My Best Wife

Chapter 2776: You can go now (two)

"What are you talking about?" The so-called President Chen turned his gaze to Fang Zhiqiang at this moment, staring at Fang Zhiqiang with an unbelievable expression, frowned and asked.

"You can go now." Fang Zhiqiang didn't say one more word, but this time, the speaking speed of the same five words slowed down a lot, and he said word by word.

Then President Chen finally heard clearly, and then suddenly took off the sunglasses, she glared with anger, and her chest bowed together. It seemed that she was very angry.

At this time, Huang Wanting was also terrified. She knew very well that as Zhou Jin's agent, her status and status were naturally not mentioned in the music world. When would she be able to hear others talking to her like this? Fang Zhiqiang's words just now must have completely angered her!

For Fang Zhiqiang, the matter is very simple. If Huang Wanting really bowed down for her own sake, she would definitely not agree to it. Even if Huaqiang really couldn't reach this hurdle this time, she would never allow it. things happen!

"Mr. Chen, don't be angry. This is a distant cousin of mine. He just came to Pearl City and has never seen anything in the world. Don't be familiar with him!"

But what Fang Zhiqiang did not expect was that at this moment, Huang Wanting suddenly said such a thing, which made Fang Zhiqiang turn his head to look at Huang Wanting, and said with a surprised look: "Wanting, you are what happened?"

"Don't talk first!" Huang Wanting cast a fierce wink at Fang Zhiqiang, and then whispered in a low voice. After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at the manager Chen again, and continued to smile and said: "Mr. Chen, you are a lot of Don’t worry about him, you must be tired after riding such a long distance? Sit down and rest first."

However, President Chen didn't seem to buy Huang Wanting's account, and stared at Fang Zhiqiang, it seemed that the anger in his heart had not diminished much.

Fang Zhiqiang didn't care about her at the moment, but couldn't help but feel sorry for Huang Wanting. For her own affairs, she turned out to be like this. It's just that those humble words have already been said, if it is really because of her own temperament for a while. , And let this matter go to the ground, wouldn't it fail Huang Wanting's good intentions?

So Fang Zhiqiang did not speak at this time. No matter how the woman thinks of herself, it doesn’t matter. Even if she thinks she is an idiot, she will not have the same knowledge as her. There are dogs everywhere, male and female dogs, but she If you dare to insult Huang Wanting, Fang Zhiqiang will not agree for a minute!

At this time Fang Zhiqiang was also pulled by Huang Wanting and turned around. Then Huang Wanting walked up to President Chen again and kept laughing. However, President Chen still stared at Fang Zhiqiang and said: "Since I have never seen the world Yes, don’t bring it out to be embarrassing. We always socialize so much every day, and let me take time to meet you. If I can’t see Xiaowu, don’t say, you brought such **** to dirty my eyes. What do you mean? !"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, this is because I didn't think about it well. I'm sorry, I will definitely come to apologize for another day!" Huang Wanting continued to smile.

"Just you? Are you worthy of the threshold of our President Zhou?! Tell me a few words, and you feel that you are also the person on the scene? Don't take a good look at what kind of stuff you are!" Then President Chen was obviously angry It was all on Huang Wanting's body.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he turned around again, his eyes were already a little red at this time. He looked at Huang Wanting's awkward look at the moment, and he was immediately ready to speak again, but Huang Wanting turned around in time and whispered: "Can you stop talking!?"

If it was normal, Fang Zhiqiang would be able to obey Huang Wanting's meaning, but this time, Fang Zhiqiang could not bear it.

"I don't care if you are President Chen or President Xin. Could you please speak a little bit more virtuously, say I can, but say my friend, I will never agree!" Fang Zhiqiang's tone was extremely cold.

"Huh?! I really gained my knowledge today! I didn't want to waste time with your little friends, but I think you seem to be too ignorant. It seems that today, I have to teach you well. , How to be a human being!” Then Mr. Chen stretched her chin, and the stars flew around. After speaking, she glanced at Huang Wanting again and said: “Sure enough, they are all wild children rushing out of the country, and they are all stinky. Fish rotten shrimp! Let you such a **** come to see me, don't blame me for not giving you Xiaowu face today!"

After Mr. Chen finished speaking, he stretched out his palm and patted Huang Wanting's side angrily. Fang Zhiqiang saw this scene, and he was immediately furious. He was originally unwilling to forge any beams. Even if he couldn't cooperate, he didn't want to make trouble. It was so unhappy and left, but looking at the other party's current posture, it seemed that he was unwilling to let it go.

At the moment when President Chen’s palm was just raised, Fang Zhiqiang raised his hand impressively. Over the years, he has dealt with any kind of person. In terms of fighting, although he is not as experienced as a bald head, he is compared with ordinary people. Naturally, it will not be worse.

What's more, Fang Zhiqiang hadn't planned to fight with each other.


As a loud voice sounded, Mr. Chen's gaze suddenly shifted from Huang Wanting to Fang Zhiqiang, and then fell on Fang Zhiqiang's palm again and on his wrist.

"Let go!" At this moment, President Chen completely exploded his hair, his high heels slammed on the ground, and the sharp sound sounded as if it could penetrate the eardrum.

This sound also directly attracted the attention of everyone in the cafe. Under the attention of everyone, Fang Zhiqiang instead of letting go, he became tighter and tighter, until Mr. Chen's face began to flush.

"You guys...what are you doing in a daze? Give it to me!" The manager Chen furiously shouted at the two bodyguards behind him.

The two bodyguards had already started to leave, but Fang Zhiqiang was too fast just now, and they had no time to react, and they saw that Fang Zhiqiang had taken control of their President Chen.

Facing the two bodyguards, Fang Zhiqiang did not retreat but moved forward. He rushed to the face of President Chen, and shouted at the two bodyguards: "You dare to step forward, her arm is useless!"

After hearing the sound, the two bodyguards looked at each other for a moment, then took off their sunglasses and looked at their general Chen’s wrists. At this moment, it was already a dark purple. It seemed that Fang Zhiqiang’s words just didn’t seem to be at all. joke.

"This friend, do you know who the person in front of you is?" The bodyguard didn't look at it, and it didn't happen, and immediately began to threaten Fang Zhiqiang with words.

But they obviously found the wrong person, and Fang Zhiqiang has never been afraid of these meaningless threats.

"Apologize to her." Fang Zhiqiang ignored the words of the two bodyguards, looked at the manager Chen again, and gritted his teeth every word.

Mr. Chen grinned in pain, and his painted white radish face showed a completely distorted expression.

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