My Best Wife

Chapter 2265: Xiaoma's means

"Sister Yaxin, be careful!" Wang Xia hurried forward to help Wang Yaxin deal with the **** back of her hand.

It was the needle that pierced the position, causing blood to leak out of the eye of the needle. At first, several people did not notice. At this moment, a large piece of bed sheet was dyed red, and it looked a little dazzling.

"Go call a doctor." Wang Xia said to Lin Shan behind her as she dealt with it.

When Lin Shan heard the words, she turned around without hesitation, walked out of the ward, and called out.


At the same time, Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao were almost home.

After today's events, Li Xiaoxiao once again told Fang Zhiqiang some true thoughts in his heart.

After Fang Zhiqiang listened, he knew more about Li Xiaoxiao.

If Li Xiaoxiao hadn't said these words today, it would be difficult for Fang Zhiqiang to realize this. After all, he is just a man.

"Xiaoxiao, shall we make an agreement?" Fang Zhiqiang turned his head to look at Li Xiaoxiao, with a serious expression on his face.

"What is it?" Li Xiaoxiao was puzzled.

"From now on, I promise you that I will never do anything I am sorry for you anyway. Even if I really want to do it, I will tell you in advance. What do you think?"

Fang Zhiqiang said solemnly.

However, after Li Xiaoxiao listened, he always felt that this sentence was a bit confusing.

"Xiaoxiao, don’t get me wrong. I just think that if you just say the first half sentence, it’s not enough to reassure you. Therefore, adding this second half sentence can make you completely relieved. Think about it, one day I’m really conscious. When I don’t like you anymore and I like another woman, I will tell you in advance..."

Before Fang Zhiqiang's words were finished, Li Xiaoxiao's finger was suddenly placed on his lips, and he was silent.

Fang Zhiqiang turned his head to look at Li Xiaoxiao's silent expression, smiled gently, and then said again: "However, you have to promise me one thing too!"

Li Xiaoxiao opened his eyes wide and looked at Fang Zhiqiang, looking forward to Fang Zhiqiang's next words.

And Fang Zhiqiang did not hesitate to speak again: "You must promise me that no matter what you see or hear in the future, you must ensure absolute trust in me. You must believe that I will not betray you. As long as I You can’t be sad because of these things without telling you that I like others, okay?"

The words were still a little convoluted, but this time, Li Xiaoxiao understood very thoroughly. After listening, he nodded and immediately said: "I promise you!"

In fact, Fang Zhiqiang was obviously doing this for Li Xiaoxiao. In many cases, it was indeed Li Xiaoxiao who thought too much, which caused her sadness. Fang Zhiqiang said this to avoid such things from happening.

Fang Zhiqiang breathed a sigh of relief when Li Xiaoxiao promised herself so earnestly, and then said again: "I'm getting home soon, be happy."

When Li Xiaoxiao heard this, a smile appeared on her expressionless cheek.

After arriving home, Li Yonggui and Xiaoma surrounded Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao.

When they saw that Wang Xia hadn't come back, they were all panicked and asked in unison: "Where is Xiao Xia?!"

Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao were also stunned. They did not expect that their parents would have such a big reaction.

"She...has not come back..." Fang Zhiqiang replied in a daze.

"Where is it?!" Li Yonggui asked with an extremely worried expression.

"In the hospital, it's Ya..." Before Fang Zhiqiang finished speaking, Xiaoma interrupted anxiously: "Why did you go to the hospital? What happened to Xiaoxia?!"

It's no wonder that Xiaoma was so anxious. At that time, Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Xia didn't make it clear when they left. They just said to see Wang Yaxin.

And the identity of the woman Wang Yaxin was so special that they were not at ease at first, but now they heard Fang Zhiqiang say that Wang Xia went to the hospital, she naturally thought of bad things for a while. Could it be that a few women fought for love?

"Mom, don't worry, it's not what you think. It is Wang Yaxin who is hospitalized. My sister has a good relationship with her, so stay with her in the hospital."

At this time, Li Xiaoxiao finally started to explain.

After listening to Li Xiaoxiao's words, the two old talents breathed a sigh of relief, and then Li Yonggui looked at Fang Zhiqiang again and asked, "What's wrong with her?"

"Suddenly fainted, but it's almost all right now." Fang Zhiqiang replied honestly and earnestly.

Li Yonggui followed and nodded. When asked this question, Li Yonggui's tone was not problematic. After listening to Fang Zhiqiang's words at this moment, he said again: "It's okay if people are alright." After speaking, he turned and left.

Fang Zhiqiang originally wanted to say something more, but looking at Li Yonggui's already turned back, he had to shut up.

