My Best Wife

Chapter 2456: Big life

Seeing that everyone was silent, Zhang Zhenguo walked over slowly after he pondered for a moment, and said to the research director: "Actually, this is not a loss for us. It is nothing more than venting at a later time. What we do is to recharge our energy. When we have enough strength, the outside world will naturally recognize our achievements. Are you right?"

The scientific research director stared at Zhang Zhenguo for a while, then his eyes fell on Fang Zhiqiang again, and then he said: "I don't know if it's right or not, I only know that as long as it is what Fang always said, it must not be wrong!"

Hearing this, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but froze for a moment. He suddenly realized that a word of his own might bring very serious consequences, and it might also bring great power, especially for the group of people in front of him. For the lovely researchers, since they can choose to stay at this time and continue to work for Mingda, it is enough to show that they have a sincere experience with Mingda.

"You don’t seem to understand what I mean. We can now do what you thought before, but have you ever thought about the consequences of doing that? At that time, even if we have made a little achievement, we can do it in case we do. Who can afford more serious consequences?” Originally, Fang Zhiqiang didn’t need to explain in such a detailed manner, but seeing their serious look and the scientific research director’s answer just now, Fang Zhiqiang felt that he should let him They know their true thoughts, at least, they are not aimlessly persisting.

"I understand what you are thinking in your heart. You want to prove yourself as soon as possible, and to prove Mingda as soon as possible, but all of what you think is not the most important thing for current Mingda. Even if we can prove it, What can we do? In the end, when we encounter unsolvable troubles, we have no ability to deal with it. We are not going to fall down? Since we have to do it, we must be the one who laughs last!" Fang Zhiqiang gritted his teeth and said The last sentence.

Compared with these researchers, Fang Zhiqiang is naturally more eager for Mingda to make a comeback, whether it is based on his previous commitment to Wang Xia, or for himself, if Mingda can stand up again, The significance is very important.

Seeing Fang Zhiqiang’s confident face, they seem to have found the confidence they once had in their hearts. Every time they see Fang Zhiqiang, they seem to feel that they are also the invincible teenager, as long as they have With Fang Zhiqiang by his side, there is nothing in this world that they can't do!

"Now, we are already facing a difficulty. The scientific research team consumes funds very much. Without funds to maintain, it is difficult for you to continue the research and development work. Moreover, I also know your ambitions. Products that make a sensation in the whole society come out. Of course, such products consume more money. If we let the people of Juying know our actions at this time, it will naturally be of no benefit to our next research and development process."

Hearing Fang Zhiqiang's words, everyone nodded silently, and the research director took the lead again and said: "President Fang, we understand, don't worry, we will do whatever you arrange next!"

After he finished speaking, he paused for a moment, and then frowned again and said, "It's just... this R&D funding matter, does Fang always have any ideas?"

Hearing this question, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but sighed. Now he no longer has the ability at the beginning. At that time, he could run all over the Pearl City for a sum of capital injection, but now, he has no identity, and How many people would like to see themselves?

"President Fang, don’t worry, we have already counted it before. The current research and development funds in our hands are still enough for us to maintain for about a week. We save a little. I think there is no problem in about ten days." Seeing Fang Zhiqiang’s difficulties, he also knew that after the collapse of Mingda, Fang Zhiqiang was the most impoverished person. When Mingda needed funds, Fang Zhiqiang took out all his private property at all costs, and then Mingda went bankrupt. Obviously, Fang Zhiqiang's money can't be returned.

However, this is also a very important factor for the research director to choose to stay. It is precisely because he knows that Fang Zhiqiang has no retreat, so he thinks about accompany Fang Zhiqiang to make a comeback together, because he has been in business for so many years, Fang Zhiqiang is the only boss who trusts him so much, and is the only boss who has talked with him. The words of Fang Zhiqiang have been firmly remembered by the scientific research director until now. He will not forget it because It was those words that made him find the direction and goal of his efforts.


Lin Shan's house.

Last night, Wang Yaxin and Lin Shan drank some wine and said a lot of things in their hearts. Wang Yaxin told Lin Shan all the things between him and Fang Zhiqiang.

The two of them now slowly woke up with sleepy eyes.

In the living room, two people were sitting on the sofa. Wang Yaxin rubbed his foreheads, looked at Lin Shan's sleepy look, couldn't help but smiled, "You look so charming now!"

"Oh, it seems that the words you said last night were just perfunctory me!" Lin Shan smiled.

"Well! I'm all from the bottom of my heart, OK?!" Wang Yaxin said firmly.

"But to be honest, I really admire you. If you were to change me to you, I might have been unable to hold on any longer, and I would have agreed to him long ago." Lin Shan said seriously.

"Then it's not too late for you to agree!" Wang Yaxin said while looking at her.

"What are you talking about!" Lin Shan gave Wang Yaxin a white glance.

