My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1628: Blood in front of the palace, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The lord of the Moon Palace Hall Lian Ruyan said sternly, she said: "If what you said is true, this is the life and death of the Mingyue Palace. I don't want to ask the Palace Owner to resolve this matter."

Li Tianruo said: "..." She didn't know what to say.

"What's wrong with the palace lord?" Immediately, the other hall lords realized something was wrong, so they questioned Li Tianruo in unison.

This matter is too serious.

"Palace Master..." At this moment, Fan Qinghua's leisurely voice came. "Palace lord has been controlled by Li Tianruo. This rebellious courtier wants to rebel and wants to take the place of the lord of the palace instead. Lords, don't be fooled by Li Tianruo's rhetoric."

When her voice fell, she saw the figure flash.

Then, Fan Qinghua appeared in the field.

After that, another figure flickered, and Xiao Yuanshan, Xiao Jianyu and Ling Xia all came.

At the same time, the disciples of Tai Shangfeng, the masters also came together. And surrounded the periphery of Mingyue Hall. "Xiao Yuanshan, Xiao Jianyu?" When the hall masters saw these two people, they couldn't help losing their color.

Both of these belong to ancient masters!

If there was no Mingyue Immortal Venerable, the hall masters would indeed be a little frightened when they saw these two people. If Fan Qinghua and Ling Xia were on the side of the hall masters, they would also have some confidence.

But now, Fan Qinghua and Ling Xia colluded with Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu, which really made all the palace masters feel terrified!

"Fan Qinghua, you really are going the other way." Li Tianruo saw Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu, and his heart suddenly sank to the bottom. At the same time, she was furious and said, "Fan Qinghua, Ling Xia, my master treats you as kindly as a mountain, you betrayed my master, you **** it!"

Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu watched coldly at this time and did not speak.

And Ling Xia immediately said: "Li Tianruo, the **** one is you. You are the one who tried to seize the position of the palace lord, injuring the palace lord secretly, and then controlling the mind of the palace lord. The palace lord is a world-class figure, the world , Who can hurt the palace lord? If it is not someone close to you who can be caught off guard, how can the palace lord be seriously injured? Today, we are going to clear the side of the emperor! Li Tianruo, Jian Hongchen, your limit is here."

"Nonsense, it's unreasonable!" Jian Hongchen immediately said angrily: "My master hates Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu the two people. You are in collusion with them to murder my master. Right now, you are actually turning black and white. You. Do you think that the hall masters do not have their own discrimination?"

There was fire in Li Tianruo's eyes, but at this moment, she was helpless except for helplessness.

Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu really came, and Fan Qinghua and others were so unscrupulous. It seems that he is sure that the master was seriously injured. Li Tianruo would know that the general situation is over and everything is over.

"Okay, then we will let the hall masters distinguish!" Fan Qinghua sneered again and again. "Senior Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu came over this time, but the palace owner sent someone to invite her. She didn't want to be controlled by you forever. Although the palace owner and the two Xiao seniors had hatred. But in the end, there are masters and disciples. Love and justice. Now, Senior Xiao Yuanshan and Senior Xiao Jianyu come here regardless of their predecessors, just to punish you two traitors and rescue the palace owner."

"I am!" Li Tianruo spit heavily. "Fan Qinghua, you are slanderous and reverse black and white. Even if my master is dead, he won't go to Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu for help. You said that I controlled my master, so well, I will let my master speak."

Fan Qinghua said: "Okay!"

The hall masters whispered one by one, undecided.

And those disciples are also in panic.

At this moment, in Mingyue Hall, the voice of Mingyue Xianzun came out.

"What happened outside, so noisy?" Mingyue Xianzun had a white jade belt with a handsome jade face. She walked out lightly. Although the words are faint, there is a kind of majesty.

The moment she walked out, Fan Qinghua and Ling Xia's hearts jumped, but there was an inexplicable fear.

Their fear and jealousy towards Mingyue Immortal Venerable is deeply rooted.

As for the other hall masters, the disciples immediately bowed and bowed.

"Disciples, see the palace lord!" All the disciples knelt.

Those hall masters also bowed to see you.

The only ones who did not bow were Fan Qinghua, Ling Xia, Xiao Yuanshan, Xiao Jianyu, and the disciples of Tai Shangfeng.

Those disciples also wanted to bow, but in the end they remembered Fan Qinghua's explanation.

After Mingyue Xianzun came out, he coldly scanned everyone present. Her gaze first fell on Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu. Her complexion changed suddenly.

Xiao Yuanshan smiled slightly and said, "Mingyue disciple, I heard your cry for help and came over immediately. Although we have some grievances, we are all masters and disciples after all. If you are in trouble, how can you die as a teacher? "

Xiao Jianyu smiled faintly beside him, with a trace of gloomy coldness hidden in his smile.

"I am looking for you for help?" Mingyue Xianzun felt baffled. Then she smiled and said, "It's a big joke."

