My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3210: Marching, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The current situation is urgent and there are many things that I have no time to take care of. Therefore, I will give the management of many co-ordinations to my former sect master, the Chinese emperor Chen Ling. In addition, the destiny forces will begin to leave the sky one after another. Zhou, go to various worlds to find foreign aid and persuade them to come to Tianzhou to converge. We are very lucky because Chen Yang, the King of Destiny, brought back endless pills from the Gate of Eternal Life. I believe these pills can support us for a long time. This war is not only a comparison of strength, but also a pill."

"In these many worlds..." Xuan Zhenghao continued: "Yuqing World, Dragon World, Buddha World, Death God World, Doomsday Cemetery, Western King World, all have tyrannical strength. You, go please, Find a way to please. This action will be very dangerous, so you need to adapt or change the form."

Ya Zhenyuan was the first to stand up and said, "Yuqing World, let me go."

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said, "Fairy Zhenyuan, you are from the Yuqing world. It is most suitable for you to go. However, I am worried that the spirits will also look at the Yuqing world. The power of the Yuqing world is not the strength of your door. , But the eighteenth floor of the hell. The monsters on the eighteenth floor of the **** are not strong. But if they gather and capture them, they can have a miraculous effect."

"What miraculous effect can those demons have?" Ya Zhenyuan suddenly puzzled.

Chen Yang couldn't help but said, "Those monsters are endless, will the spirits be tricks on them?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Of course, the number of demons is unimaginable. They can raise the demons and feed them with demons. Once the demons become successful, their power will be great."

"We can do this too!" Yun Huaying immediately said, "Xuanhuang, why didn't you do it before?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The monsters in the ground absorb the nether energy. If all the monsters are killed, the nether energy will spread to the three thousand worlds. At that time, the three thousand worlds will also have major problems. Therefore, we are to stop. It can’t be done. Besides, refining the demon **** requires a demon seed. This is something I have only recently learned."

"Does Lingzun really know the method of refining the devil?" Luo Feng asked.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Lingzun's methods are superior to us. If they know those monsters, they will definitely take action. It is not ruled out that the underground monsters take advantage of the situation and cooperate with Lingzun."

"Then what are we going to do?" Zhang Daoling asked.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Yuqing Sect has a close relationship with the underground monsters, let them find the real magic seeds. There are four magic seeds. Find the magic seeds and bring them back to the heaven. Or, destroy the magic seeds!"

"Devil Seed, what is it?" Everyone was puzzled.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The magic seed is born on the eighteenth floor of hell. Hell connects many worlds, but only the Yuqing world and the Western king realm have the outlet. There are many ghosts in the underground, and the ghosts are produced by three thousand worlds. When the time, the antimatter conceived. The antimatter produces the nether flower, and the nether spar will be born in the nether flower. After the nether spar absorbs the nether gas for a long time, it will give birth to consciousness, so it becomes a magic seed, and the magic seed will absorb The nearby demons will gradually become demons after they have absorbed to a certain level. When they are fully mature, they will absorb more demons and finally become demons. However, these few demons have not yet existed in these years Truly become demons. They are still in the spar state, together with the Nether Flower."

He paused, and then said: "I only found the demons, and those underground demons can't make waves."

Zhang Daoling said immediately: "If this is the case, Pang Dao is willing to go to find the magic seed."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Dao Master, Heavenly Concubine, and Sect Master, none of you can go there. You must guard the Heavenly Continent barrier here. The matter of the Devil Seed is not the size of the skill, it is almost enough. This matter requires jade. Clear the door to cooperate."

Ya Zhenyuan immediately said, "I will return to Yuqingmen."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's too dangerous to go out now. But fairy, you are indeed the most suitable candidate to return to Yuqingmen. Let's go, I will send a Destiny to go with you."

Chen Yang stood up, volunteered, and said, "Let me go!"

Black Suzhen was on the sidelines, and she was not surprised that Chen Yang would take the initiative to stand up. This matter is considered to be a major one, and Chen Yang wants to go, it is normal.

Xuan Zhenghao also had this intention.

But at this time, Ya Zhenyuan said: "I don't think it is necessary. In Yuqingmen, there is a deep prejudice against Chen Yang. Our forehead teacher is still killed by Chen Yang. He will only intensify the situation."

Naturally, Xuan Zhenghao also knew this, but he felt that at this time, everyone should abandon the past. Moreover, Ya Zhenyuan is still the mother of Chen Yang's daughter, and Xuan Zhenghao is also afraid of something wrong. If Chen Yang accompanied him, what happened to Ya Zhenyuan, Chen Yang would not come to blame him.

Xuan Zhenghao also had his own ideas.

Chen Yang immediately said: "I can hide in your precepts. As long as there is no danger, I can never appear."

