My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1008: Jiuyou Tiandi, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Xuan Zhenghao suddenly yelled and said, "Wei Wuji, Lan Tianji, Gongsun, you do your best to stop the Eight Tribes of Tianlong, I will kill Changsun Lan!"

"Yes, the emperor!" The three big masters should be in a sudden.

Chang Sun Lan's eyes condensed, he clearly felt that the offensive of the three masters had become fierce, and he wanted to give Xuan Zhenghao a chance.

Long Sun Lan knew that Xuan Zhenghao was so powerful, how could he give Xuan Zhenghao a chance, he simply dispatched Ashura to him, and a total of four masters surrounded Xuan Zhenghao to death.

The other masters of the four majors and eight divisions fought with Lan Tianji and others. Changsun Lan injected the supreme mana into the Heavenly Dragon’s Eight Buddhist Profound Pagodas, and these eight masters kept absorbing the energy from the Profound Pagoda. They were fierce and hard to surrender

It is easy to kill, but difficult to surrender!

Chang Sun Lan also saw the intention of these people, so he swears to his death.

The Eight Tribes of the Heavenly Dragon is a perfect reincarnation. If any one of the Eight Tribes dies, the damage to the Eight Tribes of the Heavenly Dragon is fatal. Therefore, Xuan Zhenghao did not allow any eight tribesmen to be killed. This is also the problem that everyone is facing now. It cannot be killed, but it is difficult to surrender. Especially Xuan Zhenghao wanted to take the opportunity to kill Changsun Lan, but he was besieged by four masters.

Although Xuan Zhenghao had no problem dealing with it, it was a little difficult to break through the siege.

"Hey!" At this moment, the mysterious man in black named Gongsun suddenly appeared ghostly behind Changsun Lan. The Yuanyin White Bone Sword in his hand pierced Chang Sun Lan's back.

Come out!

Chang Sun Lan spit out a mouthful of blood.

The Tianlong Babu congregation lost the mana support of Changsun Lan, and immediately escaped into the Tianlong Babu Buddha Pagoda.

"So..." Extreme fear flashed in Chang Sun Lan's eyes, and he suddenly understood one thing. It turned out that Xuan Zhenghao was using a trick, he deliberately said that he was going to kill himself. So that he can use more masters to deal with him.

At this time, it was for this killing party.

It was precisely because of Xuan Zhenghao's confusing trick that Changsun Lan ignored the horror of this killer.

Gongsun’s most powerful technique is the assassination technique, so from the very beginning, Gongsun’s mission was to kill Changsun Lan.

Tianlong Babu Futu Xuan Pagoda fell down, Lan Tianji reached out and caught the Tianlong Babu Futu Xuan Pagoda. Chang Sun Lan suddenly roared and set off to detonate herself.

Suddenly a black book appeared in Xuan Zhenghao's hand. This book was a magic weapon used by Xuan Zhenghao when he was in the Great Thousand World. It was called a magic book!

Xuan Zhenghao unfolded the magic code, and after the magic code was unfolded, it was like a black display screen. He muttered a word in his mouth and pinched the magic formula in his hand. In an instant, the light in the magic book was radiant. Suddenly, a **** hand imprinted out of the magic book and emptied out, instantly pinching Changsun Lan, and then grabbing back into the magic book. . Then, the magic book returned to calm.

Xuan Zhenghao put the magic book into the ring Sumi again.

"Emperor, Heavenly Dragon Eight Buddha Pagodas!" Lan Tianji took the Yuanshen and respectfully presented this world's treasure.

Xuan Zhenghao took over the Eight Buddhas of the Sky Dragon Profound Pagoda, and at this moment, in the void, a big golden handprint suddenly appeared out of thin air. This golden handprint was like a big mountain, and it suddenly appeared in front of Xuan Zhenghao and the others.

This golden handprint is to take Xuan Zhenghao and others together.

Lan Tianji and the others couldn't help but lose their color, because they felt the infinite and magnificent meaning bred in this golden handprint, which made people feel like they could not resist.

Xuan Zhenghao sneered, and said, "Old Demon Jiuyou, you tear the void and stretch out a hand to capture me? Tell you, no one in the world can capture me like this." Then, in his eyes. The cold light flashed.

"Weaving rivers and mountains!" Xuan Zhenghao slammed his entire body with mana and slammed a punch. Suddenly, this punch was issued and quickly turned into a majestic mountain! The magnetic field changes, like a big mountain, hitting the golden handprint.


The towering river and mountains were instantly destroyed by the golden handprints.

"In the middle of Dahai Town!"

Xuan Zhenghao punched again.

Suddenly, the fist power turned into the sea, and the sea roared and crashed away.


The big golden handprint smashed the sea.

"The vast emperor might be the world!"

Xuan Zhenghao punched again.

This time it is also a golden fist!

The majesty of the infinite emperor roared out, and the golden fist mark was dazzling to the extreme.


The big golden handprint was directly blasted to pieces by the golden fistprint.

Lan Tianji and the others let out a sigh of relief. Lan Tianji said hurriedly: "My lord, are you okay?"

Xuan Zhenghao's complexion was as usual, and he said coldly: "Old Demon Jiuyou is really powerful. I am afraid that the emperor will be able to fight with one of his skills." He paused and said, "But fortunately, Old Jiuyou The demon is now trapped in the demon robbery, so he can't take care of himself. He won't be able to get out in a short time. When he comes out again, I will be almost ready.

