My Best Wife

Chapter 2342: Biological daughter (2)

Fang Zhiqiang froze for a long time, looking at Wang Xinsheng's small face, his mouth wide open, but he couldn't say a word.

How he wants to agree!

However, he also promised Wang Yaxin that he would never have anything to do with this daughter!

Hug is fine, but if you want to recognize each other, you have to go through her Wang Yaxin's approval!

Of course, Fang Zhiqiang didn't think that Wang Yaxin's doing this was too much. This was what he deserved!

As Wang Xinsheng's father, Fang Zhiqiang realized that he had not fulfilled the slightest obligation. From birth to the present, this is the first time that he has embraced her!

As for Wang Yaxin, it was even more difficult. Fang Zhiqiang knew that she could not take good care of her. It was not easy for her to pull the child so big by herself.

"Mom! You are back!"

And just when several people were stunned, a boy's voice suddenly sounded in a room. After a while, Xiaoyu rushed out of the room impatiently.

However, as soon as he left the house, he was also stunned at the door.

The ten-year-old boy stared blankly at the man in front of him, but the original joy on his face disappeared instantly.

"Xiaoyu... are you okay?" Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help asking when seeing the familiar little face, but Wang Jingyu didn't react at all.

When Fang Zhiqiang saw this, he also smiled awkwardly. He didn't blame Xiaoyu for holding a grudge against him, because he lied to him first.

"Qiangzi, you are finally back!" However, at the moment when Fang Zhiqiang lowered his head somewhat disappointed, he suddenly heard that Wang Jingyu said such a sentence.

Fang Zhiqiang looked up in a daze, only to find that Xiaoyu rushed towards him.

Without saying anything, Xiaoyu threw himself into Fang Zhiqiang's arms, clasped Fang Zhiqiang's waist tightly, and asked over and over again: "This time, you won't leave, will you?"

Obviously, Xiaoyu misunderstood.

Wang Yaxin returned to the territory because of the advice he gave. He thought that Wang Yaxin successfully brought Fang Zhiqiang back and would stay with them in the future, so he asked such words.

And Fang Zhiqiang looked at Wang Yaxin again at a loss, and Wang Yaxin also walked over in embarrassment.

"Xiaoyu! Come and help mother." Wang Yaxin said while pulling Xiaoyu over.

However, when Xiaoyu was pulled away, he still stared at Fang Zhiqiang intently. The somewhat helpless expression on Fang Zhiqiang's face seemed to be seen by Xiaoyu, and he immediately lowered his eyelids a little lost.

After entering the kitchen, Xiaoyu turned to look at Wang Yaxin and asked: "Mom, what's the matter with Qiangzi? Don't you plan to stay with us?"

Wang Yaxin listened to the child's innocent question that day, but didn't know how to answer it.

"Xiaoyu, my mother failed you. My mother didn't do what she promised you. He came this time to take care of her younger sister." Wang Yaxin paused and looked at Wang Jingyu seriously, with his palm lightly pressed. Sliding across Wang Jingyu's cheek, he said softly.

After Xiaoyu listened, he immediately lowered his head. He seemed to have guessed this just now, but he didn't give up and wanted to confirm it again.

"I knew that he wouldn't be willing to be at his house..." Wang Jingyu muttered softly.

"Xiaoyu, it's not what you think, he..."

"What else can it be? No matter how nice we are to him, we can't let him stay, because in his heart, that home is always more important!" Xiaoyu said a little angrily.

Upon seeing this, Wang Yaxin was helpless. Facing Xiaoyu who was slightly out of control at this moment, Wang Yaxin didn't know how to comfort him.

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang was holding Wang Xinsheng firmly, with an uncontrollable smile on his face, staring at the cute little face intently, and shouting again and again: "Xiao Xinsheng...Xiao Xin Sheng..."

He wanted to talk more to Wang Xinsheng, but he was afraid that he had said the wrong thing, and he was afraid that he couldn't help asking her to call himself "dad".

Therefore, he could only call Xin Sheng's name over and over again, but he didn't dare to say more than a single sentence.

"Then you, look at her first, and I will help Yaxin." Zhang Jie said with a smile when she watched the harmonious scene between Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Xinsheng.

Fang Zhiqiang nodded, and after watching Sister Zhang enter the kitchen, Fang Zhiqiang sat down on the sofa, took the toy on the coffee table, and passed it to Wang Xinsheng. Seeing Wang Xinsheng’s happy appearance, Fang Zhiqiang felt extremely Happiness, he couldn't help but an idea popped up in his heart: If this can continue, how good would it be?

Fang Zhiqiang, who concentrated on playing with Wang Xinsheng, didn't know how long time had passed. When Wang Yaxin and Sister Zhang came out with the food, he didn't notice at all.

"It's dinner." Wang Yaxin looked at Fang Zhiqiang who was dedicated and shouted.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he came back to his senses, and then he held Wang Xinsheng to the dining table.

"Give me the baby, it's time to breastfeed." Wang Yaxin said as he took Wang Xinsheng from Fang Zhiqiang's arms.

The two were very close at the moment. Looking at the reluctant expression on Fang Zhiqiang's face, Wang Yaxin couldn't bear to separate the father and daughter for a while.

