My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2726: Time is running out, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

At this moment, everyone finally grasped the initiative.

The entrance of the cave is also unblocked.

Chen Yang asked the black Suzhen next to him in a deep voice, and said, "How are you feeling now?" Black Suzhen frowned and said, "Nothing has changed."

Chen Yang was slightly startled.

He thought that their joining would make Suzhen Black's injury better. But he quickly understood the situation, that is, they added the breath of the necromancers, although they successfully blocked the attacks of the necromancers. But it did not change the nature of the darkness of the dead. Therefore, Suzhen Black's injury did not improve at all.

It must have hurt the Night King...

and many more!

Chen Yang suddenly shuddered.

"Isn't the Night King already injured?"

"Oops, I was fooled, I want to make a difference in this situation." Chen Yang's heart was suddenly startled.

"Haha..." Just then, the Night King's voice came.

"Do you really think that in such a short period of time, you can be counted as a complete solution?" The Night King sneered: "You are too conceited. Although you have successfully blocked the necromancer, what you can't think of is When you die alone, the dark power of the undead will be strengthened. And if a master like you joins the camp of the undead, then the dark power of the undead will become unusually powerful. And this king...this king It would take a long time to heal from his injuries. But with your help, the king can heal in a short time. By that time, you will all die!"

Chen Yang and others were disgusted when they heard this.

These conversations were all conducted in the dark ocean, Suzhen Hei did not know, and the rest of them were even more unclear.

Chen Yang quickly recovered his calm.

"Night King, I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore. Maybe you are right, you will become stronger, but the master of the dark breath of the dead soul may not necessarily be you." Chen Yang said in a deep voice.

He paused and said, "You dare to move pictures on my sister and me. You are really self-conscious! Let's just wait and see. In the near future, I will cut off your head myself."

The Night King sneered and said, "Now, let's make your mouth hard first!"

After that, the Night King withdrew from the Dark Ocean.

Chen Yang and others also withdrew from the Dark Ocean.

The Dark King said: "Now, what should we do?"

He also regarded Chen Yang as the backbone.

Chen Yang said: "I don't know what to say. Take one step and count one." He paused and said to Suzhen Black: "We have all absorbed the breath of the dead now. If you let the darkness of the Night King What will happen if power is swallowed?"

Hei Suzhen said: "What you absorb is the breath of this dojo, which is naturally formed. The night king belongs to the dojo, and the dojo is not the same as the night king. Therefore, you can still maintain your true self and not be the night king. Control. But the power of darkness in my body belongs to the Night King. If I let it erode, then I will become a slave to the Night King!"

"This..." Chen Yang couldn't help but get into trouble.

He also understood the meaning of Suzhen in black, and the truth of this made him understand.

So right now, the only way to save Bai Suzhen is to kill the Night King.

"Let's go in!" Chen Yang said nothing.

He doesn't dare to be separated from everyone now. Once separated, these people are likely to be buried in the hands of necromancers. Chen Yang and others can push away the necromancers nearby, and the distance is far, the control power is definitely not comparable to the Night King.

Moreover, Chen Yang was even more worried about putting Black Suzhen in the hands of others.

But if you only bring Suzhen in black, can Su Luomo not bring it? Su Luomo took it, Ye Chaoning, can Ye Feng leave it alone?

So, every word, you have to bring it.

In fact, Chen Yang wanted to fight the Night King with the Dark King, but that was also neat.

A group of people enter the cave.

After entering the cave, they could see clearly that there was a cave in it.

What I went before was the tunnel.

But now, it seems to have entered the interior of one hundred thousand towering mountains.

There is endless darkness inside this, just like the dark ocean that Chen Yang and others often enter.

When the rest of the people enter it, they can't see the road ahead. It was Chen Yang who used the power of the fire dragon to illuminate the front so that people could see the road ahead clearly.

Inside the cave, there are mountain roads everywhere, with dangerous slopes, stalactites, and some wonderful dangerous peaks. On the other side, there are streams.

This inner world is very weird.

I thought I could see the Night King when I came in, but now I find that it is still difficult to find the Night King.

Chen Yang remembered that when he saw the Night King in the dark world before, he was in a small cave, and he was definitely not in front of him.

"His strength is accelerating recovery!" At this moment, Suzhen Hei said with a pale face.

She seemed extremely strenuous.

Everyone was surprised when they heard this. Chen Yang was even more frightened.

He asked Suzhen in black, "How long can you hold on?"

"At most half an hour!" Suzhen Black said: "At that time, I will be completely controlled by the power of the Night King. At that time, I will become your enemy."

"If you can't do anything, kill her!" The Dark King suddenly said after hearing this.

"Dare you!" Chen Yang suddenly furious. He looked at the Dark King and said murderously: "If anyone dares to hurt her hair, I will kill anyone."

