My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1019: Real life

Chapter 1019 Real Life Jiang Jindie sleeps until midnight and wakes up. More than ten hours have passed since lunch. [Text First/Text First//

Although she slept most of the time, the people who practiced her martial arts had a huge demand for food, and after so long, she was hungry again.

And just when she was going to go out to find something to eat, she found that there was a faint light hiding in Mu Fei's room opposite.

‘It’s more than twelve, he hasn’t slept yet? 'Jiang Jindie thought, leaning in with curiosity.

"Hey? Apprentice, are you awake?" Mu Fei felt someone at the door and asked with a smile.

"Well, Master, what are you playing with?" Jiang Jindie asked.

"Which is what to play? I'm doing business..."

Mu Fei said, stood up and stretched his body "I didn't say that I need a few rare medicinal herbs to help you heal your wounds? I check where there are..."

"Oh, this..." Jiang Jindie blinked, revealing an understanding look.

‘My thing, he... he’s so sweet...’ Thinking of this, Jiang Jindie couldn’t help but feel hot.

At the same time moved, she also became interested, and walked in carelessly, she would fiddle with Mu Fei's computer.

"Master, what's the matter with your investigation, and show me, what do you need?" she asked.

"Oh, what are you looking at?" But Mu Fei didn't show her and stopped her.

Then, she pushed her out, "You don't understand medicinal materials, don't look at it. After sleeping for so long, are you hungry? I let Xiaomeng leave you dinner, go and eat..."


The two are talking about here, just listening to Xu Xiaomeng's smirk from Mu Fei's bed. She laughed and murmured to her dreams, but she didn't know what to say.

"Hey? Xiaomeng...she, she sleeps with you?" Jiang Jindie asked curiously.

"That girl is more sticky to me, and she has prepared a room for her. She still likes to run on my bed. Alas, the habit she grew up with as a child..." Mu Fei replied helplessly.

"Oh, Master, isn't she your sister? Why..." Jiang Jindie asked.

"She is the child of my old neighbor, and the family is "no", and she is the only one left. Then... she becomes my sister..." Mu Fei spread his hand and replied.

‘It looks like it should be a sad story. Forget it, I still don’t want to ask any more...’ Jiang Jindie, who was nervous, didn’t think much, didn’t ask any more, and went downstairs with Mu Fei.

Xu Xiaomeng has always been impeccable in taking care of people.

She had already prepared Jiang Jindie's dinner for a long time and put it in the holding cabinet in advance. Now it is still warm.

There is a cold beer in the refrigerator. Jiang Jindie eats and drank quickly, and Mu Fei has nothing to do with it anyway, so she drank with her.

I have to say that although Jiang Jindie is a girl, she really loves to drink.

It’s an exaggeration to say that ‘alcohol is like life’, but it’s no exaggeration to put ‘alcohol as much as possible’ on her. She wants to come a little as long as she is free, and she is in a good mood to drink.

That's it, this midnight, the two change, the two chat while drinking, don't have a sentimental.

Jiang Jindie slept much during the day. After eating and drinking, she still didn't feel a little drowsy. She was so idle that even though she didn’t have eggs, she bore Mu Fei to play poker again.

Mu Fei was not willing to play. But thinking of her suffering, if she didn't give her anything to do, she might inevitably think about it. No way, Mu Fei had to ‘good guys do it’ and play poker with her.

By the time Jiang Jindie was yawning and falling asleep, it was already dawning.

The two said goodbye to each other and went back to their rooms.

And Jiang Jindie was lying in a strange room and thinking about what happened in the past two days, it was like a dream.

She never thought that she would encounter this kind of ‘disaster’. Now that she thinks about the day, she is still scared afterwards.

But thinking about it, she began to rejoice again.

‘Thankfully I have such a **** master, otherwise I’m afraid I might be ugly forever. In Jiang Jindie's heart, thought quietly.

In fact, Jiang Jindie didn't notice herself. I don't know when she started, she had become a little blind trust in Mu Fei.

Thinking of being able to recover, she was in a much better mood.

She left this bad thing behind her head, and began to recall the'treatment' she had received from the noon master's house since noon yesterday.

Some people cook and others do the work. Even if they miss the meal time, some people keep their share. Drinking and chatting is accompanied by people, even can't sleep, there are people who are accompanied to talk and play.

‘This kind of life, too... is it beautiful? Jiang Jindie thought to herself.

Actually, I don’t blame Jiang Jindie for thinking this way. In her previous days, now it’s a match, it’s simply not human.