Xiaoma was still staring at Li Xiaoxiao, and then looked at Fang Zhiqiang. She was careful, unlike Li Yonggui, so she was good at finding details.

When she saw Li Xiaoxiao's hand holding Fang Zhiqiang's arm, the nervous expression on her face relaxed slightly. Although this is not enough to prove that the two people have reconciled, at least, it means that they both have it. Want to reconcile good ideas.

"How is it? Tonight, who of you is going out?" Although Xiaoma had already guessed this, Xiao Ma had no plans and deliberately asked like this.

"Huh?" Li Xiaoxiao suddenly widened his eyes blankly with a ‘ah’.

"Ah what? Haven't you always liked to live apart recently? Who is going out tonight?" Xiao Ma continued to ask with a black face.

When Li Xiaoxiao and Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, they looked sideways at each other, and both saw a hint of helplessness in their eyes.

"Mom, no one will go out tonight." Li Xiaoxiao then looked at her mother again and said.

"Don't go out? Why? I originally thought that I could sleep cleanly for a while, why didn't you go out?" Xiao Ma continued to say with a black face.

Hearing this, Li Xiaoxiao blushed immediately, and said embarrassedly: "Mom! What are you talking about!"

Fang Zhiqiang also smiled with "Hey".

However, Xiaoma turned her head to look at Li Xiaoxiao again and coldly snorted: "What do you think I said? You have been arguing every day. It's hard for me and your dad to sleep well. Go out alone instead. It can clean a lot, what do you think about you!?"

Xiaoma's words made Li Xiaoxiao's face even more red. When she first heard it, she suddenly wanted to bend...

"A big girl's family, why is thinking so impure every day? You are not ashamed?" Xiao Ma said, looking at Li Xiaoxiao's blushing face, and said suddenly.

Finally, Li Xiaoxiao was said to have no self-confidence, and immediately turned and walked in the bedroom.

Xiaoma watched Li Xiaoxiao walk into the bedroom with a smile on her face, then she looked at Fang Zhiqiang again and smiled: "Zhiqiang, I should have said that Xiaoxiao has already said it, and I will leave it to you. Now, don’t let me and your father down!"

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he finally reacted and thought: ‘As expected, parents still have a way! ’Then he replied: "Okay mom, I took it down!"

Afterwards, Fang Zhiqiang followed into the bedroom.

Xiao Ma turned around contentedly and walked towards Li Yonggui on the sofa in the living room.

"What kind of old man? Don't you admire me?" Xiao Ma said proudly.

"What do you admire you for?" Li Yonggui glanced at her and said angrily.

"What is your attitude? This time the two children can reconcile, completely because of my persuasion, what are you pretending to be confused?" Xiaoma patted Li Yonggui's shoulder unwillingly.

"You said that your boss is not a small person, can you say something in front of the child? What was it just now? Are you embarrassed to say it?" Li Yonggui finally couldn't help his inner displeasure and turned his head. Looking at Xiao Ma, impatient.

"What's wrong with me? Do you understand what I call strategy?" Xiao Ma explained with aggrieved expression: "Besides, I didn't talk about that. It was Xiaoxiao who thought about that. I have... …"

"It's all right!" The more Li Yonggui listened, the more he couldn't listen. He immediately got up, waved his hand, and walked into the bedroom with his waist pouched.

Xiaoma stayed alone in the living room and looked back and forth, but she couldn't react for a long time.

"Hey! Who am I to provoke? No one will reward you for doing meritorious service, and you have to endure all of your eyes, don't you?" Xiaoma walked into the kitchen while chattering.

To say that the daughter is the lover of the father's last life is indeed somewhat grounded.

As a father, the view of his daughter is completely opposite to that of his mother.

Since ancient times, the father treated his daughter as if he had carefully raised a white cabbage. It was not tempting to watch her grow up and mature day by day.

In the end, no matter how good a man he married, his father would think that the cabbage that was finally raised was taken by the pig...

Even Fang Zhiqiang is no better than that pig...

Having said that, Li Yonggui understands people after all. He naturally knows what to say and what not to say. Where Fang Zhiqiang has done well, he naturally praises what he has done badly. He doesn't always make irresponsible remarks. After all, such a son-in-law can be regarded as one of the best.

At this moment, the sky was approaching dusk, Xiaoma had originally wanted to go into the kitchen to make some food for the two children.

Unexpectedly, the two children started making noise as soon as they entered the bedroom.

Li Xiaoxiao was still lying on the bed with a shy appearance, looking so charming.

Fang Zhiqiang is also young and strong. How can he not want to release the power of the wild in his body when he looks at such a landscape?

Seeing a fierce battle, it seemed inevitable.

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