My Best Wife

Chapter 2820: Hidden danger (2)

Fang Zhiqiang in front of the screen has been paying attention to this, for fear that someone at the scene will be disadvantageous to Wang Yaxin, so when the black shadow appeared, before Wang Yaxin had not reacted at all, Fang Zhiqiang had already seen the black shadow. shadow.

Fang Zhiqiang stood up abruptly again, but the black shadow that had appeared behind Wang Yaxin, anxiously, seemed to stand upside down, but there was still no way.

At this critical moment, Fang Zhiqiang’s brain was blank, but his first reaction was to call the bald head. Looking at it from the screen, the scene was already in a mess at this moment. Next, who I don’t know what more unexpected things will happen, and now some people have begun to notice Wang Yaxin, and they have even appeared behind Wang Yaxin. If there is any accident to Wang Yaxin today, it is obviously a huge one for Fang Zhiqiang. Therefore, at this time, let the bald head take the person directly in place. If you can avoid some unnecessary troubles, it is naturally the best. Even if you can’t, at least you can minimize the loss.

After receiving Fang Zhiqiang's call, the bald head naturally did not hesitate. After hearing Fang Zhiqiang's general description of what happened on one side, the bald head was fully armed and led people to the court.

After finishing all this, Fang Zhiqiang still felt uneasy, but when Fang Zhiqiang was about to do something again, the dark shadow on the screen had already begun to act on Wang Yaxin!

But what made Fang Zhiqiang even more anxious was that Wang Yaxin at this moment hadn't even realized this, she even continued to shout loudly to the camera, and at this moment, the person behind her suddenly raised a chair, yes Wang Yaxin's head was smashed impartially!

It was originally a solemn and solemn court, but now it’s up to this level. The scene is messed up, and no one will take care of Wang Yaxin’s personal safety. At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang’s heart is in his throat, and he can't think of this person He was so cruel, he wanted to kill Wang Yaxin directly!

Fang Zhiqiang was sweating anxiously, but there was nothing he could do. Even if he had notified his bald head, his bald head could not arrive at the scene so quickly. If Wang Yaxin really had an accident today, it would be his life for Fang Zhiqiang. The shadow of Wang Yaxin happened in front of him, and he has nothing to do!

In fact, Fang Zhiqiang himself is not the only one who is anxious. The people in Lingwei Company are not as careless as Fang Zhiqiang imagined. At this moment, Yao He in front of the screen saw this scene, and his head was sweating. However, he was not more concerned about Wang Yaxin, but felt that Wang Yaxin was a very powerful helper. With Wang Yaxin’s help, Lingwei could easily escape Juying’s target this time. It is precisely because of this. At this moment, Yao He felt that Wang Yaxin must not have an accident. Once Lingwei loses Wang Yaxin, an excellent lawyer, then the next road will be very difficult, because Lingwei has already fired the first shot against Juying. No matter what happens next, Juying will definitely not let go of Lingwei.

Although Yao He’s starting point is different from Fang Zhiqiang’s, he actually wants the same result. Anyway, they don’t want Wang Yaxin to have an accident at the scene, but they are all far away, separated by a screen. , They couldn't do anything, Fang Zhiqiang might still let the bald head out in advance, but Yao He really couldn't do anything.

At the scene, the person had already lifted the chair in his hand behind Wang Yaxin, and he was about to smash it down. At this moment, Wang Yaxin finally realized that something was wrong, as if he could feel a sudden cold wind behind him. Wang Yaxin looked back abruptly. When she saw the chair that was smashing down above her head, Wang Yaxin's eyes widened suddenly. She was just a female streamer. Facing such a scene, she was really helpless. At this moment, even though This is in a solemn court, but no one can maintain his safety. Wang Yaxin knows that maybe this is going to be a major event.

Although Wang Yaxin knew that all this was because he was too greedy, if he left the scene earlier, maybe he would not have encountered such a thing.

At the same time, the man also shouted wildly at Wang Yaxin: "You're looking for death by yourself, don't blame me!"

The chair came down quickly, Wang Yaxin’s hair was already blown by the strong wind, between the electric light and flint, among the messy crowd next to him, a person suddenly rushed up and took Wang Yaxin’s arm and violently With force, Wang Yaxin's figure staggered directly to the front, and finally fell directly on the ground!


The dull voice sounded, Wang Yaxin only felt a soreness in her chest. After a few coughs, Wang Yaxin slowly raised her head, but he saw a man in front of him, and asked softly: "Are you OK?"

Wang Yaxin frowned. Although she wanted to express her gratitude at this time, the pain in her chest made her feel very difficult even to speak.

However, Wang Yaxin also knew that compared to falling heavily on the ground, it was actually much better than being hit by a chair just now. She also knew that the man in front of me was the man who had just saved her, and she should really be thankful. He did it.

Seeing this scene, Fang Zhiqiang's hanging heart finally fell again, took a long breath, and then sat down slowly.

However, before Fang Zhiqiang's body could touch the chair, there was another muffled noise from the screen. This time, it was slightly different from the sound of Wang Yaxin falling to the ground just now. Fang Zhiqiang looked intently, but saw the screen. Blood stains have appeared on the ground.

At this time, only the ground and blood stains were displayed on the screen, and the camera seemed to be shaking violently, making it difficult to maintain balance. Fang Zhiqiang's heart just dropped was suspended again, and at the same time, Fang Zhiqiang's mouth continued Repeated: "Yaxin... Yaxin..." these two words.

After a while, the camera on the screen finally started to move up slowly. Fang Zhiqiang gradually saw Wang Yaxin's figure still lying on the ground. After that, Fang Zhiqiang didn't even dare to look any further, if the blood flowed from Wang Yaxin's head. When it came out, Fang Zhiqiang didn't know how to accept this.

However, at the end of the picture, Fang Zhiqiang discovered that it was the man who had just rescued Wang Yaxin. He was kneeling on the ground at the moment, with a red blood flowing down from the center of his forehead. The blood was obviously flowing from the top of his head, and Fang Zhiqiang It was also clear that the man's facial expression was stiff, or dull at the moment, and the pale color on his face made the blood on his forehead even more red.

At this time, Wang Yaxin, who was still lying on the ground, was also motionless. She didn't even see what happened just now. At this moment, when she turned her head again, she just happened to see the man who had just saved her. Face, fast approaching facing himself!

Wang Yaxin took a closer look and found that the man's face was covered with blood and his eyes had been closed tightly!

At this moment, Wang Yaxin's heart burst into anger, and all the previous fears were dispelled. On such an occasion, this kind of thing that treats human life like a grass can happen, is it too ironic? !

So Wang Yaxin stood up suddenly, facing the man who had just launched the attack. The man was still holding the chair in his hand, and the corner of the chair was still dripping with blood. Wang Yaxin didn't have the slightest fear of all this. There was a trace of firmness and coldness in her eyes, staring at the man in front of her, and immediately said: "I don't care who you are, today you do something like this. , It is destined that you will never get out of this building again. At this time, I will not persuade you to abandon evil and do good, because you no longer have that opportunity!"

"Haha! Do you dare to say rants when you die? Maybe you are right, but if you die, you won't have the chance to see that moment again!" After the man finished speaking, his face suddenly hated him, and again He raised his chair and slammed down at Wang Yaxin!

This time, Wang Yaxin did not choose to dodge, let alone staying still, but directly stretched out his hands and blocked the chair that had fallen down!

Seeing this, the man couldn't help but show a gloomy smile on his face. In his eyes, Wang Yaxin was obviously anxious, but her choice was the most stupid!

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