My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3696: From earth, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Yun Qingwu couldn't help but feel a little moved when he saw the Xiaozong master crying in front of him. She has learned a lot about Zong Han. Knowing that this young man's delicate and thin body contains immense wisdom and unfathomable energy.

If it weren't for the sadness, how could such a man cry?

She remembered that when she was young, she had used the sword to walk the rivers and lakes, she was full of vigor and resented the injustice in this world. She used to be disdainful of what the adjudication office did, so she joined Wuyoujiao without hesitation.

But now, what exactly did I do?

This Zong Han was the savior of his daughter, but he killed him in this field without any evidence. And still working for the ruling...

Yun Qingwu sighed secretly, feeling that this was probably the sorrow of middle-aged people. You can no longer act unscrupulously and recklessly like when you were young. Now I have to consider the whole Wuyoujiao and my daughter's future.

The conditions promised by Tianzun are the ideals she has led Wuyoujia to achieve for so many years. Nowadays, it can be done just by killing one person, and she really cannot refuse. Furthermore, her refusal will not change anything, and will only be removed from the game by the congregation.

Chen Yang looked at the unconscious blue and purple clothes, and couldn't hide his grief. At this moment, I suddenly hate myself. Since I met her, what have I given her? Although helped her return to the position of King Phoenix at the beginning. But in fact, even if she doesn't have herself, she can return to her place smoothly according to her plan.

After that, she did it for herself again and again.

That time, I fell into reincarnation in the Western kingdom.

Last time, he fell in Tianhe Divine Kingdom and reincarnated.

This time, I tried to find her back, but let her fall into this desperate situation.

"Zi Yi, I will never let you do anything." Chen Yang secretly said in his heart, and at the same time, he stretched out his hand to hold her. Her hands are very cold, and her whole body does not have any temperature, just like ice.

Chen Yang didn't know why she had this situation, let alone what it meant for her.

But there is no doubt that her situation is extremely dangerous.

Definitely can't afford it.

Must find a way to heal it.

After a while, Chen Yang wiped away his tears, then looked up at Yun Qingwu, and said: "Yun Qingwu, I don’t want to make you embarrassed. Just, as far as you can, help me save her. Is it? As long as you can give her some good medicine to help her continue her life, then I will save Qingyao's kindness, and we will write it off."

Yun Qingwu did not hesitate, nodded, and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang said: "Thank you!" Yun Qingwu felt that this thank you sounded particularly harsh, but did not say much. After that, she took out a pill and said, "This is a profound spirit pill, which is very precious. Now there are only three in the world. I have stored this profound spirit pill for two thousand years and I have not been willing to take it. Now I know it. Summer take..."

A flame of hope lit up in Chen Yang's eyes and said, "Thank you!"

Yun Qingwu didn't say much, and went to Lan Ziyi's body and fed the medicine pill into her mouth.

This pill melts in the mouth.

Chen Yang held the hand of the blue and purple clothes and waited anxiously.

After a long time, Lan Ziyi's body began to feel warm. Chen Yang couldn't help feeling happy, and he reached out his hand to probe his breath, and felt that his breath was also strengthening.

It seems that this profound spirit pill has worked.

However, Chen Yang was not happy for long, because soon, the temperature of Lan Ziyi's body began to drop again, entering the same ice state as before.

Her nose fell into a state of breathlessness.

Chen Yang also noticed a difference in the state of the blue and purple clothes at the moment. When she was normal, he and her hands would produce ice. But now, there is no ice. Lan Ziyi's body is currently in a cold, lifeless state. This is completely different from the previous state that made Chen Yang also icy.

The ice in the past represented vitality.

But the ice-cold body now represents lifelessness.

Seeing this, Chen Yang couldn't help but frowned. I also knew the way to save the blue and purple clothes at the moment, I was afraid that I would still take some panacea in the state of yin and yang spiritual cultivation, so as to completely solve the problem.

Moreover, it must be fast. The longer the delay, the more dangerous she is.

Yun Qingwu also noticed the change in the breath of the blue and purple clothes, sighed, and said: "Her current physical condition is indeed not good. The pure pill does not seem to have much effect. But I can only help you here. You. After I have explained everything honestly, I will try my best to cure Mingzhixia."

After taking a deep breath, Chen Yang looked up at Yun Qingwu and said, "Okay, I said. I am from the earth, and the earth is far from the edge of the universe. It took me a long time to fly over... It took hundreds of years to get here."

"You really are from outside the territory." Yun Qingwu's eyes flashed with excitement.

Chen Yang sneered and said, "I said, I can say whatever you want to hear." After a pause, he continued: "Do you know Xian Wanzong?"

