My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 67 Let's Call It Runes

Tang Yu admires this kind of person who is obsessed with research, not to mention the contributions made by Mr. Sun.

Elder Sun spoke very sincerely. Although he was eager to understand the basic long sword making technology, he never used his power in Lindong Sanctuary to persecute him.

Instead, it was a promise made.

The Academy of Sciences is undoubtedly the place where Lindong has the most good things. Whether it is equipment, props, or other things, even if Tang Yu does not need these things, if he proposes to exchange source crystals, Sun Lao must be very happy.

To be honest, Tang Yu was heartbroken.

It doesn't hurt to take out the craftsmanship of the basic longsword.

The problem is... the basic long sword, that is made by the workshop, the specific technology? How does he know.

Tang Yu shook his head slightly and made an excuse, "I didn't make this kind of long sword, it's a companion of mine, he's a master casting master, but he's not in Lindong, and I can't tell the exact process of making it. "

Sun Weiguo was disappointed, but not without mental preparation.

Tang Yu's voice was very young. He didn't look down on young people, but Sun Weiguo understood the complexity.

The project of integrating the extraordinary power factor into the concrete object, he and several experts studied it for a long time before he could touch the door.

Even if they have some kind of special ability, it is helpful for casting and integrating extraordinary power factors. Those who can do this must have a deep understanding of this aspect.

Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve success, not to mention that like this Demon Slayer Sword, its skills are completely at its peak. In his eyes, this is not only a weapon, but also a perfect piece of art.

And Tang Yu was too young and had too little accumulation.

If you are a master foundry, it makes more sense to use some special technique to do this.

In fact, it is not impossible for the Academy of Sciences to produce weapons of a quality similar to the Demon Slayer Sword. However, the Academy of Sciences used some extraordinary materials in the post-apocalyptic era and piled them up with the quality of the materials.

The price/performance ratio is extremely low, and it does not incorporate that kind of extraordinary power factor.

Even more so than this work of art.

A treasure is in front of you, but you can't learn the secrets.

Sun Lao, who has devoted his life to scientific research, looks a little lonely.

I heard Tang Yu continue to say, "However, although I can't restore the specific production process, I understand a little bit, and if you want to study this production technology, Mr. Sun, I can also provide more basics... The magic sword, of course, is not free, I want source crystals."

"Yuanjing is not a problem, Xiaolin, you will get a box of Yuanjing later..." Sun Weiguo's wrinkled old face smiled brightly, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"Young man, do you know why the power dissipates so quickly after the extraordinary power factor is extracted. In this case, even if it can be successfully integrated into the weapon equipment, the effect of the increase is not much."

Tang Yu thought for a while.

Inscribed runes, he won't.

But some principles about runes are also described in the basic knowledge of Yuanli.

After organizing the language, he said, "This is because of the lack of a carrier, so the power will dissipate quickly, just like the soul power. Either use the body as a carrier, or use the soul power to contain the container, otherwise, the soul power will quickly dissipate."

"We have also considered this issue, but if we want to incorporate this extraordinary power into equipment, the first thing we have to do is to extract it. How can we have a carrier?" Dean Sun said.

"What if the carrier is not a physical object?"

"It's not a real thing, yes, why do you have to have a real thing? But if it's not a real thing, what is the bearing experience?" Sun Weiguo fell into deep thought.

"I think that the carrier can be oneself. First of all, we must make this kind of power not flow away. Then we can start with the structure. The flow of power can be understood as diffusion in essence. Even if the soul force escapes, is there a structure? , so that this power will not spread."

Tang Yu said, and the more he talked, the more vigorous he became. Many of the knowledge that he did not understand very well, he became cheerful for a while.

"The essence of power is source power. Source power is a special power that is different from the past. It is invisible, but it exists. I think this extraordinary power factor is the extension of source power. For a non-discrete structure, I think it should be separated from the previous two-dimensional and three-dimensional concept, and even don’t use the dimensional concept to analyze it. I think this is a non-steering off-body structure. The result of its existence should not be one, but one. There are many, even countless.”

"Each force factor extended from the source force should have a corresponding structure, and we call this structure..."


"It makes sense, it makes sense! What you said, young man, can at least allow us old guys to cross most of the research process."

Sun Weiguo looked excited, he kept muttering to himself, his eyes became brighter and brighter, his face smiled like a chrysanthemum, "The word rune is not bad, if each power factor corresponds to a structure, its shape Different, isn't it like writing! Maybe this is a special type of writing itself, um, it can be a separate topic in the future."

"Anyway, this extraordinary power factor will be called a rune in the future."

Tang Yu and Sun Lao continued to communicate.

Science has no boundaries. Changes in the system will not make what you have learned in the past a waste of paper. Even if it is the first time you are exposed to all kinds of new things in the last days, the thinking of scientists is often much ahead of ordinary people.

Perhaps Sun Lao's knowledge of the source force is not as much as he is temporarily, but Tang Yu has gained quite a lot during the conversation. Often when he mentions a point, Sun Lao's thinking is enough to spread to all aspects.

No wonder it is always said that the world in the eyes of geniuses is different from that of ordinary people.

Ordinary people see the appearance, but some people see the essence.

However, Tang Yu didn't know that in Sun Lao's eyes, he was the real genius.

On the side, Mr. Sun's assistant, Xiao Lin, who is also Mr. Sun's student, listened to the conversation between the two.

He thought hard, but found that he could understand every word, but what exactly was it? !

After all, as an assistant, he knows a lot about Old Sun's research, but why, he just doesn't understand!

Listening to the voice, the person in front of him should also be very young.

Kobayashi felt that he had read a fake doctorate.


Lindong Shelter.

in a building.

There are several figures sitting in front of the conference table, and the atmosphere here is solemn.

In the first seat was a rather dignified middle-aged man.

The surname is Lu, General Lu.

The true ruler of Lindong Sanctuary.

Lu Jianjun was over half a hundred years old, and his hair was already a little gray. At this moment, he looked solemn and pointed to the picture released by the projector on the side.

It was a ruin, with red mist permeating it, and densely packed with demonized beasts, like the ocean.

"This picture was taken by investigators at the risk of death in Maple Leaf Town. What it represents, I believe you can understand without me having to say more."

"It's the abyss crack!"

Most of the people sitting at the conference table are the powerful bosses in Lindong. The worst is also the high-level people who manage a part. These people have their own news channels, and naturally they know that there is an abyss crack in Maple Leaf Town.

They also understand what an abyss crack means close to the shelter.

For a time, the high-level people in the conference room were talking in low voices.

Thank you "Little Diren" for the reward... In addition, can you please rate this book for the children's shoes on the PC side? It's the one in the upper right corner. Now you don't need an evaluation ticket, you can do whatever you want. (Eh, of course, the author is asking for four stars and five stars.) Because of the rules of ordering mothers, it is not enough for ten people to evaluate, so two stars are displayed. Now it looks so miserable emmmm...

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