The Dark King said coldly: "She was able to defeat the Night King and the Frost Dragon in her heyday by herself. If she is controlled by the Night King, we will all die. Could it be that the life and death of these people doesn't matter? ?"

Chen Yang blurted out and wanted to say it was not important!

In his eyes, it really doesn't matter.

But at this time, under everyone's eyes, if everyone is not important, it will make the situation between himself and Suzhen in black even worse.

"You are here to guard, I will be back in half an hour." Chen Yang glanced at everyone and said.

He paused and said: "If any of you dare to do something to my sister, don't blame me for being ruthless. If something happens to her, I don't want to live anymore. And all of you will be buried!"

"Don't worry!" Ye Feng stood up and said, "I will do my best to protect Jingyao's safety."

Ye Chaoning immediately said, "I will too!"

Chen Yang nodded. He finally looked at Suzhen in black, the two eyes met...

"Wait for me, never give up, you know?" Chen Yang's eyes were soft.

Black Suzhen smiled reluctantly and said, "I know, go!"

At the moment, Chen Yang turned around and quickly plunged into the darkness.

Hei Yi Suzhen said a word of caution in her heart, but after all she did not say it. Asking her to be a child, she will never learn.

But at this time, she felt very strange inside her.

In the past, when she was strong, she didn't feel that Chen Yang had much responsibility.

But now she suddenly remembered that she was suppressed by Miao Shan. At that time, Chen Yang's weak body dared to hold the Nine Heavens Profound Girl in front of everyone, forcing Miaoshan to submit.

He dared to accompany himself to the thunder robbery!

And now, he was injured again. He became like a great giant again, which made her feel at ease.

Chen Yang rushed out like lightning.

In about ten minutes, he had been a long way away from Suzhen in black.

It was on a dangerous peak, and next to it was an endless abyss.

Below the abyss is endless darkness.

In front of that finally appeared the Night King, and the figure of the Frost Dragon.

Chen Yang knew that if he did not come out alone, the Night King would never show up. Half an hour is definitely not enough.

And when he came alone, there was no need for the Night King to hide.

All he wants is to break them one by one.

Chen Yang had to fight the Night King to the death.

In front of him, the Night King was wearing black armor, like a **** of death.

The Frost Dragon was even more mighty, and his eyes condensed the breath of death, just staring at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang felt a chill in his back.

He has faced countless opponents in his life, but the crisis before him is no less than any crisis in the past.

"Do you think you can defeat this king and the frost dragon alone?" The Night King said coldly.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, let's get started!" Chen Yang shot directly.

He was in the shape of electricity, but he carried Thunder Dragon Qi all over his body, and then rushed towards the Night King.

He wanted to rip the Night King to pieces close by.

The Night King stood calmly.

The frost dragon spit out death ice...

For an instant, Chen Yang felt a strong wind enveloping him, followed by a strange cold.

This strange cold froze in an instant, and Chen Yang became a sculpture.

"Unbearable!" The Night King sneered when he saw it, and slapped it with a palm.

Chen Yang suddenly roared, and the lightning on his body rushed out, shattering all the ice. At the same time, the superb palm power of the Night King was already in sight.

Chen Yang's body is vertical, with electric light on his body, and he has reached ten meters in height between the lightning.

The Night King fell through.

Chen Yang was in the air, grabbing thunder and lightning with both hands, and then violently beheaded towards the night king.

His angry blow was no small matter.

The power of that Thunder is domineering. Even the Night King cannot be underestimated at this moment. His eyes drenched, then condensed the necromantic vortex. Thunder slashed in and entered the sea like a mud cow.

Chen Yang ignored these and attacked and killed the Frost Dragon with the aura of the flying dragon. He first sacrificed a fire dragon to rush towards the frost dragon. The frost dragon spewed frost and easily smashed Chen Yang's fire dragon.

But Chen Yang took advantage of the Frost Dragon's mouth to spit out, and his body sprang up, and carried lightning into the Frost Dragon's mouth.

This entry, like thunder and lightning, rushed into the dragon's throat, followed the huge mouth and entered the dragon's stomach.

The giant dragon's stomach is actually full of necromancers!

Obviously, the dragon lives by eating dead monsters.

The stump of the necromancer was lame and soaked in the disgusting gastric juice. The gastric juice is like ice with super corrosive power.

Chen Yang was full of viscous gastric juice, which was really disgusting to the extreme.

He sacrificed the Thunder God Sword and slashed violently. Even if the dragon's stomach is hard, it can't bear it when encountering fierce masters like Chen Yang.

The stomach shattered instantly, gastric juice, stumps rushing around.

The frost dragon let out a scream, and began to attack everywhere, then shook his body and fell towards the abyss.

Chen Yang felt this, and then opened a hole with the sword of thunder.

In the next moment, he took the flying dragon and flew upward.

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