My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3221: Fo Guang, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

With a big hand, Fufeng grabbed Ethan directly into the Phoenix Furnace.

After that, he squeezed the magic formula in his hand, and the phoenix furnace stood in the air in front of him.

In the Phoenix furnace, the flames are fierce!

The phoenix totem and phoenix totem on the furnace wall leaped forward, as if they had come to life.

The five-fold cultivation base of Fufeng Creation has an all-encompassing power.

All his mana was poured into the Phoenix furnace, and the Phoenix and Phoenix instantly merged into the Phoenix Divine Fire!

This sacred fire forms a vortex, which looks like a vortex, but the vortex connects to the inside of the Phoenix furnace!


The golden light sword of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva shot into the vortex of the Phoenix Divine Fire.

This phoenix divine fire is not the most mysterious phoenix power in the universe.

Inside the Phoenix Divine Fire, the golden divine sword rushed from left to right, trying to kill the Phoenix furnace.

The yin and yang of the phoenix divine fire entangled and strangled fiercely!

The golden divine sword is extremely stubborn, and the refining of the divine fire seems to have no effect at all.

Ksitigarbha King's face was calm, his hands clasped together, and he was muttering words.

Behind him, there is a golden light!

Buddhism practice, absorb faith, will form many Buddha light!

But behind the Ksitigarbha king, there is only this infinite Buddha light.

Fufeng tried his best to suppress the Golden Excalibur!

At this moment, Na Ethan came back to his senses, and said viciously to the four demon emperors: "Kill this monk!"

The four demon kings suddenly felt hesitant.

Ethan said: "If you don't do anything, I will tell the first elder to kill you later."

The four demon kings were actually not kind-hearted, and were reluctant to kill the Ksitigarbha. It's just that they don't want to kill humans for the spirits.

Especially people like Ksitigarbha, some of them dare not kill!


Such a bodhisattva, what great merit is in him!

Back then, Fu Zhichen didn't dare to do anything to the Ksitigarbha King.

The karma of killing such a bodhisattva is unimaginable!

Ethan urged again, and the Hunshi Demon Emperor had no choice but to say to the Ksitigarbha King: "The Bodhisattva is on top, and I can't help it. I am offended."

Hunshi Demon King gritted his teeth and took the lead!

Ksitigarbha King Gao Yin Amitabha, the Buddha light on his body became more and more intense, and finally formed a Buddha light cover, covering his whole person!

The Hunshi Demon Emperor smashed out with the Langya knife in his hand, but the Buddha's light mask remained motionless.

Afterwards, Ethan, Andri, and the other three demon kings all shot together.

They each sacrificed magical weapons, condensing majestic mana, laws, without reservation, and blasted out with the most powerful force.

When the two play against each other, they have to hide the ultimate move, step by step, and face carefully!

But when many people besieged, they just greeted the killer and didn't need to keep their hands.

Suddenly, golden light faintly revealed in the thick and dark fog!

Following that, huge energy surged, as if a sky thunder was rolling, as if a catastrophe descended, all slashed away in the golden light!

The majestic and terrifying force seems to crush the sky of the universe.

In the Buddha's light shade, the Ksitigarbha King is still calm!

A lot of sword power was slashed on the Buddha's light cover, but the Buddha's light cover was safe and sound.

This round of fighting against each other, Ethan and others couldn't help but lose their color. They never expected this monk to be so powerful and terrifying.

The city lord of Fufeng tried his best to suppress the golden sword of the Ksitigarbha, but it seemed to be unable to suppress it.

The energy in the golden divine sword seemed to be endless and tenacious. No matter how the phoenix divine fire strangled and refined it, it wouldn't change its mind.

When Fufeng was also helpless with the Dizang King, Elder Baixian finally got angry.

Elder Bai Xian had known the movement outside for a long time, but he was anxious to suppress Luo Feng and not give Luo Feng a chance to escape.

Right now, Luo Feng hadn't suppressed it, and there was a fire outside.

Since entering the world of Yuqing, Elder Bai Xian has been going smoothly, but now he is encountering this, how he is not angry.

Elder Bai Xian suppressed Luo Feng with one hand and urged the Phoenix Divine Fire with the other.

His formidable mixing hole power and creation gas were added to the Phoenix furnace cauldron, and immediately, it was like a raging fire.


Finally, the golden divine sword could no longer hold up and turned into nothingness.

Elder Bai Xian left the Phoenix furnace and appeared ten meters in front of the Ksitigarbha King.

He coldly looked at the Ksitigarbha King, and said, "You monk, you are not too timid, dare to block the old man's way!"

The Ksitigarbha king was still sitting cross-legged. He looked at Elder Bai Xian and said lightly: "The poor monk is here, and I would like to teach you how to use it!"

"What a happy monk!" Elder Bai Xian was slightly surprised and then laughed.

Following that, he said: "Well, the old man will see you off today."

Elder Bai Xian held the ruined temple in one hand, and his mana was continuously injected into the ruined temple to suppress Luo Feng.

With the other hand, he directly sacrificed Yuanji Mixing Hole!

The big mudra directly attacked and killed Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's head.

The Buddha's light cover still enveloped the Ksitigarbha, and that mixed hole was killed on the Buddha's light cover, and hundreds of millions of golden mixed hole particles collided and strangled each other, exploding terrifying lethality, all hitting the Buddha's light cover.

The Ksitigarbha king's face became solemn, he was muttering words, and suddenly, a palm shot!

This palm actually penetrated the mixed hole particles directly, and then appeared in front of Elder Bai Xian.

This trick is fate!

It has the same meaning as big fatalism, but it is different in essence.

Ksitigarbha's fate is guided by the power of faith, and this fateful force ignores the strangulation of the chaotic particles and directly kills.

Elder Bai Xian was taken aback and moved the dilapidated temple in an instant.

The dilapidated and declining breath burst out in the dilapidated temple, and finally formed a wave!


The power of the ruined temple is like a raging sea, blowing the fateful palmprint of the Ksitigarbha king into nothingness.

How ferocious is Elder Bai Xian, you can tell at a glance that this fateful palmprint can only be blown away by the broken wind.

Elder Baixian stepped up the strangulation of the Buddha's mask of the Ksitigarbha, and sweat appeared on Ksitigarbha's forehead.

In the ruined temple, Luo Feng's pressure was much less.

Before, he wanted to rush out several times, but the barriers around him were extremely hard.

The ruined breath and the declining corrosive force made him feel uncomfortable.

He is different from Chen Yang, Chen Yang can take the initiative to absorb power. He had to kill the opponent before he could absorb it with the blood of the gods on the first day.

At the moment, Elder Bai Xian is just strengthening the city wall, and Luo Feng can't borrow it, so it's extremely difficult.

But soon, Luo Feng found that the barrier seemed not as strong as before.

At this time, Luo Qingxin in his brain gave him an idea.

"Fuse with immortality, and then let Ya Zhenyuan and Wang Zhan help." Luo Qingxin said.

Luo Feng was a little worried, and said, "I'm afraid it's wrong, what if they?"

Luo Qingxin said: "When is the time, I'm afraid it's wrong. If you can't get out, you will all go to the chalk world."

Luo Feng thought about it, and immediately asked Ya Zhenyuan and Wang Zhan to come out and help.

With this kind of pure breakthrough of barriers, their power can still help.

Luo Feng said: "You all inject all your power into my body, I will fuse with fairy magic and rush out!"

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