My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1312: Ai Jia has something

Dust↙Fate↘Wen Xuexue↘Net Chapter 1312

Although Mu Fei's injuries were not too light, the quiet and true Qi healing he practiced was very effective, and with the help of Chen Babao, he returned to the car while driving.

And seeing Mu Fei is no big deal, Ye Tianming and Chen Babao are also relieved that they did not enter the door after leaving Mu Fei, and left directly

Mu Fei sent them back to their house, and Ye Feng was sitting on the sofa watching TV

"You're back"

Seeing Mu Fei coming back, Ye Bee hurried over to welcome him

"Um back..."

Mu Fei gave her a reassuring smile "Xiaomeng"

"She has fallen asleep..."

While answering, Ye Bee swept a pair of beautiful eyes on Mu Fei

In fact, you don’t have to look carefully. Mu Fei scratched a big hole when he was beaten or fell. It can be seen by just looking at it.

"You're injured" Ye Bee Liu Mei frowned slightly and reached out to pull Mu Fei's clothes

"Oh no, it's okay, it's just a small problem..." Mu Fei smiled and waved his hand to signal the night bee's peace of mind

"No, don't move, let me see..." Ye Bee didn't resign

She glared at Mu Fei and pulled him by the collar to press him onto the sofa and... began to pick his clothes...

Mu Fei didn't wear much, just a thick t-shirt and a coat, but in a blink of an eye, the night bee gave it light and then... She leaned down and looked down at Mu Fei with a pair of beautiful eyes.

‘I’m here...’

Feel the night bee's fiery sight Mu Fei burst into tears and laughed. How could he have a sense of being impolite?

And he is a little depressed... The papers of cohabiting girls in other people and comics are either gentle or pure, but the two sisters in their own home are better...One is more than a man.

"Alas there is always a gap with reality..." Mu Fei sighed helplessly in his heart

At this time, the night bee was also checked... Seeing Mu Fei only had two or three small abrasions and no big wounds. She was relieved.

"wait for me……"

After the night bee said that he got up and left for a moment, he walked back with a bottle of ointment

"How is it today? Tell me about it..."

She sat next to Mu Fei, twisted open the medicine box, scratched a little ointment with her index finger, applied it to Mu Fei's wound and rubbed it gently

Actually, Mu Fei just wanted to say that it was not necessary, but when the hand of Yefeng touched his body, a warm and delicate touch came and he shut up immediately, let alone say it feels really good.

While enjoying the night bee massage, Mu Fei talked about today's things. When it comes to the key, night bee frowns and expresses nervous expressions from time to time.


But when Mu Fei said that Yin Long finally escaped, she was relieved

"Brother, what are you going to do next?" Night Bee asked again.

"Yin Long must die or this thing will not pass" Mu Fei replied without thinking


The night bee's pretty face showed a surprised expression "You shouldn't... want to kill Yin Long"

"Huh" Mu Fei nodded

"No brother, this can't..."

Ye Feng’s face was anxious and shook her head quickly. “As you said, Yin Long is a master of the fourth and fifth level of condensing the gods. Even if you upgraded just a while ago, you are just the strength of the ninth level of the Qi Qi. How can you deal with it? What about him"

"You're going to kill him... the danger is too great, this won't work," Ye Feng advised

"Oh, I know the danger, but I can't do it..."

Mu Fei smiled bitterly and explained, "Like you said, I am just practicing the strength of the ninth level of the Qi level. He is the level of the fourth and fifth levels of the concentrating level. Under normal circumstances, there is absolutely no possibility that I can kill him. If you don’t give me two or three years, I may not be able to kill him..."

"But because of this, this opportunity must be seized..."

"Did you tell you just now that he was also injured and not serious, but it is definitely not light? According to my estimation, he is at most the level of the second level of the God of Concentration. He wants to fully recover it will take at least a month, a month and a half... "

"And now the dragon and phoenix suffers heavy casualties. Except that he and a guy named Lan Jiang are very strong, there are less than five disciples above the level of practice..."

"I estimated that he was injured and the last time I used that medicine and two more bottles, plus I can use the tiantian formula to improve my strength. With the growth and decline, I may not be completely without power... …” Mu Fei explained

"Do you have to do this?" Night Bee asked embarrassedly.

"Must do this"

Mu Feixin nodded his head vowedly. "The hatred between us and him is not completely unsolvable anymore. If we don't kill him this time, when he is injured, he will definitely retaliate us..."

