My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1201: Bug King, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang couldn't help being overjoyed, but he immediately thought of something and said: "Through hard work, in order to free you. If you count it this way, wouldn't it be better if you didn't join in?"

Lan Ziyi smiled slightly and said, "I won't tell you more about this, but in the future you will understand why I want to join in. This is definitely not an unnecessary move!"

Chen Yang was startled slightly, then his face changed and he said, "You mean, are you trying to block the robbery for me?"

Lan Ziyi said: "Of course not. You think I was just to be frozen once for you. If that's the case, who can't do this. Do you consider me such a humble value?"

Chen Yang said, "Then...?"

Lan Ziyi said: "Why do you need to go to the bottom? I said, you will understand later."

Chen Yang saw Lan Ziyi say so, and said: "Okay, then." Then, he said again: "Then you still didn't say what the task is this time, why is it worth so solemnly? This task must be extremely difficult. Okay. Maybe, I won't get these benefits. This time I have to send you to the ice."

Lan Ziyi said: "This task is really difficult to do. Only you can reach this place in this world. Therefore, this task is unique to you. No one can replace you. I can't. Neither will the Star Lord, nor the Divine Emperor. Neither will the other Kings of Destiny!"

"What task is it, it's getting more and more mysterious?" Chen Yang's face became serious.

Lan Ziyi said, "Everyone in this world will get sick, you know that."

Chen Yang said: "Nonsense!"

Lan Ziyi said: "It can also be said that there are countless parasites, viruses, bacteria, etc. in the world. Both humans and animals have their own immune mechanisms. When the human immune mechanism fails, it will Died from bacteria and viruses. When people are young and old, this immune mechanism is weak, so they especially like to get sick."

Chen Yang did not interrupt Lan Ziyi's words, he listened patiently.

Lan Ziyi said: "But it is said that once, a very terrifying parasite was produced in the world. After this parasite grows, it reproduces quickly and is difficult to kill. This parasite can penetrate into humans or animals. In the brain, people and animals mutate. They are concealed, and once they are successfully parasitized, they are infinitely powerful. Moreover, they can also control mana. More importantly, this parasite has wisdom, some parasites, wisdom It even surpasses humans. These parasites have a paranoid thought. They don’t think of themselves as parasites, germs, and pests. They think that the largest virus, germs, and parasites on the planet are humans. They think of humans. They are wantonly destroying the earth, changing the ecological environment of the earth, and destroying the earth. In order to save the earth, their purpose is to eliminate all human beings."

Chen Yang couldn't help losing his color, and at the same time, he couldn't help but said: "Yes, in our eyes, this kind of parasite is really hateful and terrible. But in the eyes of the parasite, we humans are indeed such a role. Endless. Mining is violently destroying the earth."

Lan Ziyi said: "Maybe. But this parasite is too paranoid, they will accelerate the destruction of the earth. So this is the reason why heaven can allow humans to survive, but they cannot."

Chen Yang said, "Does this parasite still exist?"

Lan Ziyi said: "Of course it exists. The parasites actually broke out in Country M, but they were quickly covered up. Those parasites were quickly wiped out. At the same time, heaven also played a role. Parasites The insect emperor is hidden in the parallel world by heaven."

"Parallel world?" Chen Yang said, "Does it really exist?"

Lan Ziyi said: "Of course. In theory, this world is composed of countless parallel worlds. These worlds are parallel to each other and do not affect each other, but they exist in parallel."

Chen Yang said: "ABCD, if we are A world, there are parallel B world, C world, D world, then which world is real?"

Lan Ziyi stunned for a moment, and then she said with a bitter smile: "You really asked me about this question. Each of us feels that we are the only self-centeredness, and we are all the protagonists in our lives. Then the same, in other In the parallel worlds, there are you and me. You and I will feel that you are the protagonist and real. If those planes are centered on the main world, but between the parallel worlds, I have not penetrated. This is also the reason why the star lord doesn't talk to you directly."

She paused and said: "At least, we think that the parallel world you are going to currently does not belong to the main world. Because the rules in this parallel world have been changed. The insect king was originally in our world, but it The mutation and absorption capacity is too strong, and the ability to reproduce is strong, even if the earth is destroyed, it will not be destroyed. Moreover, the insect emperor can also use mana, so-called to contain the insect emperor. Heaven exiles the insect emperor into this parallel world In this parallel world, there is absolutely no mana. Although the insect king is powerful, it cannot break the rules of this world. Therefore, it is in a state of no mana."