Ya Zhenyuan said, "The barrier of entering Yuqingmen is extremely strict, you can't hide it."

Luo Feng got up and said, "Why don't I go with me."

Ya Zhenyuan didn't resist Luo Feng, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yangton felt helpless.

He couldn't say more.

Luo Feng and Ya Zhenyuan acted swiftly, and there was nothing to prepare, they were about to set off now.

Chen Yang immediately communicated with Luo Feng with thoughts and said: "Big Brother, I have had a relationship with Ya Zhenyuan, and her daughter Ya Luo is also my daughter. So..."

Luo Feng was surprised at once, and he couldn't help but look at Ya Zhenyuan more.

Ya Zhenyuan immediately realized what had happened, her pretty face turned red, and she immediately turned her head away, avoiding Luo Feng's eyes.

Luo Feng immediately responded to Chen Yang, saying: "You kid, you really are hidden. Okay, I know, since there is this relationship, I will protect her whatever I say."

"So, thank you!" Chen Yang said.

"Get out!" Luo Feng responded.

After Luo Feng and Ya Zhenyuan left, the meeting continued.

Xuan Zhenghao continued to arrange the task. He said: "The Doomsday Cemetery, the Buddha Realm, the Dragon Realm, and the Death Realm are extremely important. The Destiny Force, let Chen Yang arrange it, and seize the opportunity as soon as possible."

Chen Yang nodded. He also knew that the Buddha Realm and the Dragon Realm had closed its doors. It was difficult to communicate.

But now, I don't care about these, I have to go.

That is, boom, boom!

At this moment, Chen Ling said in a deep voice: "There is something, I am very puzzled."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "What's the matter?"

Chen Ling said: "What if Lingzun tries his best to attack our barrier at this time?" Xuan Zhenghao said frankly, "Can't hold it."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help losing their color.

Then Xiao Yi said, "If this is the case, why don't the spirits come directly to attack and kill? We have made many preparations for nothing, right? How can this be good? Xuanhuang, no matter what, we must do the worst. Your plan!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I have already made the worst plan. I really can't keep it. Let me go to my destiny. You should know that many things can't be accomplished by strategy. They fight with all their strength, we can only defend with all their strength. Can’t hold on, what can we do? But, as long as they don’t come to attack with all their strength, we have to do things. We have to work hard, we can’t just wait for death, right?"

"Yes!" Tianfei said, "Xuanhuang's words are reasonable."

Chen Ling said, "Do you think that Lingzun will attack us?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said, "Actually, I don't think they will attack."

"Why?" Chen Ling asked.

Everyone also wanted to know why Xuan Zhenghao made such a judgment, so they all looked at Xuan Zhenghao together.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's very simple. It is also very risky for them. They are losing a lot now, and they are afraid that I have more cards. I think that with their current caution, they will definitely eat away those simple ones first. , And then make a foolproof account. They also need to prepare more things, and how to go after failure. In a short time, they dare not come."

After he said this, he said: "However, this is just my judgment. There are also times when I make mistakes in my judgment, so it still depends on God's will."

This is the end of the meeting.

For the rest, Xuan Zhenghao didn't say much, so he asked Chen Yang to coordinate the Mandate Forces.

The reason why the destiny troops are required to go is because these destiny are in the earth, and luck will be very good.

Luck is also the key to war.

Chen Yang did not immediately issue an order. He asked the destiny to gather on Zuwang Peak a day later.

Zuwangfeng is another mountain in the boat of one yuan.

Chen Yang then went to Xuan Zhenghao alone.

In the crystal wall room, Chen Yang said: "The emperor, do you have any suggestions?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "There is no suggestion!"

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said, "If you don't guide me, I am also in a mess!"

Xuan Zhenghao glanced at Chen Yang, then he smiled and said, "Your wisdom is actually not under me."

Chen Yang said, "Don't laugh at me."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "This is true. If you are my opponent, you will become particularly powerful. Just because you are under my hand, your thinking seems to become lazy. In fact, I don't need to say so much. As the saying goes, a wise man must have a mistake. I should let you do it. In fact, didn't you do it properly?"

Chen Yang said: "At the moment, I am very unfamiliar with the situation of Three Thousand World."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "You can go to the Ocean of Magnetic Elements to get familiar with it."

Chen Yang said, "Actually, I have another worry."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Are you worried about Daze?"

Chen Yang said: "You are really amazing!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Daze's barrier can't stop Lingzun. Once Lingzun is exiled from the **** hydra in Daze. And those **** hydras destroy the magnetic element ocean, then... the earth Self-defeating. Three thousand worlds will be destroyed once..."

Chen Yang said: "This is too dangerous."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Of course it is dangerous. The enemy has come to our house. How can it not be dangerous."

Chen Yang said, "Do you have any countermeasures?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "No!"

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