My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4442: old and new grudges, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang sneered and said, "What is there that I don't know?"

The space behemoth knew that the negotiation would not work out and took action immediately. I saw a cold light flashing in its eyes, and the tentacles all over its body started to move together, rapidly growing in length. In an instant, the entire surrounding world was enveloped, it was really overwhelming and dense!

Chen Yang couldn't avoid it and couldn't leave it.

Countless tentacles quickly wrapped around him, and then, these tentacles absorbed the strange substances around them and burned.

The world around him suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire, extremely ferocious!

Chen Yang quickly used Hanpo Yuanshen, but the Hanpo Yuanshen turned into a pair of ice armor and wore it on his body. The tentacles turned into flames and burned. When they came into contact with the ice power, they immediately extinguished the flames. ΚáИδんǔ

Chen Yang has powerful magic power, but he will not be trapped by this beast now!

He knew where the fatal hole of this space beast was, so he stopped entangled with the beast at the moment. After breaking through the fire of its tentacles, he quickly headed towards the inside of the beast. He wanted to enter the body of the space beast and find the eternal crystal at its core. After getting the eternal crystal, this beast has no power.

But at this time, the space behemoth was also afraid of Chen Yang and did not dare to open his mouth. It just moves its tentacles quickly, and links the surrounding dark matter to burn them together. wwwWW.KaИδHU五.net

Chen Yang circulated the Thunder Sword Qi again, and the Thunder Sword Qi formed a sword net storm, killing and tempering all the tentacles of the incoming criminal!

Soon, Chen Yang arrived at the chest and abdomen of the space beast.

If the beast doesn't open its mouth, then just get in!

Chen Yang quickly used the Great Eye Technique!

Suddenly, two rays of sun light shot past.

Blessed by the majestic divine power of the fifth level of the Creation Realm, these two divine rays really have the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. However, the outer skin of the space beast is really hard, and it actually resisted for a moment. After a moment, two rays of sun light pierced a hole in his body.

Chen Yang flashed and quickly got in.

As soon as he entered, the flesh and blood of the space beast healed quickly.

Countless pieces of flesh and blood squeezed towards Chen Yang, as if they were squeezing Chen Yang into meat paste.

Chen Yang once again used the Thunder Sword Qi to clear the way...

And he quickly found a blood vessel of the space beast, so he quickly entered the blood vessel. In the veins, the blood is thick.

This blood was directly turned into divine fire and burned under the urging of the space beast.

Inside the divine fire, there is also the power of thunder!

Regardless of this, Chen Yang still resisted with his cold soul.

At that moment, no matter how powerful the space beast was, it could not hurt Chen Yang at all, let alone block Chen Yang's way forward!

There is still a lot less resistance in the blood vessels. Chen Yang was very fast. He reached the core of the beast's internal organs in a minute, and then burst out of the blood vessels!

The space beast is a derivative of the eternal crystal and is immortal.

Broken blood vessels and destroyed internal organs are nothing to worry about.

Chen Yang stood on the stomach of the giant beast, scanning the surrounding area with his spiritual thoughts, and immediately discovered that the crystal stone of the giant beast was in the Dantian.

The space behemoth also sensed the crisis, and at this moment, its body began to squeeze inwards.

Those tentacles actually penetrated into the body, including countless flesh and blood, and internal organs, all turned into terrifying divine power to kill Chen Yang.

This is completely not taking one's own body seriously.

Of course, Chen Yang was not an energy-saving lamp. His figure flashed quickly and flew towards the Dantian.

At the same time, he turned Hanpo Yuanshen into a divine sword!

Then, the body was hidden inside the divine sword.

He activated the divine sword with all his strength. The divine sword carried the power of heaven and earth and directly pierced the dantian of the space beast.

Reaching the depths of Dantian, Chen Yang saw the long-lost eternal crystal.

At this moment, the eternal crystal is covered with **** mucus, and the flesh and blood in the Dantian is also closely connected with the eternal crystal...

Chen Yang reached out his hand and quickly grabbed the eternal crystal in his hand.

In an instant, the eternal crystal suddenly transformed into soft mucus, which immediately wrapped Chen Yang's arm. At the same time, countless tentacle needles penetrated deep into the arm, desperately absorbing Chen Yang's mana and flesh and blood.

Chen Yang was also prepared for this, but regardless of this, he quickly used the cold spirit to wrap up all the mucus in the eternal crystal and freeze it.

Then, in a flash, he flew outside.

The space beast lost the eternal crystal, and its body began to collapse rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the entire space beast turned into nothingness and dark matter, and was completely absorbed by the surrounding wormholes.

Chen Yang quickly flew upwards, and not long after, he returned to the corridor.

Hanpo Yuanshen froze the eternal crystal, making it unable to absorb Chen Yang's flesh and blood.

Now, with the eternal crystal in hand, Chen Yang didn't want to stay any longer, so he quickly flew out of the purple cloud vortex.

Three hours later, Chen Yang left the terrifying Ziyun Storm. "Finally got it!" Standing outside Ziyun Storm, Chen Yang felt the mucus wrapped around his arm and breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, he stopped staying, drove out the Kowloon agarwood chariot, and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, something suddenly changed in the void.