"I'm serious, don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. Since it is interesting to others, and I am not with him now, what a good opportunity for you, why can't you work hard?" Wang Yaxin Continue to say with assistance.

"Don't be joking, he is not suitable for me at all, and I will never be his food in my entire life." Lin Shan said somewhat sullenly.

"Why do you say that?" Wang Yaxin frowned in confusion.

"If you can see me, we would have had a story a long time ago. After such a long time, he has always known what I think of him, but when you look at him, have you paid attention to me? I am not like you. I have so much courage to be able to stick to people’s cold **** again and again. What chance do I have?"

"You!" Wang Yaxin rolled his eyes helplessly. As Lin Shan was talking, she also hurt herself.

"Do you dare to say that what I said is wrong? I am a person who can see the reality clearly. Since I have no relationship with others, I will not insist anymore. Besides, he is surrounded by beautiful women all the time, comparing with you , I am ashamed of myself, where can I dare to think of others!" Lin Shan smiled.

"Okay, I can't tell you anyway, so you plan to keep going like this and be an old nun?" Wang Yaxin looked at her and said again.

"That’s not true. I started a small company before. I said it’s not busy. It’s also very busy. I always use busyness as an excuse to stay alone. Later, I went to Mingda and became even busier. There is no time. Now, I can finally stop for a while, and I really should think about the major events of my life." Lin Shan put her hands on her cheeks, and after thinking for a moment, said with a serious face.

"Well, I can't tell, you are quite enlightened!" Wang Yaxin joked.

"Then what about you? You didn't promise, if someone turns around and really takes another wife home, what can you do?" Lin Shan asked back.

"If that's the case, I don't have much pressure." Wang Yaxin sighed and said in a relieved tone.

After speaking, she noticed Lin Shan's unbelievable expression, and then continued: "Actually I don't think he will."

"Why do you think so? You have said it yourself. At that time, people were arrogant with Xiaoxiao. Can he choose you arrogantly, but can't he choose others arrogantly?" Lin Shan insisted.

"I don't know why, anyway, I just don't think he would do this." Wang Yaxin raised her brow, as if to comfort herself.

"Hey! It's not so good, why did you start the spring first?" Lin Shan looked at Wang Yaxin's nymphomaniac expression and said so mercilessly after indulging for a moment.

Wang Yaxin patted Lin Shan's arm lightly, and then said: "If that's the case, even if it is between me and him, there really is no fate!" Wang Yaxin sighed.

"You used to insist on pursuing the happiness you want. Now that happiness is only one step away from you, why are you starting to shrink again?" Lin Shan was puzzled, and she still couldn't understand what Wang Yaxin was thinking.

"Okay, let's not talk about him. I am now full of him who said that. After two days of cleaning up, can you accompany me to relax?" Wang Yaxin waved his hand.


After Wang Xia got up early in the morning, she took the gifts she prepared before and went to Li Yonggui’s house. Today is Li Yonggui’s seventy-ninth birthday. There is a custom among folks, saying that large birthdays can only be passed in odd numbers, not even numbers. Therefore, the eighty-year-old birthday must come early to seventy-nine.

When I came to Li Xiaoxiao's house, Li Yonggui's family was having breakfast, and it seemed that it was no different in normal times.

Wang Xia looked at the few people at the table eating breakfast quietly, and even felt that she had remembered the day wrong?

"What are you doing in a daze? Haven't you eaten yet?" Xiaoma asked with a puzzled face looking at Wang Xia's motionlessness.

"What is it in her hand?" Xiaoma took the thing in Wang Xia's hand, looked down and found that it was a cake, and then said with a dazed expression: "It's just for the new year. What's the big cake?"

Listening to Xiao Ma's words, Wang Xia grinned in embarrassment, and then tentatively said: "Auntie, today...isn't it my uncle's birthday?"

Wang Xia really thought that she had remembered it wrong. If that was the case, this person would be lost today.

"Huh?" Xiaoma was stunned, and after a moment of indulging, she patted her forehead suddenly, and then said: "Oh! I really forgot about this!"

"But Xiaoxia, we are all so old. This year your uncle has his seventy-ninth birthday. There is no need to make it so grand, right?" Xiao Ma looked at Wang Xia again and said.

"Why? People don't always say that the 80th birthday is a year in advance?" Wang Xia said with an innocent look.

"Haha, Xiaoxia, you have your heart. Both the old lady and I don’t remember my birthday anymore. I didn’t expect you to remember it!" Li Yonggui stood up with a smile at the moment. No matter how old, someone celebrates his birthday. A happy thing.

"Dad! I'm not happy about what you said. The people who remember your birthday today are not only my sister, but also me!" Li Xiaoxiao said as she took out an exquisite small box from her pocket. Continued: "I gave my father a carefully selected watch as a birthday present!"

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