My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1687: The vastness of Zhouguang, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

This time, Chen Yang moved to a more desolate place. In this place, there were continuous swamps and dense forests in the distance, and the environment was extremely harsh. Chen Yang didn't care about this and immediately dived into the ground. He now holds the fossilized stone in his hand, and it is not too difficult to drill into the ground. I have been burrowing for 10,000 meters, and along the way, I encountered rocks, urged by fossilized stones. The molecules in those rocks collapsed and turned into rock water. After Chen Yang passed through, he immediately returned to rock again.

After reaching a depth of 10,000 meters, Chen Yang settled down, and then took Jie Xumi out of the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds. Then, he plunged into the ring Sumi with lightning.

Once inside, it was immediately much more spacious.

But at the same time, Chen Yang also felt the difference. That's why it's so stuffy inside, so stuffy that makes people crazy.

In the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley, there is no air in or out. These days, Qiao Ning and Qin Keqing are in a state where there is no air to breathe. Fortunately, masters like them are able to store air by themselves. So nothing will happen.

Chen Yang quickly communicated with Qiao Ning with magic power. He and Qiao Ning had merged with Yin and Yang many times, so this time the fusion was also very smooth.

Although Qiao Ning was in a coma, Chen Yang's mana had been licensed by Qiao Ning's brain. Chen Yang can be described as unimpeded.

After Chen Yang and Qiao Ning's mana merged, they found that Qiao Ning had been troubled by that Zhou Guang. That Zhou Guang flashed rules and light in Qiao Ning's brain. Fortunately, Qiao Ning has been in the Black Yellow Divine Valley Seeds, otherwise, with these Zhouguang, Bruner can kill Qiao Ning in the air.

"Big Devouring Technique!" Chen Yang quickly performed the Great Devouring Technique.

After a while, these Zhouguang were completely swallowed by the Great Swallowing Technique, and finally Chen Yang condensed it into a small pellet with the Great Sealing Technique. Chen Yang threw these Zhouguang Dan pills into the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds.

After Zhou Guang was resolved, Qiao Ning woke up immediately.

As the two men's mana merged, Chen Yang communicated through consciousness to tell Qiao Ning all the current situation.

"You mean, Profound Yellow Liquid can get rid of the breath of my body, but there will be great risks. You want me to get rid of the fire mother aura from my body first in the Profound Yellow Divine Valley seeds?" Qiao Ning quickly understood Chen Yang means.

Chen Yang said, "That's right. When you get rid of the pyroclastic breath on your body, I will take you back to the Jokhang Mansion. When you get there, you won't be afraid of Bruner's offense."

Qiao Ning said: "Okay!"

Subsequently, Chen Yang came out of Jie Sumi. Then threw the entire Jiexu Mi into the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds.

After that, Chen Yang quickly left the depths of the earth. He then moved thousands of miles to hide in a green hills and waters. In the mountains and rivers, looking for a hiding place is still very simple.

Chen Yang waited for a day for Qiao Ning to get rid of the fire mother's breath. Because the fire mother breath has existed for many days, it is much easier to get rid of it now.

After that, Chen Yang went to the Jokhang Mansion.

The formation above the Jokhang Mansion was huge, so even if Yan Jiuniang wanted to repair and prevent people like Chen Yang, it would be impossible. Chen Yang used the Xuanhuang Liquid to enter the Jokhang Mansion without knowing it. Then check in at an inn near the palace.

By this time, it was already night.

The Jokhang Mansion is still extremely calm, and the night sky is quiet.

Although the Emperor of the Jokhang Mansion has changed, there has not been any change for the people and the community.

It was Yan Jiuniang, a strange woman who stepped up in time, that really saved the Jokhang Dynasty from the fire. On such a night, one carelessness, from then on, the Jokhang Dynasty will go to an end.

The room in the inn is quite big, it is antique and the environment is very good. After all, it is at the feet of the emperor.

Qiao Ning could finally come out to breathe fresh air. She and Chen Yang ordered some wine and food.

"We have only been in Central World for more than half a month." Qiao Ning couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and said, "But the frequency of our near death is still quite high."

Chen Yang said: "It just so happened to figure out the conspiracy of Lingzun. Otherwise, we humans will always be unprepared."

"Next, what are your plans?" Qiao Ning asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "I still want to see Yan Jiuniang first, but I don't dare to see it yet. Qin Keqing is in my hands, I hope I can use it as a bargaining chip."

Qiao Ning said, "Qin Keqing is a bargaining chip? That's a good idea. But there are drawbacks. This will appear insincere, and Yan Jiuniang may not believe our words."

Chen Yang said: "Take one step and count one step. The best situation is that we persuade Qin Keqing first."

Qiao Ning said: "Once Qin Keqing is released from the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds, it is very likely that Yan Jiuniang will be alarmed."

Chen Yang pondered.

Naturally, he knew all of these conditions.

"Linghui, do you have any ideas?" At this time, Chen Yang called out Linghui.