This change came very suddenly...

I saw that the void energy all over the sky began to gather, and finally formed a void gate.

Two more people quickly walked out of the Void Gate.

These two people... Chen Yang knew each other well. After seeing these two people clearly, his expression suddenly changed.

The visitors are none other than Immortal Ice Phoenix Lan Ziyi, and...Chen Hongmeng!

At this time, Chen Hongmeng was wearing a snow-white robe, with a calm temperament and perseverance in his eyes.

His cultivation level has already reached...the second level of Creation Realm!

Chen Yang remembered that when he first came to Ziyun Storm, his cultivation was at the peak of the Heavenly Realm. Although he was able to defeat the second level of the Creation Realm at that time, his cultivation was still at the peak of the Heavenly Realm.

And now this Chen Hongmeng is actually at the second level of Creation Realm...

Then I am afraid that a master at the fourth level of creation realm may not be Chen Hongmeng's opponent.

When Chen Yang was shocked, he quickly fired his spiritual thoughts and discovered that Lan Ziyi's cultivation level had reached the third level of creation realm.

In the main universe, Lan Ziyi's cultivation at this time should be at the second level of creation realm.

It's actually improved...

"My good master, I didn't expect that we would be able to meet here. What a great fate!" Chen Hongmeng looked at Chen Yang and sneered. There was a cold murderous intent hidden in his eyes.

Wearing a long purple dress, Lan Ziyi is both beautiful and fairy-like. At this moment, she is looking at Chen Yang with cold eyes.

Chen Yang glanced at Chen Hongmeng, and his eyes quickly fell on Lan Ziyi. In his whole life, he has loved Lan Ziyi but not loved her. The relationship between the two is so close.

In his memory, Lan Ziyi had never looked at him with such eyes.

So at this moment, he was a little unaccustomed.

At this time, Lan Ziyi said to Chen Hongmeng: "Is he the despicable and shameless master you call a beast?"

Chen Hongmeng nodded and said: "Yes, he is the good master who keeps saying he wants to help me. If it weren't for my good fortune and destiny, I would have died in his hands more than ten years ago."

Listening to the conversation between the two people, Chen Yang felt funny in his heart. At the same time, he quickly organized his thoughts, then smiled at Chen Hongmeng and Lan Ziyi, and said: "My good disciple, it's rare that you can still shout after so many years. I call you master. It’s just that your tone and attitude today seem to be a sure win, but I am already defeated by you? Come on, show me your skills and let me see how you have grown in the past few years? "

The chill in Chen Hongmeng's eyes became even stronger, and he said: "For more than ten years, I have been living in your nightmare even in my dreams. Chen Yang, don't worry, I will never let you down today. I know that your cultivation has already It’s higher, but even if you die today, I will make you pay a heavy price!”

Chen Yang laughed loudly and said: "My dear son, as long as you can die, you can pay any price for your master!" After a pause, he said: "Okay, let's not talk nonsense anymore. You two come together!"

Chen Hongmeng is about to take action...

But Lan Ziyi spoke first to stop him, saying: "Wait a minute!"

Chen Yang and Chen Hongmeng were both surprised and looked at Lan Ziyi together.

Lan Ziyi stared at Chen Yang and said: "I have heard many stories about you and know that you were once a great person. You were very good to Tianyao, Yunshuang, and Zanglong Zhenren. You once defeated China. The Great Emperor, the God Emperor, and even the Demon Emperor, it can be said that no one in the entire world is your opponent. But I don’t understand, why do you treat your apprentice like this? The person Hongmeng respected the most back then was you. Why do you have to do this? Do this? You want luck, and there are many kings of destiny in the Three Thousand Worlds. If you deprive other people of their luck, Hongmeng will not understand you! Why do you do this? Can you clear up my doubts?" wǎp .kāΝsHμ⑤.net

In fact, this is also Chen Hongmeng's doubt.

Over the years, Chen Hongmeng has been doubting and self-doubting. There was nothing he could be sure of...

Especially when he went to get the treasure of the Insect King Linghui several times, but after going there, he found that it was empty.

He always felt as if he had been living in Chen Yang's shadow.

Chen Yang looked at Lan Ziyi and opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but found that he had nothing to say.

What can be said?

What can be explained?

After a while, he smiled and said: "What's wrong with this? I am invincible in the world. If you want to deprive a person of his luck, naturally it can only be the luck of the king of destiny in the world. I deserve the best. Yes, it’s that simple!”

Lan Ziyi and Chen Hongmeng were both startled.

Lan Ziyi nodded and said: "This explanation is very good!"

Chen Yang said: "You asked me a question, and I also have some questions to ask you."

Lan Ziyi was not in a hurry and said, "What do you want to ask?"

Chen Yang said: "When did you get here? What are you doing here? Why did you come out to block my way? Do you think you can beat me?"

Lan Ziyi said: "You have four questions!"

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, but the Xingxing Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could it not be injured at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads.

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website will be closed soon. Download the Star Reading App to provide you with the ultimate master of "The Great God, I'm Smiling to the Sky"

Beast Master?

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