My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 162: Star partner

  Chapter 162 Star Partner

  Many young and middle-aged students, taking her as an example, deliberately promoted the concept that monks and ordinary people are equal, and set off a big discussion about who is more important between ordinary people and monks in City G, causing other cities to follow suit.

  In other cities, new role models such as the "steel god" and "clang goddess" have emerged, and they have contributed to the maintenance of national stability.

  However, the popularity of these pirated male gods and goddesses is far inferior to the Sunshine Woman, whose fans have reached 100 million.

  And the Sunshine Heroine Wang Shuyue herself, who is almost a myth, is now preparing to shoot the first serious propaganda film.

  This promo is different from the previous ones. This is a promo for the whole world, not just facing G city.

  Wu Minghong said that the organization specially arranged a popular traffic star to complete the shooting together with her.

  Jason was in charge of Wang Shuyue’s styling, and found that she raised her hand to look at her watch from time to time, and asked curiously:

   "What's wrong? Do something else in a hurry?"

  Wang Shuyue nodded, but did not explain too much, just asked: "Can work be finished before five o'clock in the afternoon?"

  This week passed very fast, she got up this morning and glanced at her phone, only then did she remember that Bai Wei was engaged today.

  Although I said to Bai Wei that she might not be able to attend her engagement banquet, if she can, she still wants to go there and send her blessings in person.

  Jason didn’t know what she was anxious about. He looked at the wall clock on the wall at nine o’clock in the morning, and then at the similarly built studio behind him. He calculated the time in his heart, and shook his head regretfully:

   "We have three sets of content to be filmed. I'm afraid it's a bit unsettled to finish work at five."

  Wang Shuyue sighed helplessly, "Oh~, let's finish the filming as soon as possible."

   looked at the door irritably, "When will the star come?"

   "It should be coming soon. It's about nine o'clock."

  Jason shrugged, "These stars are always ten minutes late when they go out to do errands. Just get used to it."

  Wang Shuyue waved her hand and signaled Jason to stop tidying up the few hairs on her head that did not affect her style. She stood up and went to the door to take a look.

  Outside the studio is the office area in the platform. You can see the elevator entrance straight from the gate, and she can see it immediately when people come.

  9:15, there was no movement at the elevator door, Wang Shuyue was so irritated that she turned her head and asked Wu Minghong.

   "Shall we shoot first?"

  The film crew is ready, Wu Minghong finally took a break for two minutes, was eating breakfast, and calmly replied:

   "Wait, it won't be more than half past nine. You sit down and rest for a while, keep it in good shape, young people don't be so irritable."

  Wang Shuyue rolled her eyes and squeezed her fist and said viciously: “If we don’t come after half past nine, let so many people wait for him, I’ll hit him in the face with this fist!”

  I have been used to the violent scenes of Wang Shuyue beating people these days, Wu Minghong has been very calm, without lifting his eyelids, smiled, "It's up to you, anyway, you can repair him if he hurts his face."

  So, what's to worry about? It’s the era of aura rejuvenation in 2022, so do you still have to worry about breaking the phase?

  Wang Shuyue heard Wu Minghong's words, her fist was really itchy, staring at the elevator entrance, secretly thinking that when this big star appeared late, she would give him a long memory.

  She is not used to his problem!

Ever since, at 9:29, the elevator door opened, and when the popular male star Min Hao, who was slowly approaching surrounded by a group of people, appeared at the entrance of the studio, the sunglasses on his face did not have time to take off, and he came on. Fisted.

  This fist was extremely fast, with only afterimages. The two bodyguards who had spent a high price on the eighth-layered cultivation base of Qi training were next to him. They didn't even have time to react, and they saw the nosebleeds of their protection target.

   With a "click", the blood drops along the chin and dripped onto the gray carpet, splashing a small red flower.

  For a while, inside and out, everything calmed down.

   "Cough cough!" Wu Minghong coughed suddenly and looked at Wang Shuyue standing at the door with his fist raised. He turned off in one breath, his face flushed with the crumbs in his mouth.

  This little aunt's grandma is really real!

  Jason hurriedly fetched water for Wu Minghong, Wu Minghong swallowed hurriedly, dropped the unfinished bread in his hand, and rushed to the door immediately, ready to explain to the excited agent.

   "Lucy!" The male celebrity who was half squatting on the ground and covering his nose with his hand suddenly stopped the agent's excited questioning.

Two bodyguards helped him to stand up, the man took off his sunglasses and revealed a delicate face, handsome and clear, his eyes are soft as water, casually, it feels like an electric shock, as if he was deeply affectionate by him. Watching.

  The agent Lucy saw her artist’s **** nose and took a breath of cold air, making her heart more angry.

   pointed at countless Yue standing beside Wu Minghong and asked angrily: "What's your name? Who sent someone here? It's too arrogant to beat you in public! Security guard, security guard! Don't send this person to the police station!"

  Wang Shuyue looked at the familiar face of the popular male star in front of her, her guilty conscience completely disappeared, and she even felt a little refreshed.

  To stop Wu Minghong’s move to explain, Wang Shuyue patted the uniform on her body. “I’m Wang Shuyue. The organization sent me over. As for the beating? I can only say that it was an accident.”

   "Accident?" Lucy looked at the uniform on her in disbelief, already knowing her identity in her heart, even more ridiculous.

   "It turns out that the light of justice on the Internet, the Sunshine Woman is actually such a person, don't you know that the artist eats by his face?"

   "You are ruining the career of my celebrity by doing You told me this was an accident?"

   Lucy cursed excitedly: "I can see clearly, this shelf is big! I didn't even apologize for hurting people. I knew I was sorry if the three-year-old downstairs accidentally hit me."

  Wang Shuyue calmly waited for her to finish, and glanced at Min Hao, who was receiving an assistant to fix his wounds, and said:

"Speaking of being big, then I am definitely not as good as your big star. With so many people on our team, we started preparing for today’s shooting at 6 o’clock in the morning. I got up at 5:30 in the morning, just to keep people away. Wait for me."

   "As a result, your big celebrities are doing well. They arrived at nine o'clock after an appointment, but only arrived at nine thirty. He asked dozens of people to wait for him in the morning. He is really a big air."

   "Oh, I forgot to say, I just waited too boring, and practiced boxing at the door to kill the time. I didn't expect such a coincidence that the big star actually came. Isn't it a coincidence."

  Wang Shuyue raised her eyebrows indifferently and turned back into the studio.

  As for apologizing?

  That does not exist!

  Unless the big star can return her wasted time.

  (End of this chapter)

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