No one at home cleaned up, like a mess. She doesn't cook, she wants to buy instant food or cook instant noodles. And it’s good to eat.

Because of the special nature of her work, she often worked overtime and squatted. Sometimes she was sleepy and fell asleep when she entered the house. When she got up in the middle of the night, there was nothing in the refrigerator. She could only starve all night.

This kind of thing is not a "rare thing" for her, who has a big branch, and it happens frequently.

Furthermore, even if she wanted to eat something or drink, it was only herself.

Sometimes she has some ‘thoughts’ in her heart, like being happy when she breaks the case, or getting angry because of something, no one is looking for someone to have a drink.

But here, here in Mu Fei, there are all that she thinks about and doesn't want to.

‘In this comparison, the days that my aunt and grandmother lived in the past were simply... not human lives, it was ‘torture’! …'Jiang Jindie stretched out her hand out of thin air and opened her five fingers. “And now, some people make meals and want to drink and have someone to accompany them. Even if you miss the meal time, you don’t have to worry about eating, this... this is the real life. 'what……"

Thinking of this, she suddenly found out that she liked it a little bit, like the days now...


After returning to the room, Mu Fei sat in front of the computer and continued to play with it.

"Xiaoguang, how's it going?" Mu Fei asked, typing on the computer.

He was indeed'checking' information, but he was not checking the'medicinal materials' that Jiang Jindie said. But the culprit that brought her such a disaster, the profile of the evil man.

That night, Xiaohei sent over the information of the evil man.

While Mu Fei looked at the information, it was a bit unpleasant. Because only the physical characteristics of the evil man's appearance, body, etc. were included in the data, but there was no detailed information about the guy's name, address, family, etc.

Mu Fei's first reaction was that this guy had some'backstage'. For example, the children of a high-ranking official, the children of a rich businessman, etc.

It's an accident now. The family members tampered with his data in order to protect him, or simply suppressed the matter.

Maybe someone else encounters this kind of thing. But Mu Fei is very short-sighted and vengeful. How could he let Jiang Jindie suffer?

Therefore, he sent the information of the evil man to Situ Bingguang, and asked him to invade the highest-level database of the police to check the identity of this guy.

No matter what, Mu Fei will pull the man out and let him pay for his actions.

Who knew he was waiting for the news, Jiang Jindie came in.

This kind of thing, he will not let Jiang Jindie know, this is why he does not let Jiang Jindie look at the computer.

As for the medicinal formula to restore her appearance, Mu Fei had already come from Xu Xiaomeng. Moreover, the family of Che Weichen is engaged in medicinal herbs. Just look for him directly, why not find it yourself?

After Mu Fei sent the news, Situ Bingguang never answered. Obviously, 80% of this guy fell asleep.

Mu Fei had no choice but to go to bed first and put this matter down for the time being.


The next day, when Mu Fei got up, it was almost noon. But he didn't even eat breakfast, made a phone call, and tuned out both Situ Bingguang and Che Weichen. The three met at a small restaurant not far from Che Weichen Company.

Che Weichen had been away recently, and when Mu Fei arrived, he had been sitting there waiting for a while.

"Idol, you hurriedly called us to come, what's the hurry?" Che Weichen asked.

After this period of contact, Che Weichen also had some understanding of Mu Fei. If this guy is fine, he will not take the initiative to find himself to drink.

On the contrary, if he finds himself out, then there is something specified.

Mu Fei wasn't polite with him. After sitting down, he directly said the topic.

"Weichen, I need these medicinal materials. Isn't your family engaged in medicine? See if there is any way to help me get..." Mu Fei said, handing a note over.

That note was written by Xiaomeng yesterday, and it was all written with medicinal herbs with ‘Yanzhisheng muscle cream’. And there are a lot of them, at least there are more than twenty Weichen didn't know what Mu Fei wanted to do, so I was a little puzzled. But he looked at Mu Fei's "serious" look and knew that Mu Fei must have a "right thing", otherwise it would not be so serious.

"Idol, in fact, my family is mainly engaged in Western medicine. You are all Chinese medicine. I can only say that I can do my best. I dare not say 100%. All can help you get..." Che Weichen said. Get out the phone and start contacting.

"Waiter, bring me a pen..."

"Ah, Hu, brother? My Weichen, which is quite good recently? I need a few medicines for such a thing. See if you have any chants there? Well, I read the name, you help me check..."

Che Weichen read the name in the same way, and got a response from there, he marked it on the note.

He made five or six calls one after another, and basically all he could contact.

But as a result, Mu Fei was slightly disappointed...


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