My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1951: A wish, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang pondered for a moment, and then said: "Sometimes the truth sounds like a lie."

Song Lingshan didn't understand, she said, "I don't understand what you mean."

Chen Yang said: "Have you heard of Parallel World?"

Song Lingshan said: "Parallel world? What do you mean?" Chen Yang smiled faintly, and said: "You answer me first."

Song Lingshan said: "Many scholars have studied, saying that there may be parallel worlds in the world. But they are all limited to research. No one can confirm this."

Chen Yang laughed, and he said, "Then are you interested, listen to me tell a story."

Song Lingshan hesitated for a moment and said, "You want to say that you and I met in a parallel world?"

Chen Yang said, "It's just a story anyway, it doesn't hurt to listen to it, right?"

"Okay, say it!" Song Lingshan said.

Chen Yang talked about things in the parallel world right now. When he talked about the earliest time, he was stupid and had a crush on Song Lingshan. Later, after he became receptive, his academic performance improved. He tells the story of him, Song Lingshan, and Linger together. Talk about the Taishan tour that year, talk about the snacks on Furong Street, talk about the scenery of Zhongtianmen and so on.

Chen Yang also talked about Song Lingshan's secret love in a funny way. "That time, you gave me a jar of things. Inside were many pieces of paper cut into roses. Behind each piece of paper is your mood. You told me not to reject you, you said because you have nothing Request. I told you I'm sorry, you cried that day, and you said, why did you say sorry? You have nothing to say sorry to me. These are all my own scumbags and scumbags. What does it have to do with you?"

Song Lingshan's face flushed when she heard this. She became a little embarrassed and said, "What are you making up, I wouldn't treat a boy like this. Boys always chase me."

Chen Yang smiled slightly. He enjoyed the story very much, looked at Song Lingshan in front of him, and then talked about those things. As if at this moment, he returned to that beautiful time.

That was the gift that God gave him to re-enter his youth and re-enter the campus.

Chen Yang continued to talk about some interesting things in the university, but he did not say other strange things.

"So, in the end, are you with Situ Ling'er, the monitor?" Song Lingshan said.

Chen Yang nodded.

"Then I wash my face with tears all day?" Song Lingshan said. She did not call Chen Yang for you at this time.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "That's not true, this is not your character, is it?"

Song Lingshan said, "This story is ridiculous. But it's also fun. You must have also studied at Nantah University? Otherwise, you won't be able to explain the details of our school so clearly."

Chen Yang said: "In that lifetime, I was at Nanda. But in this lifetime, I never went to Nanda."

Song Lingshan said: "The more you talk about it, the more it looks like it, even if what you said is true. Then how do you know about that life, but I don't remember it at all?"

Chen Yang thoughtfully said, "In fact, I often think about what is true. You said, is it true that the gods and demons co-exist. Or is ordinary campus life true?"

"Uh, brother, do you have a mental problem?" Song Lingshan looked at Chen Yang with some fear.

Chen Yang was startled slightly, then laughed.

"Well, you can treat me as if I have a mental problem." Chen Yang paused, and then said: "If you have listened to my nonsense for so long, then you can make a wish to me. No matter what the wish is. , I can help you achieve it. Of course, you can't let me kill people for you, or give you 10 billion dollars or something. It's not that I can't help you achieve it, but I can't do it. It's no good for you!"

"Really?" Song Lingshan's eyes lit up.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Carefully make a wish, there is only one chance."

Song Lingshan said, "You can really do everything?"

Chen Yang gave a dry cough and said, "Well, what I said just now was a bit too full. You can do most of them, not everything."

Song Lingshan tilted her head to think for a moment, and then said: "I hope I can have a house in Yanjing. The house where my name is written must have three bedrooms and two halls, and a small garden. Is this okay?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "This is completely okay."

Song Lingshan fixedly looked at Chen Yang. After a long while, she smiled and said: "Well, let's stop acting. If we continue to act, I will think it is true."

Chen Yang smiled faintly and said: "Let's be here today, let's see you in the future. Thank you for listening to the story I told you for so long!" He stood up and waved to pay the bill.

Song Lingshan said: "The story you told is very interesting, I almost believed it." She paused and said, "But you helped me today, so why can't you pay the bill. I'll ask you!" "

Chen Yang smiled, but did not insist.

After Song Lingshan paid the bill, she bid farewell to Chen Yang.

At this time, the sunset was brisk, it was so beautiful. A faint of cold wind blew, Song Lingshan couldn't help shivering.

She bid farewell to Chen Yang and walked on the road.