Chen Yang said, "So what do I need to do now?"

Lan Ziyi said: "The star master wants you to get the brain nucleus of the insect emperor. Its brain nucleus is very important to the construction of the Star Palace."

"This brain core is so powerful, if it falls into the hands of the star master, wouldn't it make it more difficult for the star master to deal with it?" Chen Yang said.

Lan Ziyi said: "What is difficult to deal with, does the star master want to dominate the world and unify the martial arts? Is it because you have read too many martial arts novels. The star master has the brain core of the insect emperor, builds the star palace, and avoids the catastrophe. In the future. , He will also give you this ticket, wouldn’t it be great?”

Chen Yang said: "This..."

Lan Ziyi said: "Also, in this parallel world, the insect king has already formed a scale. It wants to destroy the parallel world so as to break the rules. If it comes to our world, it will be the whole The disaster of the earth. We are now sending you to an era where the parasites have not yet erupted, so that you can accumulate strength and then eliminate the insect emperor."

"Why me?" Chen Yang said.

Lan Ziyi said: "Why are you? First, only you can pass. Of course, it is not the real you, but the transmission of your soul consciousness. This is because you are the king of destiny in the main world. This life style is your only one. Second, in the parallel world, mana is absolutely forbidden. Your style of play can be said to be the best in the world. You used to work better than anyone. The rules of the parallel world Even if the **** emperor passes, he will become an ordinary person. Where you are, you can become the absolute king. Only you can kill the insect emperor."

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

Lan Ziyi said: "You are ready to go to Star One Hall with me later. I want to cooperate with the Star Lord to pass your soul through."

"Passing through?" Chen Yang was a little confused.

Lan Ziyi said: "Parallel worlds do not interfere with each other. The human body cannot survive at all, and only the soul can pass. The clever thing here is that after you passed, you crossed into the parallel world to Chen Yang. There is also Chen Yang, so between you, your soul will not repel your body."

"How do you know everything over there?" Chen Yang asked.

Lan Ziyi said: "The star master has the celestial eye to see all over the world. This is the mystery he has seen!"

Chen Yang said: "After I passed, the main task was to kill the insect emperor, right?"

Lan Ziyi said: "Yes, but the insect emperor has always been hidden in humans. Even if the star master has the Sky Eye, he has not found out who the real insect emperor is. Therefore, after you pass, it is not possible to find the insect emperor directly. The time in the parallel world is the same as ours, but we will let your soul travel directly to the year you were 15 years old, because after a year, the parasite will break out of a world war. At that time, the entire parallel world will become The wasteland world."

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "This seems to be against the way of heaven. You are changing the development of things, and you also let me travel through time and space. This is tantamount to disrupting time and space."

Lan Ziyi said: "That's why only you can complete this task. No one can succeed if others go. Even if the soul passes through, it will be burned to death by the magnetic field. But you are different. You are a man of heaven. By doing this, we are doing things for the Dao of Heaven. In addition, this parallel world is essentially a world of big viruses, and what we want is your anti-virus system to pass. The Dao of Heaven is not doing nothing. Maybe choosing you as the King of Destiny, just follow This parallel world is related, you are the antivirus system chosen by Heaven!"

Chen Yang said, "Well, will I die?"

Lan Ziyi said: "Nonsense, do you think you are a person of Heavenly Dao, you will not die? Heavenly Dao has many helpless things. For example, this insect emperor is something that Heavenly Dao feels tricky. You may die at any time, so this matter No joke."

Chen Yang said: "Well, I hope I can come back." He paused, then said: "Then how long do I have to perform the task."

Lan Ziyi said: "One month!"

"Damn!" Chen Yang said, "How could it be possible. If I remember correctly, I would have no mana and my body is also weak. For a month, I may not even be able to beat an ordinary man."

Lan Ziyi said, "You stupid pig!" She was a little frustrated, and said, "Don't forget, you went back twelve years ago, that is, when you were fifteen years old. It takes twelve years for you to be normal. In other words, you have twelve years and one month for this task."

"Wow, such a long time?" Chen Yang immediately exclaimed again.

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