Yun Qingwu said: "I know that Xian Wanzong, Guangming Zhouli was invented by him, very powerful." Chen Yang said: "Xian Wanzong also has a magic weapon called Eternal Immortal Mansion."

"That's right!" Yun Qingwu said: "In the legend, this Eternal Immortal Mansion has the ability to reverse time and space, and reverse the chaos of yin and yang. People who enter inside can reach the point of one year outside and a thousand years inside. Moreover, there are many more inside. The treasures and magical weapons of the Eternal Immortal Palace. What’s more terrifying is that this Eternal Immortal Mansion also has a tool spirit, which is also an absolute master. After the wild slaves murdered Xian Wanzong, the tool spirit of the Eternal Immortal Palace took the Eternal Immortal Palace and fled the star area."

Chen Yang said, "You know very well." Yun Qingwu said, "You know, I am close to more than three thousand years old. I know some of the long history." Chen Yang said, "Xian Wanzong is not actually a star. The people of the domain, the so-called Guangming Zhouli is just that he can't run the Zhouli, and finally tried to make his own power merge with the Zhouli, so he took another name, called the Guangming Zhouli."

Yun Qingwu said, "So, how can you know this?"

Chen Yang said: "Because Xian Wanzong is also a person on earth, our resources on the earth are depleting. That is why Xian Wanzong left the earth to help us find a new home. He fancy the Eternal Star Territory and think it is very good. Eternal. Xianfu also returned to Earth and told us how to integrate Zhou Li. However, it has not been very smooth."

"You want to dominate the eternal star field?" Yun Qingwu said in surprise.

Chen Yang said: "Yes, in fact, people in your star field have very poor power levels. Compared with our top masters, they are far behind. I am on our planet and my level is very average, just because of me. I learned how to integrate Zhou Li, so I was sent here. The person from outside the territories who broke in before was also sent by us."

Yun Qingwu's voice trembled and said: " are too hateful, we have no grievances with you. Actually want to occupy our star field..."

Chen Yang laughed and said: "We have made a detailed plan, and the barren slave, we will definitely pick him out, so that he can't survive, and he can't die. You can wait, it won't take long, ours People will come one after another. At that time, all of you will not escape death."

"You..." Yun Qingwu was extremely angry, but she felt wrong when she changed her mind and said, "Is what you said is true or not? Are you talking nonsense, right?"

Chen Yang said, "What I said is true. I can tell you what the earth is like." Yun Qingwu said, "Okay, what do you think the earth is like?"

Chen Yang described the earth in half-truth. What he said is very level, it sounds like it is true, but it leaves some flaws that can be found.

The matter of Xian Wanzong and Huangnu was nothing but some information that Chen Yang perceives when he pursued Guangming Zhouli. He combined the things of Eternal Immortal Palace, and then boldly associated with Tianzun...

He had no idea what happened back then.

But these specious and ambiguous things are even more tickling. After Yun Qingwu heard Chen Yang say these things, she was still half-believing, feeling that she was about to be tortured into neurosis by Chen Yang.

"Do you want to hear the detailed plan?" Chen Yang asked Yun Qingwu again.

"Say..." Yun Qingwu said.

Chen Yang said: "Let's talk about why we don't choose other planets, we have to choose star regions."

Yun Qingwu felt as if she was being played, rather annoyed: "What are you trying to say?"

Chen Yang said to himself: "The level of Taoism on our planet is extremely high, and there are many requirements for aura. Everyone has absorbed the aura from the planet too hard. We searched many planets in the universe and found that some planets even It’s suitable, but it will soon be absorbed by our monks. Until one day, Wanzong Xian discovered the power of the eternal star field. He believed that the power of the universe is endless. Our people can come here and take root forever. Go on. It’s just that Zhou Li is very special. So he researched a way to fuse Zhou Li, and he fused very well. Bright Zhou Li’s divine power is even stronger than the one you have displayed. On our planet, For so many years, I have been practicing according to the techniques left by Xian Wanzong."

Yun Qingwu thought of something and said: "No, since you can run Zhou Li, why do you want to reincarnate?"

Chen Yang said, "Is there any reincarnation there? The real Zong Han was killed by me during his experience. I was fake!"

Yun Qingwu said, "Really?"

Chen Yang said: "It's true." Yun Qingwu said: "That knows Xia?" Chen Yang said: "She is true, but I used a sorcery to control her and make her obey me with all my heart."

Yun Qingwu remained silent. After a while, he suddenly laughed and said: "Zong Han, Zong Han, you are deliberately trying to sacrifice yourself and save Mingzhi Xia. You are really a seed of infatuation!"

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