My Best Wife

Chapter 2284: Deduction

Everything was fine, but after one night, Li Xiaoxiao also lost contact. Wang Yaxin and Lin Shan were anxious. Seeing that there was no one to deal with the situation, they both felt sad.

"It really doesn't work, let's talk to Bi Luochun, let him choose another candidate, and take the time to sort out the information again, at least before the end of the month, we must appeal!"

Lin Shan said in a very anxious tone. Now there are only seven days left until the end of the month, but the last two days at the end of the month happen to be the rest days, so strictly speaking, there are only five days left for them to sort out the materials and restart. Candidates are locked.

"You can only do this now, you can call him..." Wang Yaxin frowned helplessly, then sighed slightly and said helplessly to Lin Shan.

Lin Shan just took out her mobile phone, and Li Xiaoxiao finally called.

Li Xiaoxiao, who only fell asleep at five o'clock in the morning yesterday, woke up at ten o'clock. Seeing that she had missed so many calls, she immediately returned to Lin Shan.

After receiving a call from Li Xiaoxiao, Lin Shan and Wang Yaxin breathed a sigh of relief again. As long as this most important matter is not delayed, everything else is easy to say.

Li Xiaoxiao communicated with Lin Shan in detail about all the things he researched last night. After Lin Shan listened, she couldn't help but give Li Xiaoxiao a thumbs up in her heart, a completely unprofessional person. , To be able to master all the professional knowledge on the seven pages of materials in one night, and to put it right, not anyone can do it.

"Xiaoxiao, you are doing very well, but I want to remind you that you must pay attention to your body, did you sleep late last night?" Lin Shan asked in a tentative tone.

"It's okay, if you don't think there is any problem, then, let's start to agree on a date for the appeal?" Li Xiaoxiao said disapprovingly.

In fact, she had just been woken up by Lin Shan's constant phone calls at this time, and she called Lin Shan as soon as she opened her eyes. She was still in bed.

Xiaoma outside had also come in to see her several times, and she was still sleeping every time, so Xiaoma didn't wake her up, but now it was almost noon. If Li Xiaoxiao didn't eat anymore, Xiaoma would naturally not Don't worry about her body, at this moment Xiaoma came to the door again.

Before entering, Xiaoma heard Li Xiaoxiao's voice on the phone, and then she frowned helplessly, and started working as soon as she woke up. This Li Xiaoxiao has obviously become a workaholic now, which is not what Xiaoma wants to watch. Arrived.

But she was extremely helpless about this, she herself could not convince Li Xiaoxiao.

"Don't worry, you and Sister Yaxin haven't cooperated like this before, so I think you need to practice well before you can determine the time for the appeal. After all, this battle is too important for us to be lost. "Lin Shan said very seriously.

"But, isn't she in hospital right now?" Li Xiaoxiao said in a puzzled tone.

"So, you need to come to the hospital and conduct live drills with her." Lin Shan affirmed.

When Li Xiaoxiao heard the words, Wei Wei hesitated for a moment, then got up from the bed and said to the phone: "Okay, I'll pass now!"

After getting dressed and doing a simple refreshing, Li Xiaoxiao walked to the door and was about to go out. At this time Xiaoma finally couldn't help but came up and shouted: "You haven't eaten yet, Xiaoxiao!"

"Mom, I still have something to do, so I won't eat it now, and eat it when I come back at noon." Although Li Xiaoxiao said that she would be back at noon, in fact, she knew that she could not come back at noon. In order not to make mother worry about herself.

Xiaoma was panicked immediately, when she wanted to continue speaking, Li Xiaoxiao had already walked out the door.

Xiaoma looked worried and helpless, turned her head to look at Li Yonggui, but at this moment Li Yonggui was still looking at the phone, with her back facing Xiaoma, and said nothing.

"Look! What's the daughter like now? If this goes on, her body must be exhausted!" Xiaoma was obviously complaining about Li Yonggui, hoping that Li Yonggui would be softer.

However, the reply she got was: "Isn't Zhiqiang always living like this every day? I haven't seen you worry about it? Besides, when we were young, didn't we come here too?"

"I..." Xiaoma was speechless at Li Yonggui's words, she rolled her eyes helplessly, and went to the bedroom. Xiao Ai Li was standing at the door, looking at her.

Fang Zhiqiang and Bald head were discussing the details of Fang Zhiqiang's abdication along the way. Although they had heard all of them, Bald still didn't quite understand it. After all, the high-spirited Fang Zhiqiang was too impressed in Bald's heart.

From the first meeting in front of Jiajia’s flagship store, until Fang Zhiqiang became the president of Mingda, at any time, he gave the impression of a bald head as an excellent and hardworking entrepreneur.

