon as Eric turned his head, he saw that their chief was motionless in the crowd.

The black, slender and handsome figure, like a silent relief, stood there, with an almost transparent, abnormal whiteness on his face.

At this moment, someone accidentally bumped him from behind, and he staggered forward for a half step. The other party was apologetic, but he was as unheard of.

From the beginning to the end, the slender and Qingjun eyes kept looking at the screen, and in those eyes, there seemed to be a look of almost blankness.

Yes, at a loss.

That look like never before.

It's not shock, it's not stunned, it's just that he can't understand or believe it at all. To be precise, he may be unwilling to understand and unwilling to go into it, because he is afraid that he will not be able to bear it after studying the facts afterwards...



Ai Rui walked back, his lips moved, and two words popped out for a long time.

"When will she get off the plane...?" Bo Yan asked, as if calmly.

Ai Rui's face changed: "..."

"Is the hotel booked? After a while, she will get off the plane and go directly to the hotel."

"Also, remember to ask the hotel to prepare the fish head soup she likes to drink."

"All recent announcements have been cancelled for her. I want to take her around here."


Hearing these words, Iri blinked some moist eyes, forced to endure the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, and looked away.

Their boss is going crazy.

For more than ten years.

Why didn't he know that their chief had always had someone in his heart, who had silently loved her and guarded her for more than ten years, but before this happened, he was finally thankful that the little lady was finally willing to take a step towards their chief.

Even if there are many obstacles in the future, at least at this moment, their chief is no longer alone, and they may have a bright future.

However, no one now expects that an air disaster will turn all this longing into a bubble...

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