The thin young man took out a piece of clean cloth to wrap the canned meat, organized the language again, and began to speak.

"The construction of Lindong Shelter started on the third day of the end of the world, and it has been more than a month now. The entire shelter is also the largest shelter for hundreds of miles around Lincheng, with hundreds of thousands of survivors."

"It's just that the Lindong Shelter is not like the outside world, you can live a good life here." The thin young man smiled wryly, "After all, there are too many survivors and food is limited. There is very little food, and that little food will at most make people starve to death. If you really want to be full, you still have to find your own way out.”

He pointed to a building not far away, the door was locked at this time.

"That's the labor market, and some jobs are put up every morning. These are short-term jobs, such as building city walls, but there are not many jobs. Every morning, the door of the labor market is crowded with survivors, but most people still can't get it. a job."

"Of course, the awakened people or professionals don't have to worry about this, other ordinary people, if they can't get a job, some are like me, who are here as guides, if you are lucky enough to meet a generous person like you, then you can After many days of changing food, there are also some people who go out to try their luck, we call them scavengers, and sometimes they are lucky enough to pick up some valuable goods, but sometimes…”


Tang Yu knew who these people were. On the way to the shelter, he saw many survivors with yellow faces and thin skin. It was obviously impossible for these people to hunt and kill demonized beasts. After the first battle teams have searched, they will pick up the rest.

How much are these things worth? Besides, in the wild, no matter how close you are to the shelter, no matter how you go to the places that the combat team has explored, it is impossible to be safe.

It's true that life is no better than anywhere else in Lindong Sanctuary.

Tang Yu was very heartbroken.

So many survivors... but doing nothing, it's a waste of labor!

In his territory, only the transportation brigade, as the waste materials in the original resort villa are gradually consumed, and if you want to obtain materials, you need to go to a farther place, and this manpower needs to be increased. There are also logging and quarries in the territory building, but it is not possible to generate wood and stone out of thin air like in the game, which is obviously unrealistic.

Even if these resource buildings are built, they also need survivors to assist in operation.

"I can't force it, I can't force it, what's more, what I lack is not just survivors, but also lack of source crystals, lack of blueprints, lack of high-grade metal materials..."

Thinking about it this way, he found that he lacked everything, so he simply changed his name to Tang Que!

Lindong County says that it is not too small, but it is not too big.

Hundreds of thousands of survivors poured into the Lindong Shelter, occupying most of the county at once. Many places have basically been built into tubular buildings for survivors to live in. Some buildings with low land utilization rates are either flattened. , or be transformed.

The entire Lindong Shelter, except for a few main streets, is very crowded, and it feels like it's hard to breathe.

Under the leadership of the thin young man, he was walking on the main street of course. As he walked, he introduced some main buildings and facilities of the Lindong Shelter.

"The building that used to look like a bank over there has now been converted into a mercenary task management center. Every day, many combat teams who plan to go out will come here to see if there are suitable tasks. Complete the task center released After the mission, many rewards can be exchanged according to the mission points, almost everything, so the mission center has become the place where many awakened people communicate with the most.”

Tang Yu held his chin.

After all, it is the official organization of Lindong. There are many good things on the reward list of the task center.

From the most basic food, to guns, even bazookas and armored vehicles, these are all weapons and equipment that make combatants jealous. There are even a few things among them, and Tang Yu is a little moved when he sees them.

Awakening Potion.

The research on human awakening in Lindong Sanctuary has obviously been at the forefront. Compared with the simple awakening headband, this awakening medicine has more auxiliary effects and fewer side effects. Although it is useless to him, it is still very effective to increase the external attractiveness of the shelter, that is, to force it.

Tang Yu had deeper considerations.

Awakening potion, he doesn't need much. With all the research, it is possible to deduce the formula of this awakening potion with just a few samples.

In addition, Tang Yu was a little surprised to see another kind of soul power container.

This kind of container can actually absorb soul power?

It should be known that after the death of the demonized beast, the soul power will be quickly dissipated except the absorbed ones. However, scientists in Lindong discovered a special crystal. This crystal has a great compatibility with soul power. Finally, after research This kind of crystal vessel that contains soul power is made.

Tang Yu's eyes lit up, sure enough, this trip to Lindong was worth it.

"Can the awakening potion and soul power container be bought with source crystals?"

"Awakening potions can be bought, but the soul power container can only be exchanged through the mission center, and the awakening potions are also divided into three, six, nine, and some high-grade awakening potions are actually difficult to buy."

Can't you change it unless you do a quest?

He was a little depressed.

It is impossible to do a task. He came here to do things, not to do a task. Besides, with the high exchange price of the soul force, how many tasks do you know before you can exchange them?

"There's really no other way?" Tang Yu still had a glimmer of hope.

The thin young man pondered for a while, "It is said that there are all kinds of precious goods for sale on the black market, as long as active crystals can be bought, but about the black market, I have only heard about it, and I have no specific information about the black market. Clear." He was a little distressed, but there was nothing he could do.

Tang Yu didn't care, after all, this guide was just an ordinary survivor.

Anyway, as long as the black market exists, there is always a way to find out, but I don't know if there is anything he wants in the black market.

Take a look at one.

The guide left, and Huiren took to the streets to investigate the information.

Elaine looked at the small vendors on the side of the street, and her expression was a little pleasant, so Tang Yu let her go shopping by herself.

In the blink of an eye, Tang Yu was the only one left.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Tang Yu?"

He turned around and saw a young man with glasses and a small flat head.

"You are... Li Xiuming? Xiao Ming!"

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