Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 988 Jing Ye’s Good Baby Extra (2)

Quan Jingwu's shorts and sleeves were all soaked. He was holding Jian Qing's shoes in one hand and a small bucket filled with colorful shells in the other.

"Xiao Jing, this looks good too." Jian Qing raised the rinsed shell and looked at the person next to her with a crooked eyebrow.

Quan Jingwu looked at her with longing eyes, reached for the shell and put it into the small bucket, "My dear, it's time to go back to eat."

"Then how about we come out after dinner? I heard that there will be an event here in the evening. Let's take a look?" Jian Qing took his hand and shook it, winking at him, "Just for a while."

Quan Jingwu always had no choice but to surrender to her coquettishness.

He pursed his lips and hummed, Jian Qing grinned, then walked around behind him and jumped on his back, "Honey, I can't walk anymore."

A hint of tenderness flashed between Quan Jingwu's stern brows, he threw the flip-flops into the small bucket and held her buttocks with one hand.

"Don't move, or I won't be responsible if you fall."

Jian Qing lay on his shoulder and bit the tip of his ear aggressively, "Are you willing to let me fall?"

Quan Jingwu's purple eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly felt that the weather in Bali was actually very easy for people to get angry, "Good boy, if you don't want to stay in the hotel at night, you'd better be good."

Jian Qing stuck out her tongue and leaned on his back with a smile.

After spending a week in Bali, Jian Qing almost went crazy with fun, diving, barbecues, bonfire parties, music festivals... the two of them were almost reliving their honeymoon.

After visiting Bali, the couple transferred to country R again.

The last time she went to country R, ​​Jian Qing was unable to take a bath in the hot springs while carrying her two little babies. This time she came here specifically to make up for her regret last time.

The evening breeze carries a few cherry blossom petals, touching the hidden romantic factors of passers-by.

Knowing that the two were in country R, ​​Jian Luo recommended a famous restaurant.

There, Jian Qing also met an old friend.

"Mrs. Quan, I haven't seen you for so long, and you are still as beautiful as ever." After years of hard work, Ito Yukiko's features have become more mature and steady.

However, it can be seen that she is also very happy at this time.

Jian Qing glanced at the child she was holding, her red lips curled slightly, "Is this your child?"

"Well, I'm married." The smile on Sachiko Ito's face deepened, and her eyes looking at Jian Qing were a little more grateful, "Speaking of which, I still want to thank you."

If it hadn't been for her, she wouldn't be so happy now. She might have been arranged by her father to marry someone she didn't love.

"Thank you for saying it before. You don't need to say it so many times. I have a good memory." Jian Qing joked humorously.

She looked down at her phone and estimated that the time was almost up. "I have to leave first. Let's talk next time when we have a chance."

"Yes." Sachiko Ito nodded slightly, "Be careful on the road."

After bidding farewell to Sachiko Ito, Jian Qing walked out of the restaurant. When she saw the man waiting at the door, she stepped forward briskly and took his arm.

"Let's go."

Quan Jingwu turned his head and rubbed her forehead, then held her hand and left, and their backs side by side gradually disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

After walking around and playing outside for a month, the couple remembered that they still had their son waiting for them at home, so they were ready to go home.

After getting off the plane, it was still early, so Jian Qing decided to pick up her two little treasures from school and give them a surprise.

At the entrance of the kindergarten, luxury cars gathered.

Jian Qing was lying by the car window and saw the kindergarten door opened, "Xiao Jing!"

The two got out of the car together, and a group of children ran out jumping, throwing themselves into the arms of their parents with smiles on their faces.

"Why haven't you come out yet?" Jian Qing looked around in a group of little carrot heads to find her two little treasures. She had not seen her son for a month, and she was confused.

Quan Jingwu leaned against the car, reflecting the woman's delicate profile in his eyes, and smiled lightly, "Don't worry, I'll see you later."

Despite this, Jian Qing still couldn't wait to see her two little treasures.

After a long time, the two little treasures finally came out.

The two little treasures were holding hands, and Nineteen was holding a lollipop in his mouth. The two little treasures' pink and jade-carved little faces attracted everyone's attention as soon as they appeared.

"Nineteen, you can't eat lollipops anymore. Grandma will find out later and grandma will tell daddy." Seventeen stopped and looked at his brother eating the lollipop with helplessness.

Nineteen's magnificent purple eyes flashed with cunning light, and he smiled flatteringly, "Seventeen, you love me the most. I'll take two more bites."

Seventeen, "Just two bites."

The two little treasures had no idea that their conversation had completely fallen into the ears of their biological father. Quan Jingwu put one hand in his pocket and a low laugh escaped from Yin Hong's lips.

"Seventeen, nineteen!"

The cold voice was tinged with warmth, crisp and gentle.

The two little treasures looked after the source of the sound, and Nineteen didn't even bother to eat the lollipop. The eyes of mother and son met in the air, and the two little treasures smiled widely and ran towards them.

The teacher who was following them was startled when she saw the two little treasures running away. The next second she saw the person standing under the tree not far away, she suddenly smiled and then followed them.

"Mommy, Daddy!"

The two little treasures were carrying small schoolbags on their backs. The small schoolbags bounced when they ran.

Jian Qing squatted down, spread her arms, and Seventeen and Nineteen ran into her arms.


"I miss Mommy so much!" Jian Qing held her two little treasures in her arms, smiling like a flower, and captivated everyone.

The two little treasures lay in Jian Qing's arms, acting coquettishly and cutely.

The people around looked at it and sighed.

It turned out to be the two young princes of Mr. Jing’s family.

Quan Jingwu frowned as he looked at the two little guys occupying his wife, then lifted them up with his big hands and put them in the car.

Jian Qing stood up, exchanged a few words with Liang Xiaobao's class teacher, and then got into the car.

The car engine started and drove away.

I took my two little ones to eat at KFC and then went home as a family of four.


At night, a burst of laughter erupted in the living room.

Quan Mingxuan was so angry that the two little treasures made him dizzy and fell on the sofa.

"Daddy!" Nineteen suddenly remembered something, ran to Quan Jingwu's side, and crawled into his arms.

Quan Jingwu looked down at him, waiting for his next words, "Huh?"

"Daddy, where is the little sister?" Nineteen asked curiously.

In an instant, Jian Qing received the scorching gazes from everyone and was silently embarrassed.

Why, a month later, the two little treasures are still thinking about this matter.

"Xiao Qing'er, Seventeen and Nineteen are both three years old. We can also consider the matter of having a second child." Rui Yi said with a smile.

"That's right, the kids at home are so lively, it would be great to have another little Gongju." Mr. Quan is still attached to the little Gongju.

"Nineteen, the little sister is not free recently. She will have to wait for a while before she comes back. You have to be patient and wait, otherwise it will be bad if you scare the little sister away." Quan Jingwu lied in front of everyone. His face was not red and his heart was not beating.

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