To her today, it is very strange and absurd. She thinks Chen Yang is a mysterious man. Very wise, but it seems a bit insane.

She still wanted to hope that Chen Yang's words would come true, with a trace of luck. But when she paid the bill, Chen Yang didn't insist, and she felt it impossible.

Later, Chen Yang did not ask for her phone number. Her last hope was all disillusioned.

But Song Lingshan still felt a little strange, wondering why Chen Yang knew her.

"This man is too strange. He still knows the information of Mr. Liu!" Song Lingshan secretly asked, "Is he engaged in information investigation, or is an advanced hacker? But he talked to me for so long, telling such a ridiculous story. For what?"

Song Lingshan couldn't understand, she entered the subway station under such doubts.

On the subway, Song Lingshan kept thinking about it, but she couldn't figure out why.

Song Lingshan graduated from Nanjing University in Shanghai. She was originally from Dongjiang. After graduation, I stayed in Shanghai for a few years, but it has never been suitable. Recently I went to Yanjing with my boyfriend.

After Song Lingshan arrived in Yanjing, she moved in with her boyfriend. It's a twenty-six-year-old girl, and everything should be experienced. But in the past six months, Song Lingshan felt very confused.

Her family is pretty good in Dongjiang, but Dongjiang is just a small city. She doesn't like the life of Dongjiang very much, it is full of leisure, ease, and everything depends on relationships. And the prosperity of this big city brings countless opportunities, which makes Song Lingshan yearning. She doesn't want to go back!

But her boyfriend, Zhou Bin, is not motivated at all. Every day after get off work, he cocked his legs and played with the latest King Pesticide.

Zhou Bin never thought that his only advantage would be tall and handsome.

Song Lingshan fell in love with his skin at first.

In this world, there are many beautiful skins, but very few interesting souls.

Song Lingshan felt that she had no hope in Yanjing.

She and Zhou Bin rented a room in a remote place. When I got home, it was dark. Today Zhou Bin was resting. After she entered the house, she saw Zhou Bin playing games on the sofa.

His shoes and socks were littered aside.

There is a box of instant noodles on the table, and there is a smell of instant noodles in the room.

"What am I eating?" Zhou Bin did not look up when Song Lingshan came in. Song Lingshan asked coldly.

Zhou Bin looked up, he just glanced at Song Lingshan, and then said: "Eat instant noodles, I bought a box."

Song Lingshan's anger couldn't help coming up and said: "You are playing games, going to work, getting off work, and playing games all day long. Have you thought about our future?"

If nothing happened, Zhou Bin said while playing the game, "What do you think? Is it because of the struggle of the two of us, can we still buy a house in Yanjing? If we work for a few years, let's go back to our hometown and get married."

Song Lingshan said: "Yen Jing is not without the opportunity, you haven't looked for it, you have found it. Could the opportunity fall from the sky?"

"What's the matter with you today? Take gunpowder?" Zhou Bin was also a little annoyed, and said: "I have no money, no connections, no technology, what opportunities can I look for? I thought, you have become so vulgar now? Your eyes are fixed on the few successful entrepreneurs. Have you seen the unsuccessful corpses below?"

"It's shameful that people have failed, at least they have tried it." Song Lingshan said: "I don't ask you to be successful. If you get off work early, you can't bring the vegetables back by the way and make some warm meals? Is it necessary to cook? Is it a woman?"

Zhou Bin said: "In my house, my mom always washes and cooks. My dad and I never do it!"

What he said was very righteous.

Afterwards, Zhou Bin got up and said, "You are getting more and more unreasonable, too lazy to care for you!" Then, he went to the room and closed the door.

At that moment, Song Lingshan suddenly died.

To be precise, she had finally made up her mind about what she had been hesitating. She truly died of Zhou Bin.

It turns out that this world is not a fairy tale.

When on campus, Zhou Bin is a grass-level male god. He is sunny and laughs. He plays basketball well. He sweats like rain on the court and makes countless girls fall for him.

But this is the cruel reality!

After leaving the campus, he was nothing at all, but a pretty skinny at best.

Just when Song Lingshan was secretly hurt, a man in a suit and leather shoes appeared in the corridor.

This man is in his thirties and wears gold-rimmed glasses, gentle and elegant.

He looks like a successful person. Zhou Bin stood with this man, like a childish child.

The door is not closed.

The man looked at Song Lingshan, Song Lingshan cleared up her emotions, and at the same time looked at the man suspiciously.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Song Lingshan?" The man asked politely and politely.

Song Lingshan nodded and said: "I am, you are...?"

"Oh, that's it, I was sent by Mr. Chen Yang." The man said with a smile.

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