My Best Wife

Chapter 2834: Zhou Jin's Appeal (2)

After Zhou Jin's voice fell, there was no sound on the other side of the phone, and this made Zhou Jin more and more nervous. Did he really say something wrong? Is Liu Dongzhi's attitude towards Liu Jiaying really wrong? Did he really kick an iron plate? If this is the case, for Zhou Jin, this can be regarded as a great disaster. If he is targeted by Liu Dongzhi, then in my life, I will never want to enter the business circle again, let alone forge myself. What a business empire!

"Liu...Mr. why don't you speak?" Zhou Jin was already a little trembling. After realizing that he seemed to have done something wrong, Zhou Jin's whole person became nervous, but I blame it. I hadn't thought about this carefully before, what kind of thought Liu Dongzhi had in his heart, did he want to clean up Liu Jiaying? I just exposed all my goals so bluntly. For me, is it a good thing or a bad thing?

"What are you nervous about?" On the other side of the call, Liu Dongzhi finally made a voice again, but Zhou Jin couldn't help shaking his body at the words he said. He felt more and more that he seemed to be doing something wrong. Up.

" President Liu...I just..."

"Your name is Zhou Jin, right?" Liu Dongzhi interrupted Zhou Jin and asked. Zhou Jin naturally answered without hesitation: "Yes, yes."

"Then do you know the relationship between me and Jiaying? Or, do you know the relationship between me and Jin Guiyuan?" Liu Dongzhi on the other side of the phone continued to speak, asking in a hoarse voice.

At this moment, the muscles of Zhou Jin's whole body had stiffened, and Liu Dongzhi's tone had obviously become more and more wrong. Instead, he repeatedly asked himself various questions. What is the intention? Do you want to clean up yourself?

When Zhou Jin thought of this, he immediately panicked and said: "Of course I know that, Mr. Liu, Jin Guiyuan is a subordinate industry, and Liu Jiaying, for you, is actually a part-time job." Zhou Jin felt It seemed that there was no problem in saying this, and it was just right to flatter Liu Dongzhi. However, what he didn't expect was that Liu Dongzhi's next words caught him off guard.

"Since you know all this, how can you be so stupid to let me get rid of Jiaying for you? Do you think I will get rid of Jiaying for you?" Liu Dongzhi said in a very solemn tone.

When Zhou Jin heard this, the muscles on his face also trembled. If Liu Dongzhi had been testing himself before, then at this moment, he should be the first time he expressed his opinion to himself. It’s just this attitude, but it is There is a world of difference in my imagination!

However, Zhou Jin also knew that he had already fallen in. At this time, it was almost impossible to retreat all over the body. Although the result was completely different from what he expected, Zhou Jin was not completely panicked. Then it's better to break the boat!

"Mr. Liu, it’s just for me. Of course you won’t take such a big risk. But according to our investigation, the holiday between you and Liu Jiaying is not just one bit at a time. There was such a big scandal before, can you really Can it be treated as if nothing has happened?"

Zhou Jin had plucked up the courage to say this. If it were under normal circumstances, he would obviously not dare to talk to Liu Dongzhi like this. However, Zhou Jin did not grasp the real reason why Liu Dongzhi and Liu Jiaying fell out. If he knew that, things would be much easier to handle. Just relying on the information Zhou Jin had in his hands was obviously not enough for Liu Dongzhi to use for him.

Let's talk about Liu Dongzhi's old fried dough stick. The reason why Zhou Jin had been asking various questions before was actually to make sure: whether he knew Liu Jiaying was holding his handles. If Zhou Jin really knew this, Liu Dongzhi would indeed lower his posture in an instant. After all, this is a matter involving his personal interests. If he does not bow his head, then Zhou Jin and Liu Jiaying will cooperate together, then he will be completely It's over. Although the chance of Zhou Jin and Liu Jiaying getting together is very small, for Liu Dongzhi, once it happens, the consequences are unimaginable, so he will naturally not let himself take such a risk.

At this moment, after hearing Zhou Jin’s words, Liu Dongzhi took a long breath again, and then said: “Since it’s a holiday, it can be eliminated naturally. Look at the relationship between me and Jiaying. Does it seem to be a break? Why do you think that with your few words, I can help you?"

Obviously, Liu Dongzhi still has not been able to determine the answer he wants. Until now, he has no idea whether Zhou Jin knows the handles in Liu Jiaying's hands, because Zhou Jin has never revealed this information, so for For Liu Dongzhi at this moment, he is still constantly testing Zhou Jin, and his purpose is only to get the answer he wants. However, looking at Zhou Jin’s reaction at this moment and the words he said, it seems that there is absolutely nothing about that. Information, and Liu Dongzhi is also a little impatient. He is guiding Zhou Jin as he can, hoping that Zhou Jin can quickly say what he wants to hear.

It's a pity that Zhou Jin didn't know about this, so no matter how Liu Dongzhi guides him at this moment, Zhou Jin still can't tell. After groaning for a while, Zhou Jin continued to speak: "Mr. Liu, why did you guys be like that before? Only you know in your heart that some things, if you have the first time, you will naturally have a second time. You treat Liu Jiaying himself How is it, you are very clear in your heart, but what did you get in return? Do you hope that something like this will happen again?"

Zhou Jin was indeed sinking into the ruined cauldron at this time. He knew that no matter what he said, the most important thing was Liu Dongzhi’s attitude towards Liu Jiaying. If Liu Dongzhi really wanted to break with Liu Jiaying, then no matter what he said or what he said. Not to mention, you can achieve this goal, but if it is really like what Liu Dongzhi himself said, and everything is good between him and Liu Jiaying, then no matter what he says, he will still not choose for himself. Go and clean up Liu Jiaying.

But Zhou Jin did not expect that when he said so, it was actually a crooked beating. Liu Dongzhi had never been able to determine whether Zhou Jin knew about it or not, and he had not even heard Zhou Jin say any information about this. So Liu Dongzhi I was also very anxious, and now, after hearing Zhou Jin's words, Liu Dongzhi was instantly nervous. Judging from what Zhou Jin just said, maybe he already knew all the secrets between himself and Liu Jiaying. After all, I can promise not to say a word, but Liu Jiaying can’t guarantee it at all. If Liu Jiaying really wants to break the jar and expose everything to the public, then obviously it’s beyond my control, and this Zhou Jin, could it be that he learned those things from Liu Jiaying?

"What you just said, what happened'again'?" Even at this moment, Liu Dongzhi still didn't want to compromise. He couldn't compromise until Zhou Jin knew or didn't know about it. , It is impossible to fully express his stance, this sentence said at this time is obviously to continue to test Zhou Jin.

At this time, Zhou Jin also gradually felt that something seemed to be wrong. If Liu Dongzhi was really unwilling to help himself, then he would directly reject himself very decisively and simply. There was no need to waste so much tongue with himself, but he did not. In doing so, instead, he kept asking himself various questions. Zhou Jin seemed to feel that Liu Dongzhi actually wanted to determine some questions.

At this point, Zhou Jin's mood gradually changed from panic to calm. Next, it seemed that he should have a good talk with Liu Dongzhi and take a good look at what Liu Dongzhi was worried about.

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