Fan Qinghua took a deep breath and said, "Palace Master, we know that you have been calculated by Li Tianruo and controlled your mind. Don't be afraid, we are here to rescue you today."

"Save this seat?" Mingyue Xianzun smiled, and she said: "Elder Fan, what **** are you talking about?"

Fan Qinghua smiled coldly and said: "Palace Master, now your mind is charged, if we offend, it is all for the millennium plan of Mingyue Palace, please don't take it off."

"Does this seat look like you have controlled your mind?" Mingyue Xianzun said lightly.

Everyone looked at Mingyue Immortal Venerable, the palace lord remained the same, and his majesty was even greater, and indeed there was nothing wrong with it.

Even Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen had an illusion in their hearts. "Is the master really not injured?"

At this time, Fan Qinghua laughed loudly. She faced Li Tianruo and said: "Li Tianruo, you are so good!"

"I do good things?" Li Tianruo was so angry that Fan Qinghua's accusation almost exploded.

Fan Qinghua said: "Your master has brought you up, treats you as yourself, and teaches you the magic to reach the sky. Now you have controlled your master so that she is not a human or a ghost. How can you bear it? Your Master Neither of us knows about her temperament. If she hadn't been controlled by you, she had seen Senior Xiao Yuanshan and Senior Xiao Jianyu at this moment, and there would still be so many things to say, so she would just take action."

"Yes!" Immediately, the Lord of the Moon Palace Hall Lian Ruyan agreed with him: "I understand the temperament of the palace owner too much. If Elder Fan really colluded with Senior Xiao Yuanshan and others, the palace owner would still talk nonsense at this moment. Just kill it. How can the palace master be subjected to such insults! Li Tianruo, I have long felt that something is wrong with you."

Lian Ruyan at this time should be regarded as the first person to surrender to Fan Qinghua.

The person here is not the shrewd person.

Fan Qinghua dared to do this action, then he must have something to rely on. This reliance is Mingyue Xianzun injured.

Since Mingyue Xianzun came back more than a year ago, it has been very different. The senior officials of Mingyue Palace had long been suspicious, but now they just confirmed what they thought.

But right now, Mingyue Xianzun came out, just scolding, but didn't do anything. This is obviously not the style of Mingyue Xianzun.

This matter may seem confusing, but in fact, each of these people's hearts are like a mirror.

Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen were heartbroken, and they came to Mingyue Xianzun unconsciously.

"Master, these thieves are determined to oppose me in Mingyue Palace today." Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen knelt before Mingyue Immortal. Li Tianruo continued: "The disciple is incompetent, but today is dead, and I have to work hard to protect you."

Jian Hongchen's eyes blushed and said: "The disciple and the master sister will not leave today, so they are here to live and die with you." Then, she stood up to protect Mingyue Xianzun, looked around everyone, and said sharply: "Who wants to move today? A single hair of my master stepped on the body of my Jian Hongchen." Li Tianruo also exclaimed passionately: "Plus me!"

"Really behaved loyal, deep and righteous!" Ling Xia laughed loudly and praised her with her palms. Then, she looked cold again and said, "It's a pity that no one will be fooled by you and be deceived by you."

"Fan Qinghua, Ling Xia!" Mingyue Xianzun said. Her complexion was pale.

Fan Qinghua looked at Mingyue Xianzun, and she said: "Palace Master, your mind is under control now. We can't listen to you what you say. But don't worry, we will rescue you as soon as possible."

"The mind of this seat is not controlled by others." Mingyue Xianzun said: "This is this, I believe you know it in your heart, and everyone here knows it too. Fan Qinghua, you are an old man in the Mingyue Palace, this seat. I don’t want you to be overwhelmed. Now, this seat gives you the last chance to kneel down and admit your mistakes. If you don’t, wait until this seat makes a move, then don’t blame this seat for being ruthless.”

"Xiao Mingyue!" Xiao Jianyu sneered and said: "It's this time, what are you still pretending to be garlic. These people, which one is ordinary. Will you be intimidated by your pretense?"

Mingyue Xianzun ignored Xiao Jianyu, she just looked at Fan Qinghua and Ling Xia coldly, and said, "If you look back now, this seat will not be blamed for the past. You are still the Supreme Elders of the Supreme Peak. In the future, no one should mention today’s Who dares to defy the matter, this seat will kill without mercy. How?"

Fan Qinghua and Ling Xia remained silent.

At this moment, the two men fought with heaven and man in their hearts.

They almost want to look back.

Xiao Yuanshan watched coldly, he could make a move at this time, but he just couldn't make a move. He wanted Mingyue Xianzun to taste the taste of this kind of betrayal. He wants Mingyue Xianzun to give up.

After a long while, Fan Qinghua said slowly: "Palace Master, we will definitely save you. Wait a minute!"

A cold light flashed in her eyes suddenly, and in the next second, she shot Mingyue Xianzun.

Fan Qinghua grabbed Mingyue Xianzun with a palm. In the void, energy surged, and a large purple handprint came towards Mingyue Xianzun.

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