
In the secret realm, or the moment when the inherited treasure appears.

Outside, there will be countless vendors, restaurants, and inns stationed here.

In this case, the consumption of elixirs and talismans is huge.

Even the Holy Talisman Sect has stationed a place here to provide Talisman seals.

However, the talisman seals of the Holy Talisman Sect can only be exchanged for things.

At the same time, it is also to provide a place for cultivation and a place for information circulation.

And in a restaurant.

Ye Qiubai, Hongying, Ning Chenxin, Xiaohei, Shi Sheng, Mu Fusheng and Mu Wan'er are here.

Ye Qiubai, Xiao Hei and Mu Fusheng did not go to the Tianjian Peak Holy Talisman Sect to join them.

Instead, he chose to act with Hongying and the others.

Restaurant, a place where information circulates.

Ordered a few dishes of side dishes and a few glasses of wine.

While complaining that he didn't cook the dish well enough, the bottle of wine wasn't as strong as the master's brew.

While listening to the conversations of the people around me.

"There are really many opportunities in the endless sea. Many people have already obtained them, and their strength has been greatly improved."

"Well, if it hadn't been for this inexplicable space storm, this treasure mountain in the Endless Sea would have been really dumbfounded."

"However, I heard that the Infernal Purgatory and the Qi Killing Dao are already in the endless sea..."

When hearing these words.

Everyone around was silent for a while.

His face was heavy and his eyes were trembling.

I am extremely afraid of the words "Infinite Purgatory" and "Qi Sha Dao".

"No, Infernal Purgatory has already killed several influential geniuses..."

"Yes, but these powerful forces are all forces that had a grudge against the Infernal Purgatory and participated in the original siege."

"In other words, the forces that had not participated in the encirclement and suppression at that time did not have to worry about the revenge of Infernal Affairs?"

"You can say that, but you can't take it lightly."

Hear these words.

Hongying said: "It seems that Wujian Purgatory and Qi Shadao are quite smart."

"Why do you say that?" Shi Sheng looked over.

Hongying smiled and explained: "According to the news, hasn't the strength of Infernal Purgatory not been restored yet?"

"It was originally the top force in this mid-latitude realm. If you hide your clumsiness too much and don't take any action when everyone learns about the rebirth of Infernal Purgatory, but focus on restoring your strength, you will definitely be overshadowed by other people who were still sitting on the mountain. The forces watching the tiger fight looked down upon him, so they joined the Evil-Zeing Alliance to completely eliminate this hidden trouble."

"However, they did not go too far and acted in a defiant manner."

"In other words, they only selected the forces that had participated in the previous encirclement and suppression to strangle, and did not touch other forces."

"This allows those forces that don't have much grudge against them to initially understand that Infinite Purgatory is still powerful and will not threaten them, so they will choose to continue to wait and see and not easily enter the game."

"This not only buys Infernal Purgatory enough recovery time, but also prevents it from being overly underestimated."

Ye Qiubai looked at him with admiration and said: "Not bad, junior sister, you can analyze so much just by relying on this information."

Mu Fusheng also gave a thumbs up without hesitation and said flatteringly: "Senior sister is indeed a senior sister, she is so smart."

The second senior sister is the only one among their senior brothers who can control and defeat the senior brother!

It can be seen from this.

Senior brother? hehe.

Second senior sister? god!

Therefore, Mu Fusheng decided to hug the second senior sister's thigh properly.

However, the next words from the wine table nearby made Xiao Hei, who was immersed in his rice, suddenly stop using his chopsticks.

"However, I heard that there are a few mysterious people who are very close to the Infernal Purgatory. Even I have never heard of those people."

This is what a disciple of the hidden force said.

"Mysterious? Have you never heard of it?"

The disciple of the hidden force nodded and said: "Just listening to their description, these people are wearing black robes, and the aura on their bodies seems to have the same origin as that of Warcraft, but it is more domineering than the aura of Warcraft!"

"It seems like he's looking for something."

Mystery man?

The breath has the same origin as Warcraft?

Looking for something?

After stringing these pieces of information together, Xiao Hei's eyes gradually revealed a fierce light...

And murderous intent...

I noticed something strange about Xiao Hei.

Ye Qiubai frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Hei said solemnly: "At the beginning, the village chief told me that after I absorbed the soul fragment in Juehun City, my aura was too strong. Those rebels might notice the aura and search for my traces in the lower world."

Ye Qiubai's face darkened slightly and said, "Are you saying that those people are probably sent by the traitors from the Demon King's Domain?"

Xiao Hei nodded.

Hongying also looked slightly solemn and said seriously: "It seems that they have found Wujian Purgatory to cooperate and want to find your location."

"During this period, please do not use the power of your bloodline, and try to restrain your aura to prevent being discovered."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei nodded in agreement.

After all, judging from my current strength, I am probably not a match for those rebels...

After Mu Fusheng heard these words, he remained silent and quietly used the jade pendant to transmit a piece of information to the immortal world.

Full of wine and food.

The information collection has come to an end.

Overall, I also heard some useful information.

Later, Mu Fusheng obtained a map of the endless sea at the station of the Holy Talisman Sect.

On this map, some islands in the previous section are marked, as well as inheritances that have appeared, or places with natural treasures.

Of course, even ordinary disciples of the Holy Talisman Sect cannot get this map easily.

But after the other party heard Mu Fusheng's name, he handed it over to Mu Fusheng without hesitation.

Mu Fusheng pointed at the map and said: "It seems that there are quite a lot of secret treasure inheritances in this early period, but for us, we don't need to pay more attention to these inheritances."

"In other words, is there anything you want?"

Ye Qiubai, Hongying, Shisheng, Ning Chenxin and Xiaohei all shook their heads.

Everyone in the Cottage has many inheritances.

There are also exercises taught by Master.

Therefore, although these inheritances look good, they do not have much effect on them.

As the saying goes, bite off more than you can chew.

Mu Wan'er's eyes lit up as she looked at the map, and her delicate hand placed somewhere on the map.

On it is a jade bud.

"Well, my elixir just lacks this living green root."

Green roots of living beings are extremely rare, something that can be encountered but not sought after by alchemists.

Seeing this, Ye Qiubai smiled and said, "Okay, let's go to this place first."

From the moment everyone stepped into the endless sea.

in the distance.

There was a person shrouded in a blood-red robe and said softly to the jade pendant: "The target appears... the green root of the living being."

PS: I have something to do, so there are only two chapters left today. I’ll write it when I get up tomorrow morning, sorry everyone

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