Lan Tianji and others immediately said: "The emperor Shengming!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Let's go!"

On the way back, Xuan Zhenghao and others kept flying. Xuan Zhenghao said to Wei Wuji, Lan Tianji and Gongsun: "You must be very strange, why do I take Lan Tingyu and Chen Yang so much, right?"

Lan Tianji said: "The emperor, you have always been considered exhaustive. You must have your reason for doing this!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The thing of luck is very wonderful. The **** emperor and I are both people who have no luck. But people who don't have luck don't mean that they won't survive. We can borrow luck. The **** emperor has always been Taking the Heavenly Dao as the criterion and pursuing the Heavenly Dao, the wind goes smoothly. Now the old demons in the Jiuyou Old Demon want to use the Heaven Continent Plan to turn around, but they are going against the sky. But they have no way, they must use this method to find vitality. This is my opportunity. If I can stop the Tianzhou Project, it will be a great contribution. Lan Tingyu and Chen Yang are also chess pieces arranged by the Heavenly Dao, so I want to do the Heavenly Dao, so naturally I want to reuse them. ."

"The emperor Shengming!" Lan Tianji and the others said immediately. This sentence is not flattering, but from the bottom of my heart I feel that the emperor has supreme wisdom.

The emperor's every move was profound.

This time the disaster in Linxi County was a deliberate move by the Momen to disrupt Dakang. However, the emperor used four or two strokes to solve the problem, and smoothly slayed a super master of the Demon Sect, and won the artifacts such as the Eight Buddhas of the Heavenly Dragon.

Before the disaster in Linxi County, Lan Tianji came to discuss with the emperor. The emperor said that this is a conspiracy of the magic door. And the emperor also said that this time why the Demon Sect has to pay some price.

The price is to punish Changsun Lan and seize the eight Buddha Pagodas of Tianlong!

All this was in Xuan Zhenghao's calculations, including letting Gongsun assassinate Changsun Lan, which was also an accurate calculation for Xuan Zhenghao.

Except that Old Demon Jiuyou had better get out of a hand to capture it suddenly is an accident. But this accident was also suppressed by Xuan Zhenghao.

Chen Yang thought hard for a whole night, and the next day he came up with a way. Then he went to discuss with Qiao Ning and others.

Lan Tingyu and Su Yanran were both present.

The plan passed quickly and smoothly.

Later, Lan Tingyu asked the county magistrate Sima Hao to organize the manpower immediately.

Sitting on the Forgotten Peak, Huang Banruo and others have not waited until the return of Graphic Dao. And Huang Banruo received another message that the master sent by the Protoss had lost contact. It may have been ambushed by the Dakang court!

Moreover, the eldest prince on the side of the Protoss made it clear that he would not give any reinforcements to the Supreme Master.

The real headache for Luo Tianxin at the moment is how to return the Eight-Buddha Profound Pagoda of the Heavenly Dragon. With the loss of such artifacts, he could not explain to his father Jiuyou Tiandi anyway.

How precious is the Tianlong Babu Buddhist Pagoda?

It can be seen from the fact that Jiuyou Tiandi, who has always been unable to take action, could not help tearing apart the void and grabbing it.

Luo Tianxin also knew, unless it was a real declaration of war. Otherwise, how many masters are sent over, they may become cannon fodder. Dakang Chao heard that the water here is too deep.

Huang Banruo said to Ba Zhiwen: "His Royal Highness Tianxin has already said that he will not send us any more reinforcements."

Ba Zhiwen couldn't help being surprised. He said: "How can this be possible now that the court is heavily suppressed?"

Huang Banruo said: "His Royal Highness is already angry. He is very dissatisfied with our actions, and one of the masters sent this time has disappeared even with the artifact. This shows that the court has been monitoring this matter and is currently , Our Protoss does not yet have the conditions for a real war with the Dakang court. You have to understand this!"

Ba Zhiwen said: "When you picked things up, your Protoss promised that you would stand behind me. Now that you have stabbed such a big basket, will the court let me go? Didn't you harm me?"

Huang Banruo said: "The Dog Emperor has not sent additional manpower to Linxi County at present, because he is sure that these two young people can solve the problem at the moment, and probably want to experience them. The master of Pakistan, the Supreme Sovereign Church would have disintegrated, could it? Do you think the Dakang court can be overthrown by the Supreme Master?"

Ba Zhiwen was startled slightly, he also knew what Huang Boruo said.

Huang Banruo said again: "After we have done one thing now, we can leave."

"Huh?" Ba Zhiwen said.

"His Royal Highness is dissatisfied with us here. If we just go back in such a dingy manner, we will definitely be punished, and you will not be looked down upon. But if we are going to completely disrupt Linxi County, then Your Highness will definitely look at us with admiration." Huang Banruo said. : "We need to vote for the name, the master of Pakistan!"

Ba Zhiwen said: "You mean that we must destroy those grains and grass?"

Huang Banruo said: "Yes. The grain is destroyed, the flattering kills it. It will take another month for the court to transport grain, and it will take another month for the refugees to wait a month."

Ba Zhiwen said: "Now it is within the control of the imperial court. At a certain time, letting these refugees go out to beg is actually the solution."

Huang Banruo said: "Of course we thought of what you said, so we can remotely control those people to burn and looting with the refugees. Once this force becomes the climate, the entire fire of Dakang will be ignited by us. "

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