My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1685: Are you dead too?

Dust? Fate↘文?Learn↓ Chapter 1685 You are also dead,

Mu Fei turned around in the air by virtue of waist strength, and dumped the talented girl out of the way.

But the little girl is safe, but he is unlucky,


There was a muffled sound, and the'box door' hit the back of his body firmly, followed by a whirl of the sky, he was smashed and flew out, but this time was not light, Mu Fei felt like he was being driven quickly 'S train hit the general, the powerful force made him unable to resist,


Mu Fei's mouth was sweet, and a spit of blood spewed out. The strong pain made his scalp burst tightly, and his brain was dizzy.

'This time... It's a big game...' Mu Feiqiang endured the pain, anxious and helpless. He had thought before that this task might be dangerous, but he didn't expect it to be so dangerous. I don't know what the guy called'Sea King' is really too strong and abnormal. Even if Mu Fei's most powerful opponent before, Deng Dongshan, the head of Denggu Mountain, did not have this guy. Tough,

And the situation at this time is very optimistic,

Although Mu Fei did not have time to check his injury, he knew that the injury was definitely not lighter than before, and at least one or two ribs had to be broken. At this time, his state should not be said to be fighting, even if he can't escape with a talented girl, waiting for this Neptune to come down, whether he or the talented girl, they are dead.

It must be said that Mu Fei was relatively unlucky before he got a new weapon, and he encountered this opponent for the first time, but he did not know that his bad luck was not over. What happened next made him more speechless. ,


With just a crisp sound, he felt his ‘face’ was light, and his glasses broke in front of his eyes, fell, and fell into the water,

It turned out that just when he was hit, something hit his glasses just now. It was just that he was so painful and focused on himself. He didn't notice the'injury' of the glasses. Come, such a strong battle, it is very difficult for these glasses to persist until now,

"Neptune, my old wood," Mu Fei suddenly angered,

Just now he was not angry at being violent, but now he is angry. You know, that pair of glasses is Xiao Xiaomeng’s ‘body’,

Although the product is only artificial intelligence, she has become more and more humanized for more than a year, and she is more and more like a real girl. In Mu Fei's heart, she has also regarded her as her sister and family. Treat, but at this time, the glasses are actually broken... That little cute can still be good,

Mu Fei now feels like his loved ones were seriously wounded by bad guys and their lives are in danger. He wished to kill the murderer and all the people related to the murderer.

And now, he can't do that naturally, let alone he is not the opponent of the Neptune at this time, even if he can beat the Neptune, he can't go, now his most important thing is really'she' has not sunk , Hurry up and pick up'her',

This is in the sea.If you can't pick her up and sink to the bottom of the sea now, it is really a haystack.Not to mention Mu Fei, even if it is'Superman', it is useless and impossible at all. To,


Mu Fei fell into the water,

'Neptune, I remember, I must repay this hatred, I will not let you go,,' Mu Fei is really angry, he'roared' in his heart, although the Sea King is a dead, But let Mu Fei bury Xiao Meng in the sea and escape himself, he can't do it,

While thinking, he has gritted his teeth and struggled with all his strength, swimming in the direction of the glasses, which is Xiao Xiaomeng, but he has not found'Xiao Xiaomeng', but he is seeing that he is pinching his calf, Fluttering non-stop, look at her like this, it seems... leg cramps,


Seeing here, Mu Fei saw the little girl like a balloon, spitting out many bubbles, then stopped moving, tilted her head, and the whole person slowly sank,

Mu Fei is speechless, now he knows what it means to be "a leak in the house, even the rain at night", he is too unlucky, right?

I was seriously injured and couldn't fight anymore. There is an opponent who can take his own life at any time. This little girl and Xiaomeng also fell into the water at the same time...Is it trying to kill yourself,

‘Mud horse, fight,’

Mu Fei gritted his teeth again, enduring the pain in his body and desperately swimming in the direction of the little talented girl,


But Mu Fei did not know that he fell into the water on this side, the ship Shanghai Wang Zheng was about to jump down, but someone suddenly stopped him,

"Neptune, all right,"

If Mu Fei heard this, he would be amazed enough, because this sentence was spoken in Chinese, not bird language,

As if Neptune did not hear it, he still had to jump,

At this time, a fishing rod was stretched out and blocked in front of Neptune. Yes, it was a fishing rod. The kind of fishing rod used for fishing, but this ordinary, thin fishing rod, it seemed like As heavy as a catty, even the "Metamorphic Muscle Man" like Neptune can't push it open,

"Fisherman, don't stop me, he gave up all my hands, I will kill him, kill him," Sea King roared,

"Cut, it doesn't grow out... what are you arguing about,"

With this voice, a little old man who looked more than one meter and six meters tall, turned back and hunched back, appeared beside the sea king out of thin air,

This little old man doesn't look young. His beard is gray, his hands are dry and rough, and the skin on his face is also tightly wrinkled.It is estimated that he must be at least seventy years old, but he is wearing a big hat, not looking To his eyes, he held the fishing rod in one hand and a cigarette pot in the other.

