My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4439: the truth, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang came to the sky above Zi Mansion again as promised.

Dongfang Jing and Chen Ling also came to Chen Yang.

It was now morning, and heavy snow was falling...

Chen Yang first clasped his fists at Chen Ling and said apologetically: "Mr. Ling, I didn't mean to seriously hurt you this time." Chen Ling couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "I have been in the world for so many years and have rarely failed. Especially after becoming famous, I have almost never been defeated again. But I didn’t expect that in the past ten years, two disastrous defeats were at your hands. Your Excellency, I really admire your ability."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Mr. Ling, you're welcome." After a pause, he said, "I found a place where we can cook wine and chat. How about..."

Chen Ling nodded and said, "Very good!"

At this moment, Chen Yang led the way.

Flying all the way, we arrived at a hidden snowy edge.

The snow is so high that it seems to reach into the sky.

Chen Yang had already prepared a hot pot of Kui beef and fairy wine on the snowy cliff. At the same time, use the barrier to protect...

After the three of them landed, they entered the barrier and sat down in front of the beef pot.

Chen Yang poured wine for them, then raised his glass first and drank it all in one gulp. It was also telling them that the wine was not poisonous.

Dongfang Jing and Chen Ling wouldn't think there was anything wrong with the wine, because with Chen Yang's ability, it was already easy to kill them, so there was no need to bother!

Dongfang Jing raised her glass and said: "No matter what happened before, this time, Your Majesty rescued me with righteousness, and both of us are deeply grateful. If we have the opportunity, we will definitely repay this kindness!"

Chen Ling also raised his glass and said, "Not bad!"

Chen Yang said: "You're welcome!" He also raised his glass and drank it in one gulp. Reading books

Soon we drank for three rounds...

Chen Ling spoke first and said, "I don't understand why you want to save me?"

Chen Yang said: "Mr. Ling, I know your character very well. In your life, you have been chivalrous, and you have attached great importance to friends and relatives. You have a compassionate heart, and your life is a blessing to the people of the earth. I don't have it. There is no reason to save you...and the reason why you ask this question is also because you think I, Chen Yang, am a vicious person, right?"

Chen Ling smiled bitterly and said: "I am very touched that you recognize me so much. Before the incident where you deprived Hongmeng of luck, I always thought you were a gentleman. But you deprived Hongmeng of luck, this matter, It cannot be classified as an act of justice."

"We, husband and wife, are very curious about this!" Dongfang Jing couldn't help but said: "If you can solve this doubt for us, we will definitely treat you as a best friend!"

Chen Yang fell silent.

After a while, he said: "I'm really not a person who can keep secrets. I can tell some things. Whether you believe it or not, you must not tell it. Is it possible?" wΑΡ.KāйsΗυ五.net

Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing couldn't help but look at each other.

Then, they nodded together and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang said: "I want you to swear an oath never to reveal anything we said today to anyone."

Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing made a strong oath on the spot.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said: "Brother Ling, you were defeated by me twice. I know you must be very distressed and frustrated. In fact, I am not much smarter than you. The reason for this is that I have actually experienced There are many more things than you. Why can I rebound your purification power? Let me first tell you about the structure of the purification power. This purification power comes from a supreme law of the earth, the origin of the great prophecy. There is a branch of the Great Destiny Technique in your magical power. After the combination of the Great Gene Technique and the Great Prophecy Technique, the two powers are even more sublimated... Therefore, your Great Prophecy Technique can now be said to be a magical move from heaven to earth. It's a pity that you met me, Otherwise, it will be difficult for other people to survive in front of you. The only ones who can deal with you are either those whose cultivation is much higher than yours, or who don't give you a chance to perform tricks. I understand the underlying logic of your great prophecy technique , and then through forward calculation and inverse calculation...this calculation mode is..."

After saying that, he gave Chen Ling various calculations.

This complex calculation left Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing stunned.

After Chen Yang finished explaining, Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing looked at each other, then smiled bitterly together and said, "My husband and I are really like grains of light in front of my brother."

Chen Ling continued: "This kind of calculation is extremely complex. It is ever-changing, but the logic in it is traceable. It is simply miraculous!"

Dongfang Jing said: "I feel like I am reading a book from heaven. In my eyes, the power of purification is unbreakable. But I didn't expect that it can be resolved and rebounded through such a calculation method!"

Chen Yang said: "Brother Ling finds it difficult now because he has not yet reached the level of cultivation. When your cultivation level reaches the ninth level of the Creation Realm, or even half a step of sainthood, you will begin to understand the mysteries of these calculations."

