Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1067 Twinkle Extra (19)

"I told you not to come and play with me, you stinky Muchen."

Mu Chen pushed himself up and sat up, with a slight smile in his eyes, "Why are you here?"

"I came to summer camp and met Del on the street, so I pestered him to bring me to you." Shining said proudly.

After not seeing each other for a few years, his little Guliang became beautiful again.

Even if I receive photos from her every year, they are not as warm as her.

Mu Chen looked at her lustfully, raised his hand and rubbed the top of her hair, just like before, "Sneaking out to play?"

Summer camps are usually led by teachers, so this little girl must have secretly acted alone.

"Who said that? I just came out to play openly." Shining reached out and hugged his arm, winking, "Don't try to get rid of me this time."

Mu Chen glanced at the little hand on his arm, and the corners of his lips curved in pleasure, "Have you eaten?"

Twinkle said, "Not yet, I'm so hungry."

"What to eat?"

"Anything is fine, I'm not picky about food." Shining Xiaoguliang looked like I could take care of him, which successfully made Mu Chen laugh.

"Del, go to your favorite restaurant."

Del responded, looking up at the two smiling people in the back row, and his mood improved.

"Mu Chen, is that your home?" Finally seeing Mu Chen, the smile on Shining's face never disappeared.

"No." Mu Chen said softly.

"Then where is your home?" Twinkle asked.

Mu Chen deliberately whetted her appetite, "Want to know?"

"Yeah." Twinkle looked at him with stars in her eyes. Knowing where he lived, she could come and play with him often.

"I won't tell you for now." Mu Chen smiled.

"You stinky Muchen, you're a cheapskate." Shining complained aggrievedly, but still held his arm.

"I'm bad, why are you still holding my hand?" Mu Chen teased.

"I let go. What if you run away?" Shining hummed.

Mu Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What are you thinking about in your head?"

"Of course I miss you." She said it without thinking. Mu Chen froze on the spot, his eyes full of her charming smile.

"Mu Chen, what are you doing standing still?" Twinkle waved her hand, and Mu Chen came back to his senses, the smile in his eyes getting stronger.


Along the way, Twinkle kept telling him interesting stories about herself at school, and sometimes pestered Mu Chen to tell him about his recent situation.

Muchen's life is all about studying, and it is really difficult to come up with a few interesting things.

At the end, Shining concluded helplessly that life was really boring.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Mu Chen got out of the car first, and Twinkle jumped out after him.

"Mu Chen, you are so tall, so much taller than me." Just now, both of them were sitting in the car. Twinkle hadn't noticed his height. Now they were both standing on the ground, and she hadn't even reached his height. shoulders.

The huge height difference makes Shining very melancholy.

Mu Chen tapped her head, "Fool, I'm a boy, and I'm a few years older than you. Isn't it normal to be taller than you?"

Twinkle curled her lips, "That's too short."

In order not to make her worry about this matter, Mu Chen cleverly changed the subject, "The food in this restaurant is quite good, you should like it."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly." Twinkle took his hand and walked in quickly, her stomach singing a song of "empty city strategy".

There were not many people in the restaurant, and soothing piano music echoed in my ears.

The dishes were quickly served, and Shining was eating the steak with a smile on her face, but she was only responsible for eating. As for cutting, Mu Chen took over the work first.

"Eat slowly, no one will compete with you."

Shining raised her head, her red lips stained with oil, like a well-fed little fox.

"Mu Chen, I will stay here for a week at summer camp. Let's go play together tomorrow?"

This summer camp was the right choice.

Mu Chen suppressed the smile on his lips and said, "Dingying, I have to go to class tomorrow."

"Do we have to go to class?" Twinkle suddenly lost her appetite.

Mu Chen clenched his knife and fork tightly and hummed.

"Then when are you free?" Twinkle continued without losing heart.

Mu Chen saw the expectation on her face and didn't know how to answer.

He has to go to class every day. Unless he is sick and can't get up, the class cannot be interrupted. If he doesn't go to class for no reason, the person in the main house will definitely become suspicious. If this is the case, if he is found on Shining, Bringing trouble to her was definitely not what he wanted to see.

"Aren't you free?" Twinkle put down her knife and fork and asked in a muffled voice.

Mu Chen, "Sorry, Twinkle."

Shining eyes lowered lightly, took the napkin and wiped her mouth, "I'm full, I'm going back."

After saying this, she stood up and left quickly.

She walked faster and faster, and finally she trotted out.


Mu Chen panicked and could no longer maintain his previous calmness.

Del stood guard at the door and saw Twinkle running out, doubts appeared on his face, and the next second he saw Mu Chen chasing after him.

He quickly stepped forward to help stop Shining and blocked the door.

"Miss Twinkle, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm going back." He passed Del and ran down the steps quickly, then stopped a car and got into the car regardless of Mu Chen's shouts.

When Mu Chen chased him out, the car just started and left.


The car flew away in a cloud of dust and soon disappeared around the corner.

Mu Chen stood there, staring in the direction where the car disappeared.

Twinkle, are you angry with me?


Del came over and comforted softly, "Don't worry, Miss Sparkle was just having trouble, and she will probably forget it after a while."

Mu Chen shook his head, no, his little Guliang was really angry this time.

Angry with him...

"Master, how about I go find out where the hotel where Miss Shining is staying, and you go over and explain it to her." Del came up with an idea.

Mu Chen looked away and said, "Let's go back."

Before he became truly powerful, he was not qualified to go to her and protect her, but at least he couldn't cause her any trouble.

Del sighed softly, "Yes."

It was obviously a happy meal, but now it has become unhappy.

When she returned to the hotel, there was no one in the room. She took a shower and lay down on the bed.

Father and daughter have a good understanding. As soon as she picked up the phone, Quan Jingwu called.


On the other end of the phone, Quan Jingwu was sitting on the sofa, and Jian Qing was wrapped in his arms. "Twinkle, what did you do today? Why didn't you call me back?"

"I was too sleepy after getting off the plane. I took a nap and then went for a walk outside. I was just about to call my dear mom and dad, but here you are."

"After walking around for a few times, I should have eaten a lot of delicious food, right?" Jian Qing joked.

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