"What is "noisy" or something, then I will suffer in vain," Neptune screamed, screaming, shaking his only half of the palm left,

"Oh, this is what you asked for, if you don't underestimate the enemy, you will hurt so much,"

This old man named ‘Fisherman’ laughed lightly and tapped the cigarette pot twice on the sole of the shoe.

"Okay, go if you like..."

Afterwards, the fisherman withdrew his fishing rod and stopped the Neptune. "But you can think about it, contrary to the consequences of the order, I will only remind you of the old man, so that you will not regret it at that time..."


When I heard this, I went down to kill Mu Fei’s Neptune one second before, and suddenly ‘quilled’ a lot,

After struggling for a long time, in the end he still did not jump,

"Fak, I didn't expect that the Chinese kid was so hard to deal with, he lost a lot, this time he lost a lot..."

"No, I want to apply for compensation for injury, I want to compensate,"

"Ahhhh, I'm mad, I'm mad,"


From the "muscle strengthening" state, Neptune returned to the normal state, and he scolded away...


"Uh... uh,"

The little talented girl woke up quietly, but she opened her eyes, but it was dark and she could not see anything.

"I... where is this, how, what's going on," the little talented girl feels very uncomfortable, so she won't talk about the sore body, the key is the head, she feels that her head is up and pain, dead Shen Shen Shen, her thoughts turn very slowly. She has always been'smart' used to it, and she doesn't like this feeling very much.

After thinking about it for more than ten seconds, she remembered her previous situation,

"At that time... I seemed to have leg cramps, drowned,"

"Hey, wait..."

Thinking of this, she was shocked suddenly, in that situation, she should have no hope of escaping,

"Me, my god..."

The little girl is afraid, shouldn't...I have died and become a ghost, otherwise, how can I float lightly,

Looking at the darkness around, the little girl was even more afraid. "Not only did I die... I also went to hell, no, no,"

It's so dark around, it can't be heaven at all, isn't it heaven, isn't it hell,

"Woo, that's can this be..."

The little girl burst into tears. "They are still under 20 years old. At their best age, how can they die like this, I still haven't lived enough, woo..."

"Also, I didn't do anything bad... Why did you let me go to heaven when I died, and fell to hell, woo woo woo..."

The more talented the girl is, the more sad she is.

And at this moment, an untimely voice sounded, "That..."

The little talented girl turned her head and actually saw a ‘ghost head’, talking to herself, and shining light into her head’s eyes,


The little talented girl was scared to death, her conditional reflexes were normal, and she threw her fist at the "ghost head", "Bang,"

"I'm leaning, you're crazy," the ghost hurt and roared,

"You're crazy, I smashed, I smashed you,"

The little girl is most afraid of ghosts and strange things. She is even more afraid.

"I...I said..."


The ‘ghost head’ was so miserable that he couldn’t even speak.

"Hey, wait a minute..."

It took only half a minute for the women’s football team to realize a problem, the voice of ‘ghost’...why is that familiar, as’s the hateful ghost,

Thinking of this, she hurriedly closed her hands and stopped fighting,

"I said, you... are you Mu Fei," the talented girl asked tentatively,

"Hoo... Huh..."

Mu Fei's nose was blue and swollen at this moment, and he gritted his teeth.

Just think about the old life you just saved her, but not only did she not thank you, she actually beat herself, Mu Fei's face was green, of course, it is night, or cloudy without a moon, the young girl is completely can not see,

"Uh, it's really you..."

The little talented girl consciously suffered a loss, and she grinned apologetically. In fact, at the same time she was apologetic, she also felt quite relieved and hated this nasty ghost to bully me.

In addition, the little girl also feels a little pity. If you pretend that you don't know, beat him for a while, it will be cool,

After thinking about it, Xiaocai's probe looked at Mu Fei and asked tentatively, "I are also dead,"

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