My Best Wife

Chapter 2845: Old Bi's Handwriting (2)

On the other hand, Fang Zhiqiang has always been black, and he is still uneasy at this moment. All that Bi Luochun has done not only completely exposes the entire Huaqiang company, but also puts himself in danger. Among them, this is also the point that makes Fang Zhiqiang extremely helpless.

When Bi Luochun looked at Fang Zhiqiang, he couldn't help scratching his head when he saw Fang Zhiqiang's gloomy face. In fact, Bi Luochun was quite satisfied with what he did today. He thought that he had finally done something worth showing off, but he didn't expect that he would look at himself with such an attitude just when he saw Fang Zhiqiang.

"'s the matter with you?" Bi Luochun looked at Fang Zhiqiang with a puzzled look. When he said this, his voice even trembled a little. I have to say, Bi Luochun at this moment. His heart is also a little uneasy, for fear that he has done something wrong.

Wang Yaxin couldn't help but turn his attention to Fang Zhiqiang, the three people in the ward, at this time it depends on Fang Zhiqiang's attitude.

Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help frowning, but after speaking, his tone was extremely calm, and he didn't sound annoyed at all: "Old Bi, do you think you did a good job today? It is something worthy of praise and praise. Thing?"

Bi Luochun also frowned again and pondered for a while before he cautiously said: ", I just talked casually. At that time, there were no people interviewed at the scene, so the reporter asked When I was, I accepted it, and what I said was the truth! Everyone can say it."

Bi Luochun thought that if he said this, Fang Zhiqiang might not be angry anymore, he even felt that Fang Zhiqiang thought that he was not humble enough for his face. But Bi Luochun did not expect that for Fang Zhiqiang, it was actually not the case.

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang pondered for a while again, and continued to speak: "Then do you know, what will be the consequences of doing this?" Fang Zhiqiang's tone was still very flat, and he still couldn't hear any sadness or joy. Bi Luochun also became more confused as he listened. Looking at Fang Zhiqiang's solemn and serious expression, it was obviously not as if he was joking with himself, but what could he be like if he was not joking? What is it that is worth his anger?

"What... what are the consequences?" Bi Luochun obviously didn't know what the consequences would be, and in Bi Luochun's view, Juying really completely smashed their own signboard this time. For so long before, Juying’s image in the hearts of the public has been maintained very well, thanks to their propaganda department, but this time, after the staff exposed the incident, the representatives of Juying also lost their minds one by one and did it directly. Such an exaggerated behavior can be regarded as a very pleasing thing for Bi Luochun, and when he was interviewed, he also exposed more of the excessive things that Juying had done before. Bi Luochun thought At this point, for Juying, it is already a very big loss. Shouldn't this be a good thing? But looking at Fang Zhiqiang's reaction at this moment, it seems that he is not at all happy.

"First of all, the lawsuit this time is a lawsuit between Lingwei Company, New Asia Law Firm and Juying Group. Among them, there is no Huaqiang Company, right?" Fang Zhiqiang is still calm, and the matter is here, Fang Zhiqiang also knows At this time, no matter how angry you are, it is useless.

Bi Luochun was stunned for a while, and then nodded. Fang Zhiqiang's words were obviously correct, but at this time, Bi Luochun didn't know what Fang Zhiqiang wanted to express.

"Since there is no business with our Huaqiang company, you suddenly stood up for an interview, and you also said so much about Juying Group's bad things, what do you think Juying Group would think?" Fang Zhiqiang continued to say flatly.

"Qiangzi, are you afraid that Juying thinks we are nosy, and then target us? I tell you Qiangzi, don’t be afraid at all. If you are not afraid of anything every day, how can we follow Juying fight?"

"I'm not afraid, Lao Bi, you know me. I will not back down any step on some things that shouldn't be backed down. But this is different. New Asia Law Firm and Lingwei Company are fighting with Juying Group together. This was originally a matter of the three of them, but at this time we suddenly got involved, what would Juying think? Yaxin has cooperated with our Huaqiang company many times before, so the relationship between Yaxin and us is extraordinary, Juying I’ve always known it. Now I’m afraid that Juying thinks that this lawsuit of Lingwei Company is actually paving the way for our Huaqiang Company. If they think so, then Huaqiang Company will naturally become a target of public criticism. Only when Juying Group is targeting us, many domestic and overseas companies will point their fingers at us. At that time, how do we respond?"

After Fang Zhiqiang said these words, Bi Luochun finally fell silent, frowning and thinking for a long time, Bi Luochun scratched his head again, at this moment, he seemed to be unable to react.

And Fang Zhiqiang continued: "Furthermore, when the entire Huaqiang company needs low-key development, you suddenly appeared in the public media and attacked Juying. With the methods of Juying, what do you think they will do when they know about it? You?" Fang Zhiqiang said again.

When Bi Luochun heard this, he was completely silent. I have to say that when he was interviewed, Bi Luochun obviously didn't think so much.

But after a while, Bi Luochun shook his palm again and said: "Anyway, I'm not afraid at all. What Juying wants to do, even if you let them go! I will take them all!"

"You are not afraid, but I am afraid!" After Fang Zhiqiang tremblingly said this sentence, he trembling his lips stared at Bi Luochun in front of him.

And Bi Luochun finally understood Fang Zhiqiang's thoughts at this time, he was just concerned about his own safety. Especially looking at Fang Zhiqiang's unbearable trembling eye sockets, and the deep worries in his eye sockets, Bi Luochun's heart also felt uncomfortable.

After a long time, Bi Luochun smiled nonchalantly, and then said: "Qianzi, my life should have been gone long ago. To be alive now is a gift from heaven for me, let alone , I don’t have that great ability for Juying. I have you, a shrewd helper, and a professional lawyer like Lawyer Wang. I believe that even if Juying comes, we won’t necessarily lose!"

Seeing Bi Luochun's determined expression and that confident look, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but smiled, and then walked forward slowly and punched Bi Luochun in the chest.

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