Chen Ling said: "I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to reach the ninth level of the Creation Realm in this life! I can't even think about a half-step saint."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Brother Ling, why should you belittle yourself? You will definitely be able to do it in the future."

When Dongfang Jing heard that her husband would have such achievements in the future, she was also happy. At the same time, she was very strange and said: "Brother, how far has your cultivation level reached? Why such a magical calculation?"

Chen Yang said: "Let's not talk about this topic for now... let's talk about Chen Hongmeng. Chen Hongmeng is absolutely smart, you should have seen this. He is the only one in the world!"

Chen Ling was slightly startled and said: "Hongmeng's talent is indeed very high, but it seems a bit exaggerated to say that he is the only one in the world."

Chen Yang said: "In the future, he will become number one in the world, and even the universe. It does not mean that he is a bad person, but after he truly becomes number one, his feelings will fade. He will pursue the truth outside the universe, and will It will cause big problems in the universe. I want to take away his luck because I want to accomplish what he will do in the future. I want to kill him because I am afraid that he will destroy the entire universe!" After a pause, he smiled bitterly and said: "This The words indeed sound unbelievable and hard to believe. Even harder to convince the two of you... But it doesn't matter. In the future, you should help Chen Hongmeng. Time will gradually confirm everything. If I have the chance, I can kill Die Chen Hongmeng, that's the best. But I don't really believe that I have this ability anymore. When he was weak, I couldn't do it. Now his cultivation level has also improved, and there are so many masters around him... I want to It will be even more difficult to kill him again."

Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing looked at each other in shock after hearing Chen Yang's words.

The two of them carefully tasted Chen Yang's words, only to find that they were specious and difficult to understand. There were too many things in them that made no sense.

"I came from the future, when the universe was shattered. It was the Temple of Time in charge of the timeline that took action. Its Supreme Time defied the world and sent me back. The reason why I didn't kill Chen Hongmeng directly was because Chen Hongmeng was in time. The effect produced in the thread is too great. If you kill him directly, the timeline will collapse. If you take away his luck and complete those things for him, the timeline will be peaceful. Now, I can no longer care about the timeline, so I want to He killed him!" Seeing that the two of them couldn't understand, Chen Yang simply told the truth directly.

Anyway, it has reached this point now, and it won’t be a big deal if it leaks out.

Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing were shocked when they heard this.

All this is too hard to believe.

Chen Yang had been holding it in his heart for too long, and he also trusted Chen Ling and his wife very much, so he simply said more.

He told about his true identity and origin, about the three thousand universes, and that he was the destined king of the main universe. He talked about how in the end, with the help of Supreme Time, he saw his relatives die tragically, and the fairy world was shattered, and so on.

After finishing talking about this, it was ten hours later.

After everything was said, Chen Yang breathed a long sigh of relief and felt much more comfortable.

Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing were speechless for a long time, feeling that all this was difficult to digest.

Chen Yang couldn't say this before the decisive battle, because he would be suspected of having ulterior motives before the battle. Of course, Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing will not completely believe it now.

"That's all I have to say." Chen Yang finally said.

Chen Ling looked at Chen Yang and said, "Is all this true?"

Chen Yang said: "Whether it is true or false, I don't care. In fact, I have been holding these things in my heart for too long. In my main universe, the person I respect the most is you, so it is absolutely impossible for me to kill you. .”

Dongfang Jing said: "This is all too unbelievable. I'm sorry, we can't completely believe what you said."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "I don't ask you to believe me, because it's unrealistic. The only requirement is to keep this secret. In the years to come, if I fail repeatedly, you will gradually understand something. Of course, you definitely can't stop him. If I can't stop him, probably no one in the world can stop him. If I guessed correctly, with Chen Hongmeng's intelligence, maybe he has guessed some of my origins. ”wǎp.kāΝsHμ⑤.net

Dongfang Jing fell silent, but was speechless.

Chen Ling said: "After you said this, I was thinking about how I should feel when facing Hongmeng in the future?"

Chen Yang said: "Except for what happened today, I don't care about anything else. He knows very well that I want to kill him."

Dongfang Jing said: "Why do you suddenly have to tell us everything? Are you not afraid?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "I know what you are like, and even if it is really leaked... it won't matter much now that the matter has reached this point."

Chen Ling said in a deep voice: "So if you count the time, you will know what happened on Danube Planet, because you have experienced all this before, right?"

Chen Yang said: "That's right!"

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, but the Xingxing Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could it not be injured at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads.

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website will be closed soon. Download the Star Reading App to provide you with the ultimate master of "The Great God, I'm Smiling to the Sky"

Beast Master?

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