My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 822: Eternal kingdom, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

People who quarrel with Chen Yang generally die miserably.

Although it seems a bit weird for a man to quarrel too much. But when Chen Yang swears, it will be the same as his style of play, sharp, accurate, and fierce.

Moreover, Chen Yang felt that what Liu Daozhou said, the law, was an insult to the law. Your Giant Spirit Sect is the most against chaotic discipline. You say that the law is simply a quotation and scolding others for it.

Liu Daozhou was slightly dazed.

The police officer Yang Rong on Chen Yang's side couldn't help applauding.

Liu Daozhou was quite a city man, and was not angry. He simply ignored Chen Yang, and said to Shen Mo Nong, "It should be Shen Chu you call the shots here today?"

Shen Mo Nong said: "I am in charge, but Chen Yang's words are also in charge."

Liu Daozhou said: "We don't want to do everything today, let us completely confront your government." He paused, and said: "However, we are not afraid to break with you. I hope you can understand the sinking. This point. As long as I give an order, today’s Criminal Police Building will be razed to the ground. After tomorrow’s news spreads, it will be internationally impressive. What is your Chinese government talking about now? Peaceful rise, right? What if you If such a thing is allowed to happen, it is against the above meaning. You must understand this responsibility, you cannot afford it."

Shen Mo Nong's face was solemn.

Liu Daozhou's words were a heavy blow to Chen Yang's side.

Because they love this country, they care about the feathers of the country.

But Liu Daozhou used this to threaten everyone. At this time, Yang Rong finally understood why the government had been tolerating the Giant Spirit Sect. The complexity of this situation is not understandable by her level.

But now, it was obvious that she had completely opened this Pandora's box.

At this time, the people above did not blame Yang Rong. Instead, a group of masters came and wanted to help Yang Rong solve this matter.

At this moment, Yang Rong's heart was moved.

Of course, this belongs to Yang Rong as a woman, the sensibility of female thinking.

For Shen Mo Nong and the others, this matter is no longer Yang Rong's matter. It belongs to the game between the government and the giant spirit cult.

The government represents the country, and the dignity and interests of the country cannot be lost.

At this moment, although Chen Yang and others are not affiliated with state agencies. But as Chinese, their mood is also sacred and solemn. Even ordinary people, faced with terrorists who want to split the country and destroy the peace, everyone hates them.

Since Chen Yang and the others have this ability, they are naturally more likely to not stand by.

This can be regarded as a performance of the great man.

At this time, Shen Mo Nong said, "So what do you want?"

Bai Chen wanted to speak, he looked at Liu Dao Zhou Yi, and finally endured it. Gongsun Tianlong closely maintained the majesty of his elder brother Liu Daozhou.

Liu Daozhou said indifferently: "As long as you are willing to hand over this Mr. Chen Yang and the three Devils who violated the canon. This matter will end here!"

Shen Mo Nong said, "What if I refuse?"

Liu Daozhou said: "Chief Shen, I don't think you have the right to take charge of this matter without authorization. You should communicate with you before answering."

Shen Mo took a deep breath, she was trying hard to suppress her anger. Then she said: "I don't know what you call it yet?"

"Liu Daozhou!"

"It turned out to be Elder Liu!" Shen Mo Nong said: "What you just said is true. Peaceful rise is what the country wants. However, this does not mean that we have to tolerate you blindly. Today, if I tolerate you, let You take those three criminals away. Tomorrow, you Djinn Sect will be able to do more heinous things. We can bear it, but it doesn’t mean we have no bottom line. Today, we can fight to death, but there is no one here. People will be handed over. My friends can’t, nor can the three criminals. If you want to take them away, you can, step on my body. This is my attitude. It’s also the government’s attitude! "

Yang Rong couldn't help but tears in her eyes. She always thought that the government was weak and that Director Shen was useless. But now, she only saw Chief Shen's proud bones.

"If this is the case, don't blame me." After Liu Daozhou was silent for a long time, then he said: "Kill!"

He gave an order coldly.

All the mercenaries were ready to go. After hearing the order, they immediately pulled the trigger.

But also at this time, Chen Yang and Qin Lin shot at the same time.

If the Criminal Police Building really suffered a terrorist attack, the consequences would be unimaginable if this news spreads.

So at this time, Qin Lin did not hesitate to display the Supreme God Skill!

"The Supreme Sanqing, concentrating on the will, the eternal kingdom!" Qin Lin burst out, with a solemn expression.

In an instant, the Supreme God Sword burst out infinite brilliance, and these brilliance suddenly gathered and became a divine light!

This divine light is even more powerful than the previous Illusory Slash.

The divine light burst out suddenly, covering all the mercenaries.

In the eyes of the mercenary, the light was dazzling, and for a moment, nothing was seen in their eyes.

Moreover, this is the coming of the eternal kingdom, full of sacred and solemnity.


Thirty mercenaries, including their weapons, were all cut in half.

The scene suddenly ran into blood!

Qin Lin killed all the mercenaries with one move from the Eternal Kingdom.

