My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2728: The Fall of the Night King, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Hei Yi Suzhen knew that Chen Yang was not good at telling the truth in front of everyone, so she didn't ask any more. Although she speaks few words, it does not mean she is stupid. For the current situation, she has a spectrum in her heart.

In the past, Suzhen Black would not care about these messy interpersonal relationships and so on. Anyway, I am me, whether you like me or not, I will just be myself.

But right now, if there is a problem with the strength, then you have to care about these things.

After looking at Chen Yang, she smiled slightly and said, "I'm much more relaxed. It seems that the Night King's injury is not light."

The Dark King said suspiciously: "You really wounded the Night King and killed the Frost Dragon? I know something about that dragon. Although it absorbed too much dark power, the true dragon power was damaged. . But its power is still terrifying, even if this king meets it, it will take a lot of effort to defeat it. What's more, the strength of the night king is far above you and me. If they join hands, you should have no chance at all. ."

Chen Yang smiled faintly and said, "You should have known that I am not an ordinary person. Could it be that you thought I ran out for a while, deliberately hurt you, and then asked you to find the Night King to die?"

The Dark King was suspicious in this way, but he didn't expect that Chen Yang could see through his mind at a glance.

The Dark King has long stopped treating Chen Yang as a sixteen-year-old boy. In his heart, Chen Yang is a mysterious demon **** from ancient times. He feared Chen Yang from the bottom of his heart.

The Dark King groaned for a moment, and then said: "This king is just curious, you have thought about it yourself."

Chen Yang said: "You have to kill the Night King. Now the Night King is seriously injured. It's a good time. But right now, I really need to recuperate. Therefore, the important task of searching for the Night King lies with your Dark King."

The Dark King said: "The Night King is a person, very mobile. If this king takes everyone with him, it is difficult to track him down."

Chen Yang said: "You can lead the team and take some people to find. We just leave some people here to guard. Anyway, I am injured and I can't help you temporarily. You are with us, we It will become your burden, won't it?"

The Dark King said, "But if the Night King takes the opportunity to kill you?"

Chen Yang said: "That is our business. Although I am injured, I am confident that I still have the ability to protect myself and the people around me. Also, the Night King simply does not have the ability to attack us, and it is too late for him to escape. The Dark King, this is. The only chance. You must not take it lightly!"

The Dark King thought for a while, and finally said: "Okay!"

He quickly called on his troops, took his disciples and left.

Chen Yang and his party stayed where they were.

After that, Chen Yang crossed his knees and started healing.

He also knew that expecting the Dark King to kill the Night King was mostly useless. But there is one advantage of the Dark King running, that is, he can drive the Night King to run around, so that the Night King has no time to recover from his injuries.

What Chen Yang needs is this time difference. After his injury is healed, he will slowly brew the Night King. The more he had contact with the Night King, the less mystery he had in the Night King, and the more confident Chen Yang was.

Chen Yang told Hei Suzhen in the dark ocean, saying: "Since the Night King knows our true body, it means that our true body is also in this place. We can still find our true body. Once we find our true body, we You can change from passive to active."

Hei Suzhen said: "I also tried to find the real body, but I have no clue."

Chen Yang was very optimistic, and said: "It's man-made."

Everyone rested.

Chen Yang carefully checked his injuries. The damage to his internal organs could not be repaired in a short time. He must absorb more dead spirits to strengthen himself.

Chen Yang instinctively resisted these dead spirits, but now, with life and death, he couldn't worry about that much.

In this place, one stay is three days.

The three days were very peaceful.

Chen Yang's injuries have all recovered under the nourishment of the spirit of death.

The Dark King was driving the Night King Manshan to run, and his injury was still not getting better. Furthermore, Chen Yang's injury was not as serious as the Night King.

Chen Yang's injury was caused by the dark power of the dead, but the night king's injury was caused by the most domineering power of Thunder.

After Chen Yang recovered from his injuries, he contacted the Dark King.

He asked the Dark King to guard everyone's safety, and he began to hunt down the Night King all over the hillside.

The Dark King naturally had no opinion.

The dark king's understanding of the dark and deadly spirit is not as good as Chen Yang, so it is difficult for him to hunt down the night king. But Chen Yang is different, Chen Yang's knowledge is more profound than the Dark King, so his grasp of the spirit of the dead is much more refined than the Dark King.

It didn't take long for Chen Yang to comprehend in the dark abyss and accurately locked the position of the Night King.

After that, Chen Yang chased and killed the Night King.

The Night King is exhausted!

In the depths of a dark abyss, Chen Yang finally caught up with the Night King.

There is no escape for the Night King. He turned to face Chen Yang...

Chen Yang also looked at the Night King.

