My Best Wife

Chapter 2345: Leaving Minda

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he couldn't help but was stunned. He obviously didn't have this idea in his heart. He just inadvertently remembered the past. At that time, when he was wearing a suit and selling goods, it was the woman in front of him who brought herself into the big shopping mall. A few clothes.

At that time, I looked at those famous brand clothes and felt that wearing them on my body was a waste.

"No, it just feels a little troublesome." Fang Zhiqiang replied.

"If you don't want me to buy it for you, it's fine. Anyway, it's a suit, a tie, and a white shirt. You can buy it yourself." Wang Yaxin said, turning his head and looking at Fang Zhiqiang.

Fang Zhiqiang was sitting in the back seat, and Wang Xinsheng sat in the child seat obediently beside Fang Zhiqiang. She was silent at the moment, but she still looked very cute.

Soon, when he arrived at a clothing store, Fang Zhiqiang looked at the bright sky outside, and couldn't help being a little surprised. Then he asked Wang Yaxin, "Is it open so early?"

"This is a clothing store that welcomes you around the clock. You can come over at any time."

Wang Yaxin stopped the car, turned to look at Fang Zhiqiang, and explained.

After speaking, Wang Yaxin pondered for a moment, his eyes fell on Xin Sheng again, and then he continued: "Then I won't go, I stay to see Hu Xinsheng, can you go in by yourself?"

After Fang Zhiqiang pondered for a moment, he said again: "Let's go together. By the way, let me see what other etiquette you have here."

Wang Yaxin smiled and nodded, and then got out of the car with Xin Sheng.

When walking towards the clothing store, Wang Yaxin said to Fang Zhiqiang: “Don’t forget the details I told you, don’t think it’s a trivial matter. The customs here are still somewhat different from those in the country. They pay much attention to etiquette. It doesn’t matter if you buy clothes. , But when you go to an early education institution later, you must pay special attention."

Fang Zhiqiang nodded his head again and again. He naturally had no opinion on Wang Yaxin's teaching.

Upon entering the clothing store, the waiter greeted her with enthusiasm. Seeing her look at Wang Yaxin, Fang Zhiqiang felt that they should be old acquaintances.

The two kissed face to face while speaking English.

When Fang Zhiqiang saw this, he was pretending to be calm. He was also someone who had been abroad. He hadn't seen such things before. At this time, he could not show ignorance.

It doesn't matter to me, mainly because he can't lose Wang Yaxin.

Fang Zhiqiang stood there blankly, listening to Wang Yaxin introducing herself to the other party. Wang Yaxin was talking about'friends'. Then Fang Zhiqiang also looked at the waiter with a kind smile on his face and was thinking about it. What should she do if she wants to get up to kiss her face?

Thinking like this, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but panicked when he saw that the waiter had walked towards him. He turned to Wang Yaxin who asked for help. Although he hadn't seen him before, he had never done it like this.

Wang Yaxin looked at Fang Zhiqiang as if a little cramped, and immediately said: "She is Lisa. I often come to buy clothes, so I know each other. Just shake your hands."

Fang Zhiqiang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words. He immediately stretched out his hand and looked at the waiter with a smile. After the two shook hands, the waiter looked at Fang Zhiqiang again and asked Fang Zhiqiang in English what he wanted. Kind of clothes.

Fang Zhiqiang was naturally not afraid of English, and immediately communicated with the other party very proficiently.

The waiter listened to Fang Zhiqiang's fluent English, and his pronunciation was even better than hers. He was surprised at his face, and then led Fang Zhiqiang to the business district.

The waiter gave a very detailed introduction, but Fang Zhiqiang randomly selected one set, and then let the waiter take it down.

I briefly talked about my size, and I didn't even try it, so I asked the other party to pack and swipe the card.

Seeing Fang Zhiqiang's straightforward behavior, Wang Yaxin's face was a little embarrassed.

Sure enough, Na Lisa was also stunned. In order to relieve the embarrassment, she praised Fang Zhiqiang again, but Fang Zhiqiang did not realize what she had done wrong from beginning to end, and even felt that she had performed extremely well.

After walking out of the clothing store, Wang Yaxin patiently explained the situation to Fang Zhiqiang.

"What? It's not appropriate to not try on clothes?" Fang Zhiqiang asked helplessly.

"I introduced you, Lisa also knows me, you don't even try, don't you seem to be a little serious!" Wang Yaxin said softly.

