
A new disciple of the lower court?

So fast?! Liang Yi looked surprised.

The Daoyin disappears, either by using a circular mirror to eliminate it, or the host has developed a sense of aura.

This guy, it's not easy. Liang Yi looked playful.

In less than a year, have you mastered the aura of induction? Liang Yi shook his head.

Those who enter the lower house are at the jade seed stage at most. Ordinary people will definitely not be able to develop a sense of aura in a year.

Is it the missing natural Dao bone, or is it a special bloodline?

Lin Su is going to be blinded now. Liang Yi laughed happily.

When he smiled, he couldn't stop laughing.

Daoyin disappeared, and the jade plate he gave to Lin Su was useless.

That guy won't suspect that it was me who moved his hands and feet, right? Liang Yi suddenly had a bad premonition.

Is this black pot on my head?

This is so embarrassing.


Lin Su's figure was like electricity, turning into a black smoke.

As long as you find the exquisite jade plate... He couldn't help clenching his fists.

The exquisite jade plate can gather the spiritual energy and form a small dojo.

This can let him get rid of the dependence on the environment when he cultivates.

Break the upper house of Chicken Coop Road, the monopoly of the Earth Spirit's vitality.

Wait for my condensed orifices to be completed, what Song Wuji, what a chicken cage road, hum!

Lin Su was shaking with excitement!

And the little thief who stole the exquisite jade plate. Lin Su said bitterly.

If it weren't for this guy, he would have obtained the exquisite jade plate two months ago!

Look how I greet you! Lin Su grinned.

For the past two months, he has fantasized more than once about how to torture the little treasure thief.

Don't worry, let's play slowly! He looked maliciously at Bai Yu in his hand.

Then I found that the ink dots that were clearly visible just now disappeared.

Lin Su: ...

My exquisite jade plate?

Liang Yi?

What the hell does this bastard want to cheat on me? !



After the low mountain, there is a small col.

Chen Mu held a large grinding stone in his right hand, and he casually weighed it twice as if he were weighing an egg.

Raise your hand and throw it into the sky.

Chen Mu stood on the spot and looked up at the big rock that climbed more than ten meters above his head.

He didn't dodge either, waiting like a fool for the stone to hit his face.

Pulled by gravity, the stone's speed became faster and faster, and it almost reached the sky above his head in the blink of an eye.


A cloud of black smoke suddenly appeared three meters above his head.

The stone wrapped in the strong wind was shattered in the blink of an eye!

Automatic defense? High-tech! Chen Mu's eyes lit up involuntarily.

He picked up the long boulder that he usually sat cross-legged with both hands, and threw it into the sky with a whimper.


There was a loud noise, and the big stone four or five meters long was not spared.

Okay! Chen Mu's face was full of excitement.

It took a long while to recover.

Although I have practiced the splits, it is obvious that the splits are not ordinary!

Chen Mu couldn't help but think of the sensory aura.

Based on the information obtained, the first stage of induction is that the jade seed absorbs the spiritual energy of the earth to undergo a qualitative change, and at the same time achieves the spiritual light of protecting the body.

The aura nature and similar black smoke can automatically defend in all directions.

Chen Mu looked at the flexible black smoke around his body: Is this an alternative body protection, right?


Half a month later, the yellow bud rice is completely mature.

Seven and a half acres of land, just harvested more than 3,000 catties of yellow bud rice, enough to complete the planting task in the lower yard.

Low mountain courtyard.

Hao Lao threw a lump of exotic animal meat on the table with a bang.

Duixian Brewing, the best wine in Tongtianfang. Hao Lao held the black pottery bottle in his left hand with a bold face: We won't go home tonight if we don't get drunk!

Chen Mu looked at Old Hao strangely.

It was the first time I saw this old man bring ingredients to him after eating so much food: Tsk tsk...

What kind of eyes do you have? Hao Lao became angry and grabbed the meat of the foreign animal: Do you eat it?

Eat, eat, eat! It's rare to see Mr. Hao treat guests, so of course I eat it. Chen Mu laughed happily, grabbed the meat of the exotic animals, and walked into the stove on the west side of the courtyard.

Soon, the square table was filled with meals.

Brother Chen, I thank you very much! Old Hao sighed with emotion.

You are so good at planting!

Let me give me twenty-four white jade coins.

Old Hao blushed: You made me show my face! I have to thank you!

Thank me? Give me half the white jade money?

Eat vegetables, eat vegetables! Your craftsmanship has improved again! Old Hao praised earnestly.

Hey... The old man.


After the meal, the two sat under the wooden shed drinking tea and chatting.

Chen Mu's heart was moved, and he asked curiously: We have thousands of disciples in the lower court, are there many people who are united in spirit and soul?

A lot. Old Hao was smoking, It's not difficult to combine the spirit and the soul, it's just a matter of water grinding, and after more than ten years of grinding, it can always be mastered.

The difficulty is sensing. Hao Lao sighed.

Twenty years ago, my spirit and soul were united, and the jade seed was complete. I tried to sense the spiritual energy of the earth and cultivate the spiritual light of protecting the body.

Now... Old Hao pouted indifferently.

Twenty years? Sensing aura is so difficult to practice? What about my black smoke?

Is it because of the concentration of Earth Spirit's vitality? Chen Mu asked tentatively, thinking of the exquisite jade plate.

Hao Lao glanced at Chen Mu: It's very smart.

It's impossible to spend so much time, right? Chen Mu frowned.

One hundred white jade money, you can go to the dojo of the upper court for a month. Hao Lao took a cigarette and shrugged indifferently: I went five times...

Chen Mu immediately looked at each other sympathetically.

It took more than 20 years, and I went to five times and failed to achieve aura, and I don't know how many years it will take.

Looking at Old Hao's face again, Chen Mu couldn't help but ask, You are so old, what are you still doing here?

With your combined strength of spirit and soul, wouldn't it be more joyful to be a rich man in the world?

Old Hao glanced at Chen Mu sideways: I am seventy-five this year.

You're young!

After 50 or 60 years of cooking, maybe I will practice it?

In case it doesn't work out, I'm only one hundred twenty or thirty years old.

At that time, in the secular world, it would be too late to marry twenty or thirty concubines and enjoy life.

Chen Mu: ...



Take twenty or thirty concubines when you are over a hundred years old?

What the hell kind of bullshit is this!

Immediately, Chen Mu reacted.

The disciples of the lower house of Jilong Dao are at least a master of armor.

After the gods and souls are united, as long as they are not killed, they will still be able to live and dance when they die at the age of one hundred and fifty or sixty.

After all, people who have practiced shape are no longer human.


So many people are in the induction stage, why haven't I seen the supplementary book of induction secrets? After chatting for a while, Chen Mu finally asked his doubts.

How can there be a supplementary book after the induction? Old Hao rolled his eyes: The supplementary book is only for those who have not yet become jade seeds.

No sub-book?

Then it won't be the wool of the scholastic institute.

You haven't even mastered the jade seed, why are you asking this? Old Hao glanced at Chen Mu.

Curiosity, pure curiosity. Chen Mu smiled.

The gray wall loomed in front of him, and Chen Mu squinted at one of the columns.

Bai Yang's true solution: limit;

In his mind, the intentions of the six kinds of shape-practice gods completely disappeared.

A white jade ball the size of a peanut broke through the fog and appeared clearly in front of him.

During the harvesting of yellow bud rice, Bai Yang Zhenjie was officially taken to the limit by him.

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