My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2361: Fate, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Going to Vermilion Star is much farther than going to Donau Star, and the specific distance is more than ten times farther. When Chen Yang arrived at Dunau, he left at will. The position of Danube is concealed, so human technology has not discovered this Danube. As for Suzaku, humans can't detect it.

Of course, Kepler's fairy world is farther than Vermilion Star. But the reason why human science and technology discovered the planet of Kepler was captured by light.

As for the development of the Kepler fairy world, it is because the alien creatures on Kepler arrived on the earth first. As a result, the fairies ran over and enslaved them.

Although, it is often said in science fiction that aliens are stronger than the earth. But the fact is that the immortals on earth are an extremely special and powerful race. In terms of technology, the earth is not good. But in terms of boundless magic power, the earth is still powerful!

What Chen Yang envisioned was that with the skills of Qiao Ning and Mingyue Xianzun, it is clear that he has not yet reached Vermilion Star. The best result was that they and Qiao Ning and the others arrived at Suzaku Star in about the same time.

And what Chen Yang worries most is that Qiao Ning and the others have the ability to deal with the danger along the way?

Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi prepared enough food, medicine, and stored air. The air stored in their bodies can survive in outer space for ten years. Coupled with the stored air system, it can survive for a hundred years in outer space.

Along the way, the blue and purple clothes were in Chen Yang's black hole spar.

Right now, Chen Yang is in charge of the flight first.

Chen Yang was not very busy either. He was always looking for wormholes during the flight. This place is close to the earth, it is difficult to have wormholes.

Lan Ziyi and Chen Yang also talked while flying.

"It looks a little absurd." Chen Yang couldn't help but said to the blue and purple clothes who was practising calmly on one side.

"Oh?" Lan Ziyi's face was calm, she looked at Chen Yang and said, "Why is it absurd?"

Chen Yang said: "A vague Suzaku star, so far away. All the way, how dangerous. This undercurrent in the universe, even the masters of creation can't handle it. They just ran away, I always feel absurd, no Most likely. I'm a little scared, because we are in the wrong direction."

Lan Ziyi nodded and said, "It is indeed very likely that our direction is wrong, but you have also got rid of Xuan Zhenghao and help you find them. On the earth, someone can help you do it. But on the Vermilion Star , Only you can do it. So, don’t need to think too much. We’ve done so much effort, it’s impossible to retreat now. They always have a one percent chance that they have gone to Suzaku, we can’t give them up, no ?"

"Of course not!" Chen Yang said: "If they really go to Suzaku Star, I really can't figure out what can make them make such crazy actions. At such a distance, Qiao Ning should tell me somehow. Shall we go again?"

Lan Ziyi said, "Now that we guess so much, it doesn't help. Just go there!"

Chen Yang sighed and said, "It can only be so."

Lan Ziyi said: "Speaking of which, this is the first time that we have acted together on an equal footing. Before, you were too tender and faced real dangers and could not count on you."

She looked a little emotional.

Chen Yang's thoughts were pulled back by Lan Ziyi, and he remembered how shocked he was when he first saw Lan Ziyi. Thinking of her hand of ice.

Naturally, one should not forget the unforgettable trip to the shadow world and help Lan Ziyi regain the position of King Phoenix.

Chen Yang is very fortunate to have a confidant and friend like Lan Ziyi in this life.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to go now." Chen Yang couldn't help saying.

Lan Ziyi smiled and said, "I'll help you, it's very simple. Because you don't need to take too much risk, and when you helped me, it was a lifetime of nine deaths. So, we don't need to discuss this."

Chen Yang said, "That's true."

After that, the two chatted about other things.

Chen Yang told Lan Ziyi many of his experiences, Danube Planet, Black Clothes Suzhen and so on. His experience is rich enough to be written into a book. Lan Ziyi also listened with gusto, and she became more interested in Black Suzhen.

Chen Yang said: "After coming back this time, I will introduce you to both of you."

Lan Ziyi said: "Okay, that's what you said." She paused and said, "The waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward, and now I gradually feel that I am old."

"Old? You are not old." Chen Yang said: "The life of a monk is endless."

Lan Ziyi said: "It's not about age, just feeling my state of mind. Bai Suzhen can face the Bodhisattva and see death as home. Xuan Zhenghao can leave a pair of hearts and burn himself in the world of Yuqing. You can die nine deaths and go to any Yama hell. Get up, I feel that I am not as courageous as you."

Chen Yang said: "Aren't you staying with me for a lifetime? Actually, you don't have to think so. People naturally lack courage when they are calm and comfortable. But when things come, they often make unexpected choices. Bai Suzhen's breath was unsatisfactory back then, maybe you were suppressed in such an injustice, you will be like her and regard death as home!"