"Just buying clothes, how serious should I be?" Fang Zhiqiang still insisted on his point of view.

"Okay, it's not a big deal anyway, but when you arrive at the early education institution, you should pay attention to it. Whether you speak or move, you must be careful and careful. You should not let people feel that you are anxious or impatient." Wang Yaxin continued to explain .

And Fang Zhiqiang just kept nodding silently. Looking at Fang Zhiqiang like this, Wang Yaxin was still a little worried. Fang Zhiqiang had that kind of personality, so he didn't even try to buy clothes and let him be patient and chat with the group. Wang Yaxin is really uneasy to communicate with people.

But watching Fang Zhiqiang nodding silently again and again, it seemed that he was a little impatient, and Wang Yaxin didn't say more.

After buying clothes, it was already past seven o'clock. The early education institution opened at eight o'clock. Wang Yaxin drove directly to the early education institution.

Fang Zhiqiang didn't speak much along the way. Looking at the scenery along the way and understanding this strange city, Wang Yaxin has lived here with Xin Sheng for so long. What kind of city is this place?


In the Mingzhu City Hospital.

Li Xiaoxiao stayed up all night, she frowned when she thought of yesterday.

Lin Guozheng unscrupulously destroyed the entire Mingda like that. Now everything is paralyzed. Mingda has difficulty even running normally. However, there is no solution to this matter right now.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at the seemingly bright sky outside, and then glanced at the time. It was already four or five o'clock in the morning.

When sleepiness struck, Li Xiaoxiao wanted to rest for a while, but at this moment, the phone rang again.

"What's the matter, Lao Bi?" Li Xiaoxiao asked Bi Luochun's phone call with confusion.

"Xiaoxiao, something big happened!" Bi Luochun said in a panic tone, listening to Bi Luochun's tone, Li Xiaoxiao finally realized that this time, the complexity of the matter was far more complicated than he thought!

"What's the matter? Don't worry, speak slowly." Li Xiaoxiao spoke again and asked Bi Luochun.

"After the news of Lin Guozheng being arrested spread, twelve companies, large and small, within Mingda immediately asked to leave Mingda!" Bi Luochun deliberately lowered his voice, but still couldn't conceal the panic.

When someone came to the group to provoke trouble, he could stand up and fight, but in the face of such a thing, he had nothing to do.

"How could this happen?" After Li Xiaoxiao listened to it, her face was panicked. This matter is very serious for the current Mingda.

"I have discussed with Mr. Zhang, otherwise, let's reconcile with Lin Guozheng."

Bi Luochun once again said in a helpless tone that yesterday's Lin Guo was making so much trouble in the group. When Zhang Zhenguo made this proposal, Bi Luochun was the first to oppose it. However, afterwards, Bi Luochun was still caught by Zhang Zhenguo. Convinced.

This bad breath can come out at any time, but once something goes wrong with Mingda, it would be too difficult to recover it!

"This matter has something to do with Lin Guozheng?" Li Xiaoxiao asked again in a puzzled tone.

"My Director Li, do you really know it or not? The International Trade Group of Lin Guozheng is involved in too many industries. As a retail industry, naturally it is indispensable to deal with our technology industry. I have I asked Lin Shan to investigate. They all had a close cooperative relationship with China World Trade Group.” Bi Luochun continued, and the helplessness and unwillingness in his tone were not concealed at all. If in the end he really looked at Lin Guozheng and swaggered. He walked away, he was the first to swallow this breath, but the most important thing at the moment is to keep Mingda. Only in this way can they have the opportunity to continue to mediate with Lin Guozheng.

"No! No reconciliation!" After Li Xiaoxiao groaned for a moment, he said such a sentence with confidence, which made Bi Luochun stunned.

"Xiaoxiao, why are you..."

"Old Bi, Mingda is not a soft persimmon, it's not anyone who wants to pinch it, don't they want to leave? Then let them get away! I want to see, if you leave Mingda, which one of them can take care of themselves!" Li Xiaoxiao is angry! Said.

"Xiaoxiao, at this time, there is no need to bet on this anger, not to mention whether they can take care of themselves, their departure will inevitably cause a fatal blow to Mingda, don't forget, Juying is still staring at us at this time! "

At this moment, Zhang Zhenguo couldn't help but stand up and said to Li Xiaoxiao.

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