Moreover, the Eternal Kingdom is an offensive on a large scale, the divine light is boundless and fierce, and it also attacked Bai Chen, Gongsun Tianlong, Liu Daozhou and the black-clothed masters who followed.

Bai Chen and others immediately resisted.

Then, Qin Lin's eternal light was shattered.

His move was mainly to kill those mercenaries, so he was so scattered. After being dispersed, it is easy to kill mercenaries. But it is difficult to deal with these masters.

It was also at this time that Liu Daozhou and others also took action.

As soon as Qin Lin shot, they also shot.

However, Liu Daozhou caught it with a giant trick.

I saw a ferocious handprint that had nurtured the spirit of the true giant spirit **** was captured and photographed. This ferocious handprint was like the giant claws of a monster, condensing the power of the magnetic field, so it caught it.

Faintly, there is the roar of the true god, the wind is fierce, and the air is vertical and horizontal!

There is a fierce willpower in this big handprint that can open mountains and cracks.

Qin Lin had just finished using the eternal kingdom, and at this time there was no way to resist such an attack.

Moreover, Gongsun Tianlong was also very rude, he also used a giant spirit palm to kill Qin Lin.

The giant spirit palm is fierce and fierce, as if the power of the sky thunder is contained in it, and it slams into it fiercely.

Both sides are killed in the air, but they are as fast as lightning!

At this time, mortals like Yang Rong couldn't appreciate it.

There is also Bai Chen. After Bai Chen lost his Mo Lijian, he changed his hand and used another **** sword!

The **** sword slashed out!

The other six masters in black were struggling to resist Qin Lin's divine light attack.

At this time, Chen Yang and Luo Ning would naturally not ignore them. Luo Ning's Beauty under the Moon was suddenly sacrificed and stopped Bai Chen's Blood Sword. The two swords smashed into each other fiercely in the air, and the sword shadows were suddenly aroused.

However, if Bai Chen did not rely on the power of the giant spirit, no one would be Luoning's opponent. Luo Ning's strength has never been weak. With a bang, sparks shot in all directions in the air, and the blood-changing sword was smashed by the beauty of the moon.

Afterwards, Luo Ning took advantage of the victory and pursued, and the beauty of that month was cut to Bai Chen fiercely and thunderously.

Nine days in Jianguangdong, cold horse training!

Luo Ning will never be merciful!

"Elder, help me!" Bai Chen exclaimed.

This guy paled in amazement, his mouth was the most arrogant and arrogant, but at this time it was also the most gloomy and timid.

When Liu Daozhou's giant spirit grabbing hand and Gongsun Tianlong's giant spirit **** palm came to kill, Chen Yang stopped in front of Qin Lin. The second elder brother is in trouble, as the younger brother will not have any hesitation.

With this move, Xuanyuan Yadan was deeply moved. She finally understood a little bit that her husband had always followed her own words, but why did she go down to the volcano to die without hesitation, just to be with her eldest and third brothers.

This kind of brotherhood is something that many biological brothers don't have.

Chen Yang roared, and he quickly condensed the essence of the evil spirit.

The Essence of Earth Shaman suddenly mana, condensing countless water vapor!

This is the method Chen Yang discovered later.

The essence of the evil spirits quickly formed an ice wall in front of Chen Yang and Qin Lin, and the ice wall was getting thicker and thicker.

This scene made Yang Rong dumbfounded. She couldn't believe that the scene before her was real, if it weren't for the seriousness of the atmosphere, she would definitely have to take it with her mobile phone.

The giant spirit grabbing hand and the giant spirit palm both hit the ice wall at the same time.

Such a huge power, but the ordinary ice wall condensed by the essence of the evil spirits cannot bear. In an instant, a huge crack occurred in the ice wall, and then it shattered with a bang!

"Boom!" The two killer moves hit Chen Yang at the same time.

"The third brother!" Qin Lin was shocked.

But at this time, Chen Yang's body was full of golden light.

The immeasurable mark has played its role.

With a bang, the golden light spread out.

The giant spirit god's palm shattered the immeasurable rune, and the giant spirit grabbed it in the air. Chen Yang only felt that his eyes were dark, and his chest was hit by the palm of a giant spirit, as if he had suffered a heavy hammer. He finally flew out and fell heavily to the ground, then his throat became sweet and he vomited a mouthful of blood.

How fierce the giant spirit was, he continued to capture Chen Yang.

At this time, Qin Lin reacted. He slashed with a sharp knife, and a divine light radiated, directly smashing the giant spirit's grasping hand.

At the same time, Gongsun Tianlong did not have time to attack Chen Yang again. Because he wanted to save Bai Chen, it was impossible for him to watch the leader's son just die.

"Hey!" Gongsun Tianlong let out a deep cry, then popped a finger!

Thunder thunder!

With a bang, a lightning strike hit Luo Ning's Moonlight Beauty Sword.

Luo Ning only felt a shock in his heart, and the beauty was shocked back that month.

The strength of these two supreme elders is indeed terrifying to the extreme...

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