My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3006: Conspiracy, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Tian Qingge wants to see how Chen Yang can escape in the palm of his hand! But his thought was finally crushed deep in his heart by him. Although he is a proud person, he is also an extremely intelligent person. He understands that to catch Chen Yang or kill Chen Yang, the biggest obstacle is not Chen Yang, but some restraints around Chen Yang!

His Majesty Zulong is such a godlike existence, and he has planted a big somersault on the earth.

Moreover, His Majesty Zulong also found the Dark Demon in the depths of the universe, and they all fell near the earth in the end.

Therefore, Tian Qingge knows the horror of the earth, and dare not look down upon it!

At this time, Tian Qingge withdrew his thoughts, and he would never hear any sadness or joy in his voice. He asked Ouyang Yu lightly: "I see that you are the Destiny, and you were the King of Destiny before. You are the proud son of Heaven chosen by the Great Universe, and Chen Yang is also the King of Destiny. You should be the same enemy, how can you become enemies?"

Ouyang Yu couldn't help but sneered, and said, "My lord, have the prince and the prince been like brothers since ancient times?"

Tian Qingge was silent for a moment when he heard the words. Although he stayed in the Imperial Sky Ark for a long time, he knew about earth culture and other planetary cultures. He then said: "Well, you can talk about your grievances!"

Ouyang Yu said: "A master from the immortal world came before and wanted to recover the five-grain shrine and sacred tree in Chen Yang's body. Although Chen Yang is the king of destiny, he is also a great enemy of the immortal world. This person, wherever he goes, all It’s just that there is no grass, and few people have a good impression of him. It just so happened that I wanted to take advantage of his fate. So I killed him with the masters of the fairy world. In the end, I didn’t expect that he actually possessed an eternity in the universe. Spar, no matter how hard it is to kill. After that, I was severely injured by him and wandered into the universe. He has already caused me to be humiliated several times. The year before, I took refuge on Phoenix Young Star, and he took Dao ancestor Zhang Daoling to go. , Almost killed me again. I not only want revenge, I also understand that he will find ways to kill me. Therefore, between me and him, either he died or I died. The strongest power on the entire earth It is to help him, I can only help you adults."

Tian Qingge said: "But your doing this is completely against the will of the Universe Emperor, and it is also the opposite of the entire earth. Are you afraid that you will be the sinner of the earth in the future?"

Ouyang Yu said: "The Great Universe almost destroyed the entire earth. Is he a sinner? My generation is cultivating the Tao, and I pay attention to the understanding of ideas. After thousands of years, there are no human beings on this earth. Who remembers the history of the year? These are all. If I care about the useless names outside of the body, wouldn’t it be invisible?"

Tian Qingge smiled faintly, and said: "You can see it through. But, how can I trust your sincerity? Maybe, you are an undercover agent and want to inquire about our situation."

Ouyang Yu took a deep breath and said, "How can adults believe in the sincerity of being here?"

Tian Qingge said: "You can tell me about the situation of the earth. From your point of view, how much chance do we have if we defeat the earth?"

Ouyang Yu said: "My lord, I know the earth very well. But I don't know much about the empire, so you want me to say the odds. I don't know where to start."

Tian Qingge said, "Do you want to know the strength and defense of our empire?"

Ouyang Yu said: "My lord, I didn't mean that, but I don't know the odds of winning."

Tian Qingge said: "Tell me about your understanding of the earth, I'm very interested."

Ouyang Yu said, "Yes, my lord!"

At the same time, Emperor Long Qianjue was also asking Nicangshui's words.

They just want to ask separately to see if the two are telling the truth.

Long Qianjue's questioning did not go smoothly, because Nicangshui had very little understanding of the earth.

Ni Cangshui told Long Qianjue that he had a phoenix young spar, and he could calculate many things. However, Phoenix Young Spar could not calculate Chen Yang's position and so on.

Nicangshui also talked about his acquaintance with Ouyang Yu, why he has come to this point, and the purpose of coming here.

In the eyes of Nicangshui and Ouyang Yu, there was darkness before them, and they could only see Long Qianjue and Tian Qingge in the light.

But in fact, Long Qianjue and Tian Qingge are still in the palace, and the two can communicate with each other.

This is the dimension and level that belongs to both of them.

Long Qianjue asked Tian Qingge, "Do you think what they said is true?"

Tian Qingge said: "It should be true."

Long Qianjue said: "These two people are not weak in cultivation. Although Ouyang Yu is weaker, but he is very malleable. Moreover, he understands the earth. Both of them are destiny. If they are really used by us, The beauty is endless!"

Tian Qingge said: "But your Majesty, you must also use them carefully. Although they seem to be nothing suspicious, we must also be skeptical."

Long Qianjue said: "This emperor understands what you mean, you must be suspicious when using people, and you must use them too."

Tian Qingge said: "They are useful in the early stage, we have to use them."

At this time, Tian Qingge was still asking Ouyang Yu.

Ouyang Yu said in a deep voice, "My Lord, now that the most threatening person on earth, I think it is not Zhang Daoling!"

Tian Qingge said: "Zhang Daoling is really nothing to be afraid of!"