But in the end, Fang Zhiqiang let go of his hand. He knew that he could not be unsatisfied, and being able to hold Wang Xinsheng for so long was the opportunity that Wang Yaxin had given himself.

However, Wang Yaxin was thinking: What if you don't let go?

Sister Zhang’s cooking is delicious, but Fang Zhiqiang has always been absent-minded, because his attention has always been on Wang Xinsheng, who is breastfeeding.

Wang Yaxin naturally noticed Fang Zhiqiang's gaze looking at her, but she never spoke. She is also a mother, and naturally knows how much she desires in her heart when facing her own children, so she can understand Fang Zhiqiang at the moment.

Soon after Wang Xinsheng finished eating, Wang Yaxin hugged her to the table again.

Fang Zhiqiang's eyes never left Wang Xinsheng, and Wang Xinsheng always stared at Fang Zhiqiang. The two seemed destined to be inseparable.

Faced with this scene, Wang Yaxin did not deliberately stop them. Although she had said such cruel words at the beginning, she was still a soft-hearted woman. She couldn't bear to look at Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Xinsheng so close, but cruelly separated them. .

It's just that everyone has finished eating, Sister Zhang is ready to clean up the dishes, Fang Zhiqiang still holds the slow bowl of rice in his hand, staring at Wang Xinsheng intently.

"Mr. Fang, can you still eat it?" Sister Zhang looked at Wang Yaxin and then at Fang Zhiqiang, before she asked carefully.

She could naturally see that all Fang Zhiqiang's attention was on Wang Xinsheng, and Wang Yaxin's attention was on Fang Zhiqiang, so she never interrupted her mouth, but at this moment, she couldn't help it anymore. , Just asked so.

Fang Zhiqiang was awakened by the sound, he smiled awkwardly, then looked at the bowl of rice in his hand and said, "Eat!"

After that, Zhang Jie looked at Fang Zhiqiang who was devouring, she couldn't help but smile.

While eating, Fang Zhiqiang heard Wang Yaxin suddenly say: "It's getting late now, I'll take Xin Sheng to sleep first."

Hearing this, Fang Zhiqiang immediately looked up again, but Wang Yaxin was already holding Wang Xinsheng up.

Seeing Wang Yaxin's departure, Fang Zhiqiang endured without saying a word. He kept reminding himself in his heart to be content.

After eating, Fang Zhiqiang's mind was still circling the lovely face of Wang Xinsheng just now. After all, the blood relationship is always a constant relationship. No matter how long the two people have not seen each other, as long as they meet, the feeling of blood is thicker than water. It will be swept in an instant, no one can stop it.


After receiving the call from Bi Luochun, the bald head in Pearl City couldn't help but was taken aback. He had been looking for Li Xiaoxiao everywhere, but now Bi Luochun called this call again, making the bald head suddenly more anxious.

Bald sent his brothers to the staff office and the hospital to conduct interrogations.

Finally, it was quickly found that Li Xiaoxiao was now undergoing treatment in the hospital, which made the bald head relieved completely, and then told Bi Luochun the news.

Bi Luochun was relieved, and then asked Bald to send someone to send the mobile phone to Li Xiaoxiao, and asked Bald to bring a message to Li Xiaoxiao.

At this moment, Bald had arrived in the hospital. After entering Li Xiaoxiao's ward, Bald held up his mobile phone and said, "Xiaoxiao, did you forget your mobile phone in the office?"

Li Xiaoxiao heard this and immediately stretched out his hand and said, "Yes, how did you find it?"

While Bald handed the phone to Li Xiaoxiao, he said: "Old Bi asked me to bring you something, saying that Brother Qiang made several calls to you and asked you to return one. In addition, they did not tell Brother Qiang what happened to Mingda today. As for the matter, whether you want to say it or not, you make your own decision."

After listening to Li Xiaoxiao, she couldn't help but was stunned. She obviously knew the meaning of the words. Since Lao Bi and Zhang Zhenguo didn't say it, obviously they couldn't say it.

However, looking at the smiling expression on the bald head again, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly asked: "Qiangzi doesn't know anything now, right?"

The bald head nodded, and then said: "Actually, I think Brother Qiang should be told that even if he can't come back, he can at least figure out a way. Now that Mingda is messed up, someone has to come out to take charge.

Although the bald head didn't speak clearly, Li Xiaoxiao could hear it clearly.

It's okay when you don't encounter things, but once you encounter things, people's ability is high.

Obviously, Bi Luochun does not have the ability to deal with this sudden disaster.

Even if the bald head didn't mention this, Li Xiaoxiao could see it.

It's just that at this time, he couldn't do anything that hurt Bi Luochun's heart. After all, he had paid a lot for Mingda. This time when he encountered trouble, he did not shrink at all. This is still in Li Xiaoxiao's eyes.

"I think it's better not to say it. When he comes back, if he hasn't dealt with it well, he will know by then." After Li Xiaoxiao thought for a long time, he said suddenly.

Hearing this, the bald head nodded without hesitation. He didn't need to listen to Li Xiaoxiao's explanation. As long as it was Li Xiaoxiao's decision, he would follow it.

Because Li Xiaoxiao is Fang Zhiqiang's woman.

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