Lan Ziyi said, "You also have some truth in what you said!"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "It makes sense!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang said: "I have always been talking about myself, and I rarely hear you talk about your previous things. I used to think that your strength is in line with the ancient gods, but then..."

"Later, when you saw the real ancient gods, did you feel that my strength was missing?" Lan Ziyi asked jokingly.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Of course, your strength is now in line with the ancient gods."

Lan Ziyi said, "The undead ice phoenix race comes from ancient gods. There are many types of phoenixes, including fire phoenix, ice phoenix, blood phoenix, and black phoenix."

Chen Yang said, "Isn't it that the phoenix is ​​actually the phoenix male, and the phoenix is ​​the female?"

Lan Ziyi said, "That's right! It is called Phoenix, and there are males and females among all kinds of phoenixes. I am the Phoenix King, not the Phoenix King!"

Chen Yang said, "Oh, that's it!"

Lan Ziyi said: "The Phoenix clan was almost annihilated in the battle between gods and demons. Now, I may be the only living phoenix in this world."

"No?" Chen Yang was taken aback.

Lan Ziyi said: "Even if there is a living phoenix, it is not a purebred phoenix. I have not experienced the war between gods and demons. The time when the war between gods and demons took place was before human civilization. Therefore, this is the ancient war between gods and demons. The existing civilization of mankind is only five thousand years old. Many of the beasts are over 10,000 years old, but this does not mean that humans did not have civilization before civilization. It is just that from the current history of the world, there are many omissions. Very shallow."

Chen Yang said, "You said before that the battle between gods and demons was during the time of the three emperors and five emperors?"

Lan Ziyi said: "It was just a small battle, not a real battle between gods and monsters. I didn't know before. After this deep sleep, my skill increased, so the ancient memories awakened more. That's why I know this! "

"That's it!" Chen Yang suddenly realized.

Lan Ziyi continued: "Among the types of phoenixes, the immortal ice phoenix is ​​the most special. There is only one immortal ice phoenix, and there will always be only one. As long as we give birth, we will die. This is passed down through a single vein, I haven't seen it. Through my mother. Some of my memories of Phoenix are passed on to me by my mother."

"This..." Chen Yang said, "It seems that your life experience is worse than mine."

Lan Ziyi said: "I have never experienced any family relationships, so I don't feel miserable. It's like you've never been in the dark and never seen the light. Then you won't long for the light."

Chen Yang could not hear the joys and sorrows in the words of blue and purple clothes.

He didn't know what to say.

Lan Ziyi then said: "The immortal ice phoenix has an immortal body, so it survived the battle between gods and monsters. I am only more than a thousand years old so far."

Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled and said, "You are still very young at your age. I have an apprentice who is over 800 years old."

Lan Ziyi couldn't help but sneered, and said, "How old are you?"

Chen Yang said: "That's not what I said, the master is respected. It's not impossible to accept a 3,000-year-old apprentice."

"That's true!" Lan Ziyi said.

She paused, changed the subject, and said, "Chen Yang, I absorbed the soul of a three-headed monster a few days ago. It doesn't feel good!"

Chen Yang was slightly startled, and said, "Is it possible to be backlashed!"

Lan Ziyi said: "Backlash is impossible, I'll take care of it."

Chen Yang said: "At the beginning, Bai Suzhen hunted countless masters, absorbed their fragments, and greatly increased her mana. She tempered her with thunder, and felt sure that she was safe, but later there was a big mess. We almost died in it!"

Lan Ziyi said, "Really?"

Chen Yang said, "I didn't tell you in detail. When we were suppressed by the Mahayana scriptures in the Buddhist world, there was a problem in Bai Suzhen's body."

Lan Ziyi said: "The soul is different, don't you also absorb a lot of souls?"

Chen Yang said: "Xianzun absorbed a lot of my soul, and then there was trouble."

He looked very worried, and then said: "You know, what you have absorbed is the soul of the threefold creation!"

Lan Ziyi said: "Chen Yang, don't worry, it's not the problem. I will deal with it together with Xuan Zhenghao. He uses the Great Transcendence technique, and I use the Bridge of Naihe to clean it. There is no problem at all."

"But you still feel bad. You now have the ability to make a whim, and your feelings can't go wrong." Chen Yang worried.

Lan Ziyi said: "My feeling is not short-lived. It seems to have a sense of fate. In fact, I have felt it from a deep sleep. The mystery of the fetus, the reincarnation technique, the bridge of Naihe, and why I It is the only phoenix alive. Especially, this is still in the midst of killing and robbery."

Chen Yang shook his head, looking a little anxious, he murmured, "I won't let you have anything, absolutely not!"

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