Ouyang Yu said: "The earth has three threats. If only one of these three threats is solved, the empire can increase its odds of winning."

Tian Qingge said, "Really, tell me about the three major threats?"

Ouyang Yu said: "First, the star master and the Hall of Stars! Second, Xuan Zhenghao of Tianzhou Dakang Imperial City! Third, Chen Yang!"

Tian Qingge said: "It seems that the Palace of Stars is indeed the biggest threat to our Imperial Sky Ark. However, the speed of the Imperial Sky Ark will never catch up with the Hall of Stars. Without the Imperial Sky Ark, then no matter how many masters we go to. The Hall of Stars cannot be destroyed, and the Star Master cannot be killed."

Ouyang Yu said: "It is true!"

Tian Qingge said: "Secondly, Xuan Zhenghao, Xuan Zhenghao, this person, we have already found out. This person is indeed a ghost. Sometimes we all suspect that he is the real incarnation of the emperor of the universe, who understands the secrets and knows everything. , Seems to be omnipotent. However, we are also afraid that the past will alarm the Star Master. At that time, we will be destroyed by all our elites, but the Empire Heavenly Boat will not play a role at all. This is the most terrifying. Moreover, Xuan Zhenghao Not to mention refusing to leave the earth, he has never left even the imperial city. No calculation method can calculate him."

Ouyang Yu said: "Not only can we not calculate him, but he can calculate us. We are secret in Feng Young Xing, and he can calculate it."

Tian Qingge said: "We already know the three major threats you mentioned. What we need is not to know, but to crack."

Ouyang Yu said: "The three threats are actually closely related. Touching one of them may lead to the other."

Tian Qingge said lightly: "Say!"

Ouyang Yu said: "The star lord, we can give up. He is good if he doesn't trouble us. Moreover, the star lord has almost no weaknesses. Then Xuan Zhenghao, this guy calculates everything and is calm and has few weaknesses. Anyway, weaknesses. The most is Chen Yang. This Chen Yang is actually impulsive and emotional, it is best to use him!"

Tian Qingge said: "His cultivation base is also the weakest, but how do you deal with him?"

Ouyang Yu said: "While Chen Yang is out... Now Chen Yang is still looking for a star stone. If we have a star stone to seduce him, it is also possible."

Tian Qingge said, "Although Chen Yang is impulsive, he is not stupid. How to seduce him?"

Ouyang Yu said: "This was originally difficult, because nothing of us can calculate Chen Yang's trace. This is the protection of the Universe Great Emperor. If we send someone to guard him, Xuan Zhenghao will calculate it to us. Existence. However, it is best to break through many difficulties from within. Chen Yang also has a trusted friend named Tang Ling. Tang Ling is also a destiny, so it happens that Tang Ling has a wife called Nishang. They are very emotional Okay, let's grab the neon clothes, and then force Tang Ling to ask Chen Yang to find the Star Stone."

Tian Qingge remained silent.

Ouyang Yu was cautious.

In other dimensions, Tian Qingge's eyes flashed with joy, and he said to Long Qianjue: "Your Majesty, this is really a good plan!"

Long Qianjue said: "We really have to work out enough chances to win. Doing nothing is always frustrating. Therefore, his strategy can indeed be implemented. But who is sent to find Tang Ling and control Tang Ling? Who should be sent to set up an ambush to arrest Chen Yang? This plan can only be used once, and we have failed too many times."

Tian Qingge said in a deep voice, "I can go there!"

Long Qianjue said: "No, the empire still needs you. Before the war, you can't have any accidents. So, you can't go!" Tian Qingge said: "I understand what you said. I suddenly have something Worry, all this will be counterintuitive. What if Ouyang Yu is deliberately deceiving our masters out?"

Long Qianjue said, "It's not impossible that this is possible!"

Tian Qingge immediately asked Ouyang Yu: "This plan may also be calculated by Xuan Zhenghao. At that time, our master will send it out, and it will inevitably be annihilated."

Ouyang Yu said in a deep voice: "The adult's worry is very reasonable, so I will only provide strategies. Whether it can be implemented, how to implement it, it is all up to the adult to judge."

Tian Qingge remained silent.

After a while, he said: "Well, you have come from afar and are our distinguished guests. You only need to do well for the empire, and the empire will naturally have your benefits!"

Over there, Long Qianjue also ended the conversation with Nicangshui.

Everyone returned to the reality dimension.

At this time, Long Qian absolutely said to Nicangshui: "Your phoenix young spar is so amazing, this emperor wants to borrow it and study it. I wonder if you would like to borrow it?"

Nicangshui remained silent.

He is naturally unwilling.

But can he refuse?

"I don't dare not borrow!" Nicangshui is also a temperamental person. He finally said so.

Long Qianjue laughed and said: "Ni Aiqing, you are a real person. Don't worry, this emperor is definitely just borrowing, and he will definitely return it after three days. You should go down and rest first, and we will be fine in these few days. Discuss, discuss what kind of position you will give you." If you want to know whether the conspiracy will succeed, you can follow my official account, there will be discussions and announcements.

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