But such a person chose to abdicate at such a young age, and it is still unknown where his life will go from now on, which makes the bald head totally unbelievable.

"Don't think about it, this is your house, right?" The car stopped, Fang Zhiqiang looked at the bald head's still blank expression, and said immediately.

The bald head reacted, looked up, and then nodded.

"Let's go, this is the first time I have come to your house!" Fang Zhiqiang took the lead to get out of the car and said to the bald head.

Entering the community, came to the door of Baldhead's house. Under the prompt of Fang Zhiqiang, Baldhead took out the key and opened the door.

As soon as he entered, Fang Zhiqiang smelled a pungent scent, which was obviously not like the smell of a big man's residence.

"Bald head, don't you know what Jinwu Zangjiao is like?" Fang Zhiqiang suddenly looked at bald head with a surprised expression and said.

The bald head was still dumbfounded, but he shook his head, and then said, "Maybe it's Linger who is here. I told her before I came back."

Sure enough, as soon as the bald voice fell, Nan Ling'er walked out, seeing the few people in front of her, the expression on her face was obviously a little surprised, and then her eyes locked on her bald head.

"You still know how to come back? Why don't you live outside!" Nan Ling'er said to her bald head with an unhappy expression.

But the bald state at this moment is completely wrong. If it is normal, he will definitely rush to coax his charming girlfriend, but now he is stunned and said: "This is strong brother, he Come to my house today. When did you come here?"

Looking at such a dumb bald head, Nan Ling'er was also stunned, which was obviously not the same as the gentle bald head she knew.

Nan Ling'er suddenly realized that something seemed to happen, and immediately looked at Fang Zhiqiang, but still said with a bit of displeased expression: "What? I'm worried about my bald head and **** it back personally?"

Listening to Nan Ling'er's rather opinionated tone, Fang Zhiqiang also smiled helplessly. It was obvious that she was sincere towards bald heads.

"Ling'er, you misunderstood, I just..."

"People have a name and a surname, wouldn't they be called?" Nan Linger interrupted Fang Zhiqiang's words immediately, and continued to say in an unhappy tone.

Fang Zhiqiang smiled helplessly again, and continued: "Comrade Nan Ling'er, you are right. I am indeed a bald bodyguard now. In order to honor the promise I made to you that day, this is what I should do."

Fang Zhiqiang’s sincere attitude finally made Nan Ling'er smile, but she soon returned to her indifferent expression, looked at her bald head and said, “My mother said, you can leave home at every turn. We two are not suitable. ."

Nan Ling'er was obviously joking when she said this, and both the bald head and Fang Zhiqiang could see it.

Fang Zhiqiang looked at this harmonious scene, and he was relieved. It seemed that the marriage of the bald head should not be too far away.

On the other hand, Li Xiaoxiao, who came to the hospital, was also extremely anxious. Under the prompts of Lin Shan and Wang Yaxin, they quickly entered the rehearsal state. They directly regarded this ward as a court scene, and said to them every sentence. The words are considered repeatedly until the most suitable method is finally selected.

But Lin Shan and Wang Yaxin didn't know at this moment. Until now, Li Xiaoxiao still hasn't eaten.

It is already half past eleven noon.

However, Li Xiaoxiao still looks very strong, and speaks very confidently. It doesn't look like he has not eaten.

Until a certain moment, Li Xiaoxiao's eyes narrowed slightly, this detail was captured by Lin Shan, she could feel that Li Xiaoxiao should be very sleepy at the moment.

Thinking of the professional knowledge Li Xiaoxiao had once again, Lin Shan immediately concluded that Li Xiaoxiao should have not slept much all night last night. Otherwise, how could she have mastered so much professional knowledge in such a short time?

"Xiaoxiao, let me remind you again, this task must not be missed. As the representative of Mingda, you must not be sick, otherwise it will be a fatal blow to us, do you understand?" Lin Shan suddenly He looked at Li Xiaoxiao with solemn expression again, and reminded him.

Li Xiaoxiao nodded again when she heard the words, but she didn't care, because she didn't think there was any problem with her body, and then began to continue the deduction.


In another ward, under Xiaoya's careful attention, Wang Xia asked her solemnly, "Xiaoya, can you contact a doctor for me?"

"Who?" Xiaoya glanced at Wang Xia and asked.

"Xu Chao." Wang Xia said without hesitation.

"What's the matter?" Xiaoya looked at Wang Xia curiously, and asked again.

"It's Yaxin's sequelae and needs a very experienced doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Xu Chao did the operation for Yaxin at the beginning, so I think he knows Yaxin's physical condition best." Wang Xia said with a face. Replied seriously.

"I'll try it." Xiaoya nodded, and while speaking, she took out her phone.

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