Monk Linghui jumped out. He changed into a small tree sapling and said, "Whatever is wrong, it’s not good for grandmothers and mothers. Regardless of whether Qin Keqing will lose her memory, try to feed her Xuan Huangye and take the Taoist friend. The food is halved. If she really loses her memory, then forget it."

Chen Yang and Qiao stared at each other, and then Chen Yang decided to do what Monk Linghui said.

It is impossible to want to be perfect in everything.

I can only take some risks.

Chen Yang asked Monk Linghui to feed Qin Keqing a drop of Xuanhuang liquid into Xuanhuang Shengu seeds.

After that, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning could only wait patiently.

Monk Linghui is guarding in the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley. Chen Yang sealed the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley, and then started practicing with Qiao Ning.

The yin and yang of the two merged.

"I finally figured it out." Chen Yang said suddenly in the fusion.

Qiao Ning said, "What do you know?"

Chen Yang said: "I've been thinking about how the four outstanding foreigners, Yu Wenxiu and others caught up. Later, Yu Wenxiu and others were resolved, but Bruner and the others were chasing after him. I thought about it. It may be that we left some traces in the Yuhua Gate. Or it was a certain formation, a certain wonderful atmosphere was contaminated by the two of us. Later, Yu Wenxiu and others fell into the hands of the deities, deities. It is to follow us based on the breath of Yuwenxiu and them."

Qiao Ning said, "When you say this, I think it's the same. But how can I solve the aura in me?"

Chen Yang said: "Wait a minute, wait for Qin Keqing's situation. If she can successfully relieve her breath, then I will give her a smaller dose for you."

Qiao Ning said: "It can only be so."

Qin Keqing woke up a day later.

The fire mother aura on her body has completely disappeared.

However, there is still no way to eliminate the Zhouguang Law in her. Chen Yang first gave Qiao Ning a small drop of Xuan Huangye. After Qiao Ning took it, he relieved his breath.

When this kind of breath is on the body, it is unconscious, but when it is released, it can still be detected by the sensitivity of the master.

Qin Keqing was still in a coma, and Chen Yang did not dare to let her out. Because Chen Yang was afraid that Bruner would kill Qin Keqing in the air by relying on the Zhouguang Law.

Although Chen Yang had a big swallowing technique, he couldn't swallow the law of Zhou Guang in Qin Keqing's brain. Chen Yang and Qiao Ning are in love with each other and spiritually merged, so Chen Yang can actively devour them. But it just didn't work with Qin Keqing.

Moreover, even if Chen Yang taught Qin Keqing the Great Devouring Technique, Qin Keqing could not practice in a short time to the point where he could swallow the laws of Zhouguang. Furthermore, Qin Keqing's coma was due to the suppression of the Zhouguang Law.

Therefore, Qin Keqing can wake up only after the Zhouguang Law is lifted. When Qin Keqing was in a coma, it was impossible to learn the big swallowing technique.

From another perspective, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing have no friendship. The Great Devouring Technique is a supernatural power, and Chen Yang is so generous that he would easily teach the Great Devouring Technique to Qin Keqing.

"How to remove the Zhouguang Law in her body?" Chen Yang and Qiao Ning still faced such a problem.

Chen Yang was puzzled, so he had to ask Monk Linghui again.

Monk Linghui said, "Don't you have Zhou Guang Wan, Fellow Dao? If you can understand Zhou Guang's rules, maybe you can break the Zhou Guang rules on her?"

Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

"This is a good way."

"Yes, it's not bad, but will it be dangerous?" Qiao Ning asked with some worry.

Monk Linghui said: "This law of Zhouguang has been swallowed by the Great Swallowing technique to be extremely pure and will not cause any harm. In fact, the poor monk estimates that Zhouguangwan is outside of the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley, that Bruna It's also impossible to sense. It's just that Taoist Chen Yang is a cautious person."

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Let me try. If I can crack the laws of the universe, then I won't be so passive when I see those spirits again."

Monk Linghui said: "Yes!"

Right now, Chen Yang swallowed one of the Zhouguang pills.

This Zhouguang pill was swallowed into the abdomen and immediately dissolved. Dissolved into a stream of essence, Chen Yang incorporated this essence into his brain.

At this moment, Chen Yang's head bounced.

He saw the vast universe in his mind, it was a boundless existence.

Hundreds of millions of planets are floating in the void.

Hundreds of millions of planets, billions of principles, billions of rules!

Which rule is the right way? Which kind of rule is eternal?

Very vast!

Chen Yang felt a headache. This Zhou Guangwan seemed small, but it contained too many things. Chen Yang feels that he has spent his entire life, and it is difficult to understand it thoroughly.

"No!" Chen Yang said secretly: "Among the spirits, many spirits can display the light. Could it be that I would be stupid than them? This is impossible. By the way, one life is two, two begets three, three begets everything, and everything is After all, it is born in a lifetime. Therefore, there are hundreds of thousands of rules in Zhouguang, but in the final analysis, they still belong to one. What is this one? If I want to control the power of Zhouguang, I must find this one."

Chen Yang's thoughts were turned, and he was thinking hard.

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