"And this time we received the news in advance, and the helper helped him to repel him next time. If he came over without much fanfare, we did not receive the news. If no one helped us, even if we could escape him one or two. Revenge but the third and fourth time" Mu Fei asked

The contact with Yefeng during this time also knows something about Mu Fei. She knows that since he can say this, he has been thoughtful.

And he has made up his mind that he wants him to change his plan...difficult

Because of this, Yefeng didn't persuade him

"Well then, brother, I listen to what you say, what we do..." Ye Bee rarely showed his little girl's expression and nodded obediently.

"Tomorrow you call Brother Haibin and let him come to Beidu. At the same time, let him send his brothers of similar strength and ability to send Beihe Province to let them go there to be on standby, be careful..."

"Despite Longfeng's heavy losses this time, it was the core disciples' outsiders who were not affected in any way. If so many eyes and faces appear too much at once, it will inevitably cause Yin Long's defense..."

"Well for the time being... only these other ones wait for me to think about it..." Mu Feidao

"Well, I wrote it down" Yeebe nodded again

"Oh, let's do this first..."

Mu Fei waved his hand with Yefeng after saying, "It's too late, go to bed, I'll take a bath upstairs, and I will fall asleep."

"Oh..." Night Bee responded

Mu Fei got upstairs and the night bee reached out and turned off the living room light and walked to his room

While she was walking, she looked at Mu Fei's back and thought about it. In the end, she couldn't hold back, "Brother, wait a minute..."

She yelled and ran quickly to hug Mu Fei from behind

"Sorry, brother, I'm making you tired..."

"If it hadn't been for me to find you, if I hadn't stopped running back to Longfeng Mountain secretly, there wouldn't be so many things today. I'm sorry to blame me..." Ye Feng whispered in self-blame

"Oh, you don't need to say this, I never blamed you, why should you apologize"

Mu Fei smiled back and touched her head twice with a smile, "As I said at the beginning, as long as you treat me as yourself, I am your siblings and I should do something for you..."


"Don't be any more... don't you think it's pointless to say these words now? Is it better to raise your spirits and accumulate than to blame yourself?" Mu Fei exhorted with a smile

Night Bee lowered his head and hesitated for a while, then nodded and swallowed back what he just wanted to say.

"Okay, it's quite late. Go back to sleep. What's the matter tomorrow?" Mu Fei patted her shoulder and said that she turned upstairs.

Night Bee stared at Mu Fei's back, and Pink Fist held Qiao's face with a firm expression on her face, which seemed to make up her mind.


Qingbei University, School of Precision Instruments

"Call... call..."

The professor in the class was speaking in front of the class but the out-of-band sounded a slight cry


Listening to this voice, the professor looked around and could not help but frown slightly

In fact, under normal circumstances, even if someone goes to class to sleep, the professor doesn’t care as long as the grunt is not too loud and does not affect the class.

After all, students are adults, they should all have their own rules of conduct

And they are not responsible for their own future

But the old professor is really not happy when this person goes to bed

Because this person is actually...

You should know that Ai Jia is not only the head of this class, but also the vice chairman of the student union and the assistant dean. She not only scores very well in every subject but also is very capable of some activities in the school and the department or which instructor can explain things. The completion of

It is no exaggeration to say that in the eyes of all the mentors and professors who know her, she is the most outstanding talent, and the model of both academics and excellence will definitely stand out in the future.

And it’s this kind of ‘talented young man’ who actually goes to class and sleeps but is not responsible for his future

"The original design philosophy of this instrument was..."

The professor walked towards Ai Jia’s seat while talking


He tapped a few times on Aijia's table with his hand

"Oh... yawn..."

I saw Ai Jia sitting up in a daze and stretched her arms.


She couldn't help but grin and be surprised until she saw the person in front of her

And when she looked around again and again to figure out what was happening around her, she was embarrassed. Mu Fei could see it in the back, and her neck was red.

"Professor yes, I'm sorry..." Ai Jiaqiao's face turned crimson and her head lowered, whispering to the professor

The professor originally wanted to say her two sentences, but when she looked at her eyes, she didn't say anything. He just pointed to the book and signaled Ai Jia to listen to the class, and then walked back while giving a lecture.


And Mu Fei looked at Ai Jia’s back, and skewed his lips in confusion. ‘This guy... there seems to be something...’

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