Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 961 Give him the word

"I'll go see her now." Ana Shen tightened her fingers, her excitement palpable.

"I'll go too," Jian Qing said.

Ana Shen pulled her and said, "Jian Qing, you can't go now. My brother is there now and he won't let you go in to see Awei. I'll go over to see the situation first. It won't be good for you to anger my brother at this time. ”

Jian Qing paused, looked at him deeply, and then said, "If you can, take a photo for me."

On this island, apart from this villa, Shen Hua's eyes were on Shen Hua's eyes every time he stepped out of the door. It was even harder to sneak into the small garden than to reach the sky.

Ana Shen nodded, "I'll try my best."

A'er followed Ana Shen and left, leaving only Jian Qing and his party.

"Dad, don't worry yet, it's the best news if mom wakes up." Jian Qing looked at Mo Xiao who was pacing back and forth and said warmly.

Mo Xiao hummed, an excited smile flashing in his eyes.

His Weiwei woke up, woke up...

The sky is clear blue, and the garden is filled with the fragrance of roses.

The salty sea breeze blew the gauze curtains, carrying the fragrance of roses.

"Weiwei, how are you feeling? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere, eh?" Shen Hua sat on the edge of the bed, his handsome face flashing with a joyful smile, and his whole body was filled with a soft aura that was incredibly gentle.

On the bed, the woman who had been comatose for many years had her eyes open, her pale face showing a bit of weakness. She stared blankly at the ceiling carved with roses, completely turning a deaf ear to Shen Hua's voice.

Shen Hua looked at her silent expression and looked at Dr. Coson with cold eyes, "What on earth is going on? Are there any sequelae?"

Dr. Coson was shocked by his cold look and said quickly, "Miss Wei just woke up, so she still can't react. Just let her take a breather."

Shen Hua looked away, and Dr. Kesen broke out in a sweat.

"Weiwei, I'm Ah Hua, look at me." Shen Hua held Jian Wei's hand and said softly, "Weiwei, do you know, you have been unconscious for a long time, and I am so afraid that you will never wake up again. Come."

As he rambled on, Jian Wei stared at the ceiling in trance, the memories before the car accident playing in her mind like a fleeting glance.

After a long time, her eyes trembled slightly, "Let go... of me."

She didn't speak for a long time, her hoarse voice was slightly harsh, and it seemed like it took all her strength to utter a single word.

Shen Hua was stunned. The first thing she said when she woke up was to ask him to let her go.

Does this mean she remembered everything?

She has no amnesia.

"Weiwei, you..."

Holding her hand, his fingertips were trembling slightly, and his deep voice was slightly trembling.

"Get out." Jian Wei struggled to pull back her hand, but she had just woken up and couldn't muster any strength at all.

The cold words instantly plunged Shen Hua into the abyss.

The hand holding her couldn't help but increase its strength. Jian Wei frowned, her expression a little painful.

"Young Master, please let her go quickly. You've scratched her. She just woke up and she shouldn't be too excited." Finally, it was Dr. Coson who spoke.

Hearing this, Shen Hua quickly let go of his hand and looked at the circle of red bruises on her fair wrist, with a trace of annoyance flashing in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Weiwei, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry."

Jian Wei forced a sarcastic smile on her lips and spared him even a look.

When he plotted against her, he said it was not intentional.

If he said it was not intentional, would it erase the harm he had done to her?

Shen Hua kept his eyes on Jian Wei, and naturally clearly caught the smile on the corner of her mouth.

Contempt, ridicule.

She did not lose her memory.

She hates him, she hates him...

This realization hit his heart hard, Shen Hua's eyes drooped, and his heart ached.

After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "Weiwei, what happened in the past was my fault. Can you please forgive me? Give me a chance to make it up to you. Can we stay the same as before?"

She was still the little princess he held in his hand, and he was still her most trusted brother Hua.

As soon as she spoke, Jian Wei felt her throat hurt badly, "Get out."

Shen Hua tightened his grip on the sheets, his face grimacing.


Ana Shen ran in hurriedly, Dr. Coson breathed a sigh of relief and took the opportunity to retreat.

Ana Shen rushed to the bedside and met Jian Wei's gaze. He raised his eyebrows with joy and said, "Awei, how are you feeling? Are you still feeling uncomfortable in any way? Thank God, you are finally awake."

Seeing Ana Shen, Jian Wei's eyes were filled with warmth and she stretched out her hand towards him.


Ana Shen looked at the hand she extended and quickly took it.

"Awei, I'm so happy to hear that you woke up."

Jian Wei curled her lips, and her bright smile deeply hurt Shen Hua's eyes.

"Ayan, water." She said while coughing.

"Oh, okay, wait."

As soon as Shen Yan stood up, Shen Hua rushed to pour water, "I'll do it."

Jian Wei looked at Shen Yan and had many things to ask him. When she saw Shen Hua not far away, she had to put aside the questions in her heart for the time being.

"Here comes the water." Shen Hua brought a glass of water over and reached out to help Jian Wei up, but she brushed it away.


Shen Hua's hands were frozen in the air, and his expression was indescribably complicated.

Sensing that the atmosphere between the two was somewhat deadlocked, Ana Shen glanced at Shen Hua and took the water glass from his hand, "Brother, let me do it. You can go out and ask Dr. Keson about Weiwei's condition first. Let’s see if there are any side effects or anything like that.”

Knowing that Shen Yan was at the bottom of his steps, Shen Hua took a deep look at Jian Wei and walked towards the door.

"Come on, Awei."

Ana Shen sat on the edge of the bed and held her up with one hand. Jian Wei leaned on him and slowly took a few sips of water. The dry itching in her throat finally eased.

"Ayan, how long have I slept?"

"Eighteen years." Ana Shen said.

Hearing this, Jian Wei was shocked. She had been in a coma for eighteen years.

Suddenly remembering something, she hurriedly grabbed his sleeve, "Then my daughter and son..."

Ana Shen was afraid that her mood would fluctuate too much, so she quickly replied, "They are very good."

Jian Wei still didn't believe it, "Ayan, don't lie to me. What happened to them?"

Ana Shen glanced at the closed door, scanned the room carefully, and after confirming that there was no surveillance, he whispered something into her ear.

Jian Wei gradually opened her eyes wide, mist gathering in her eyes.

She grabbed his hand, her knuckles turning white.

Both her daughter and son are married.

But she didn't know anything. She didn't even have time to watch them grow up. She was not a competent mother.

Ana Shen patted her back gently, "You just woke up, don't be too excited. I have good news to tell you."

"Huh?" Jian Wei looked at him doubtfully.

Ana Shen whispered in her ear, speaking very softly, "The person you love deeply is here too."

And ha...

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