"I don't need to kill you. You withdraw the power of darkness in my sister's body. Then take us to find the true body. So, what you want in the future has nothing to do with me. If you can, I will leave you some of my true body It’s not impossible to have the power of Xianli!" Chen Yang stared at the Night King and said, "You didn’t agree before because you thought you still had a chance to gamble. But now, you should know that I don’t need to lie to you.

The Night King also stared at Chen Yang. After he was silent for a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "Do you really think you won?"

Chen Yang felt bad and said, "Could it be that you have nothing to worry about?"

The Night King said, "Yes, because this king suddenly figured out a very crucial question."

"Oh?" Chen Yang said.

The Night King said: "Previously, this king wanted to grab a little value from you, and then be able to go to the world. But now, this king suddenly thought, why only grab a little value? Why must it be limited to this celestial sphere? ? If this king becomes you, wouldn't it mean you can travel in the starry sky?"

"What are you talking about!" Chen Yang's expression changed.

The Night King laughed and said, "If this king dissipates and merges with the aura of the dead again. Then, all the aura of the dead will be regarded as the king, and the king can resurrect on your sister and occupy Everything about her. After this, go and take your real bodies, and at that time, I will be your sister."

"This is impossible, you never have this ability!" Chen Yang was shocked.

The Night King laughed and said, "This king is going to leave."

After he finished speaking, his figure began to faint...

Chen Yang was shocked, he stretched out his hand to catch the Night King, but only caught the body of the Night King. But there is no longer any soul in the night king.

Night King, really disappeared.

Chen Yang smashed the night king's corpse into pieces with a palm. Then he turned around and quickly went back to find Suzhen in black.

He soon joined the crowd.

Suzhen in black still sat cross-legged, motionless.

Chen Yang came to black Suzhen like a gust of wind, and asked anxiously: "How are you now?"

Black Suzhen frowned and said, "He's dead?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "In a sense, he is indeed dead. What do you think?"

Everyone immediately rejoiced upon hearing this.

Another person shouted: "Look, there is an exit."

In that dark place, a dark door appeared.

From the outside to the inside, there is darkness.

I looked at the outside from the inside, but I saw the ice and snow.

Everyone had long been anxious to leave this ghost place, and they were all ecstatic when they saw the way out.

Chen Yang didn't care about these, he only had black clothes Suzhen in his eyes.

Black Suzhen shook her head and said, "I don't think it's so good."

Chen Yang said: "Let me see!" He went to check Suzhen's pulse, and immediately noticed that the dark power in her body was surging, devouring everything about her...

If this continues, Suzhen in black will be full of dead spirits.

This was not terrible at first, but Chen Yang was really afraid that the night king would take over Suzhen in black and replace Suzhen in black.

This is something Chen Yang cannot accept and cannot bear.

"Let's leave here first!" Su Luomo couldn't help saying.

Everyone agreed with his proposal.

Chen Yang also felt that he had to leave this place first, leaving this ghost place, then the dark power would be weakened.

So everyone went to the entrance of the cave together...

But, soon, everyone found that black mist surged around Suzhen Hei, like a vortex of storm. As soon as she approached the entrance of the cave, it began to be filled with darkness. Instead, she stepped back and the hole opened again.

"You all go!" Chen Yang didn't make everyone embarrassed. He said, "Don't be embarrassed. Most of you are following me just to get out of here. Now, you can go. Anyway, you are here too. it can not be helped."

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he drove out the Dark Dragon and sat down with Suzhen in black.

"Let's go!" The Dark King was clean and tidy.

Most of the others also said they wanted to leave.

On the contrary, Xiaoyao King, Jade Rakshasa, and Miao Renhong expressed that he wanted to stay.

Ye Chaoning and Ye Feng also stay.

Su Luomo also spoke, saying that he would stay.

This is not a big contradiction, even though Chen Yang said it doesn't need it. But the one who persisted in staying remained after all.

The Dark King and everyone else left.

After these people left, the hole disappeared.

"It seems that the Night King is not dead. The Night King obviously wants everyone to leave and leave Jing Yao here!" Ye Chaoning said first.

Chen Yang ignored everyone, he saw Suzhen Black's face becoming paler. He detected that the dark and death aura in her body was becoming more and more turbulent...

Seeing that Suzhen in black was about to be completely occupied by the spirit of the dead.

And everyone is helpless.

Chen Yang didn't know what the consequences would be if Suzhen in black was occupied by the spirit of the dead. But he feared the terrible consequences.

He secretly said: "Darkness, darkness, light, yes, light!"

Therefore, he worked hard to drive the bright dragon energy, and then transported this dragon energy into the body of Suzhen Black.

It's a pity that the power of this light is really like the light of rice grains compared with the dark and dead aura.

Doesn't work at all!

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