Monster Hunter: This fire dragon has special characteristics

Chapter 77: Grand Commander vs. Golden Lion

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The figure of the golden lion appeared in the yellow sand, and it had no intention of hiding its figure.

Just like a gorilla, it walked into the sight of the Grand Commander with a pair of huge horns.

"So many wounds! Has this guy been fighting all this time?"

Looking at the dense wounds on the golden lion, the old and new wounds alternated, although most of them were skin injuries, which had no effect on a monster of this level, but the number was too horrifying!

Especially the hideous through wound on the left chest, even the flesh was still newly grown.

I can't believe how dangerous and serious this guy has suffered.

Looking at the cold eyes of the golden lion, the Grand Commander patted his armor as if nothing had happened, holding the shield and spear in his hands.

After receiving the signal, Sita immediately scattered to the side, ready to attack with the Grand Commander at any time, while Tonkotsu left without looking back, ready to find a place to set traps.

"Finally found it, you are really energetic."

Even though he was facing the hostile golden lion, the head of the group still had a little bit of ease in his tone, but his pair of eyes as calm as water were staring at the golden lion's every move, ready to respond at any time.


The golden lion raised his head and roared, perhaps it was its biological instinct, making it feel threatened by the little guy in front of it!

This threat even exceeded the pair of fire dragons it encountered before, and it felt like it had encountered an opponent of the same level.

It had a feeling that the pain in its body might end completely today!

A crazy fighting spirit emerged in the golden lion's eyes, and its muscles instantly entered a fighting state, actively attacking the head of the group.

Facing the monster, the golden lion chose to punch with all his strength, trying to break the opponent's defense with one punch.

Or use the pair of big horns to pierce the opponent's defense and cause damage.

In general, strength is greater than speed.

But now facing a hunter who is much smaller than it, the golden lion began to play its advantage in speed in a targeted manner.

Jump back, light punch, turtle punch, jump to hit the ground, fly to suppress.

Various attacks are continuous.

In such attacks, the leader responded calmly one by one, dodging, rolling, and jumping at the right time.

No one rushed up to fight in a hurry, and often launched a counterattack in the gap of the golden lion's attack.

It was really unavoidable, so he used a shield to block the attack.

Compared with the huge advantages of monsters in size and strength, hunters can get some blessings from equipment made by the magical dragon forging technology.

But the gap in strength is real, and hunting skills are often more about dodging than defense.

As a legendary hunter who has faced the ancient dragon, the golden lion's offensive is dense, but it is still within the leader's acceptance range.

And each counterattack of the leader can only cause a little damage, but he always concentrates the attack on one position with his superb hunting skills.

One of the hunter's basic hunting skills is to attack one part first, destroy the monster's ability to move, and then launch a fatal attack.

This is vividly demonstrated by the Grand Leader.

Just as the Grand Leader was fighting with the Golden Lion, Sita took a detour and came behind the Golden Lion.

Its target was the Golden Lion's tail.

This is one of the Golden Lion's weaknesses. If it can be severely damaged or even cut off, it will not only cause trauma to the Golden Lion, but also make its emotions gradually out of control, thus gradually losing the rhythm of attack.

Sometimes, a monster that is furious and loses its mind is easier to deal with than a monster that is calm.


A dull sound sounded, and the Golden Lion punched the Grand Leader's giant shield with all his strength.

The Grand Leader stepped on the ground with both feet, dragging two traces backwards, but at least he blocked this powerful punch.

He and the Golden Lion had a brief wrestling match, and this was the opportunity that Sita had been waiting for.

Draw the sword and cut!

Sita jumped high and chopped the Golden Lion's tail with a knife.

The weight and sharpness of the greatsword, combined with the power accumulated when drawing the sword, made the Golden Lion feel the intense pain on his tail, and he instinctively turned around and punched.

When Sita failed to successfully cut off his tail with this sword, he had already raised the greatsword diagonally for defense.


The huge force was transmitted from the sword to his body, and Sita was punched and flew out, screaming in pain.

The Golden Lion intended to chase him, and a long spear stabbed from a very tricky angle, piercing into his waist with a puff.


The Golden Lion grabbed the gun with his backhand and threw the captain out with the gun.

He reached out to wipe the wound, looked at the blood stains on his palm, and the muscles on his arm tightened again. He punched his chest with both fists and roared to the sky!

The pain completely aroused his anger. The Golden Lion's eyes were bloodshot, and he dug out a huge stone and threw it at the captain, then jumped high, clenched his fists, and fell from the sky like a pair of giant hammers, smashing over his head.

The Grand Commander had just dodged the boulder when he saw the Golden Lion jumping over again, so he had to dodge again.

But although the Golden Lion's fists missed, they smashed into the ground and created spider-web-like cracks, causing a small vibration.

The Grand Commander was affected by the vibration before he could stand firmly, and staggered to half-kneel on the ground.

Watching the Golden Lion continue to attack without stopping, he reluctantly raised his shield.

"Flash bomb meow!"

Accompanied by the sound of pork bones, a dazzling flash burst out from behind the Grand Commander. The Golden Lion was blinded by the flash and instinctively stopped attacking, shielding his eyes with one hand.

The Grand Commander seized the opportunity and stabbed the Golden Lion with his spear, leaving another wound on the Golden Lion. Then, without greed, he rolled to avoid the Golden Lion's subconscious counterattack fist. While the Golden Lion was blind, he avoided the Golden Lion's random attacks and stabbed again and again.

Sita also endured the numbness of his arms and returned to the battlefield again to attack with the Grand Commander.

In the sky, Luo Yun, who had finished hunting with Yaji and returned to continue looking for opportunities, saw the battle on the ground at a glance.

The conspicuous protective gear of one man and two cats was locked by Luo Yun.

The Golden Lion closed his eyes and waved his fists randomly, all of which fell into the air. The spear user and the big cat seized the gap to attack, leaving scars.

Although the damage was not high, their attacks were very concentrated, and the injuries in that part began to worsen after many times.

Plus, there was Detel wearing a female fire dragon suit jumping up and down and throwing a few props from time to time...

Female fire dragon suit! ?

Luo Yun's pupils shrank, and his eyes were fixed directly on the other party.

"Isn't this my cat?" Luo Yun thought of the Detel named Tonkotsu.

Although it was a bit unexpected to see the cat that should have been in the Star Base here, looking at the battle below, being able to fight with the golden lion to this extent is enough to prove the powerful strength of the hunter below.

Kill him while he is sick!

Without any shame of not following martial ethics, Luo Yun roared and dived with Yaji to join the battle!

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