The YM team lineup is: Top Lane Alchemy, Jungle Poodle, Middle Single Enchantress, and Bottom Lane Combination is Verus Gatam.

The lineup of the EDG team is: top laner Big Tree, jungler male gun, mid laner Ruiz, and bottom lane combination Aishiga Zyra.

In general, the EDG team is a more conservative lineup.

The YM team is different, just take the poodle and the enchantress as examples, they are the heroes of the show.

The point is that there is also a churning stick on the road for alchemy.

Now mouse has a headache when he looks at alchemy.

In particular, letme is very disgusting with alchemy, and it is just that he doesn't develop.

I'd rather be beaten by you, and he will come up and carry you when you mend the gun car.

Every time I carry you, I let out a mocking laugh.

The factory director said in his voice: "The last alchemy on the opposite side is very strong, this is a little more fierce for you to fight him first, and I will arrest him." "

"Good. Mouse was overjoyed when he heard that the factory director was coming to arrest him.

On the opposite side of the alchemy brainless push line, Elo Li didn't come to the road much.

This has the factory director to speak, hit!

Junglers on both sides start with a mirror image.

Li Mingyu's poodle is a toad, and after brushing the blue area, go to the red buff.

Two junglers, not very good gank in the early stage.

Brush it, let's brush it together.

In the voice of the YM team, Li Mingyu said to letme: "Brother, this will make me not go on the road in the early stage, you be careful yourself, the male gun is likely to find you trouble." "

You don't have to think about it to know that the strong point of the EDG team is no longer the bottom road.

The factory manager may not continue to take care of the lower road.

In addition, the original YM team was famous, and the domestic competition was a trio on the lower road.

So it's okay not to go down the road.

The factory director's male gun chose the F6 to open, and the big tree helped him throw two tree cubs and ran away.

In this case, the little monster has just been cleared by the male gun with a trace of blood.

There is one big monster left, and the male gun can use E skill to refresh bullets and do no damage to the jungle.

"It seems that this EDG team has practiced this open field route. Remember saying, "This will make the male gun a little faster than the poodle's jungler." "

"That's right, in this case, it depends on whether the male gun on the factory director's side chooses to catch the upper road or the middle and lower road. "

After the factory director brushes F6, followed by the red buff, followed by the stone man.

Such a route is obviously going to gank on the road.

In the voice of the EDG team, the factory director was stuck in a blind spot and said to mouse: "You fight with him first to see if you can take the bait." "

Mouse listened to the director and went up directly to play a set with letme.

Not to be outdone, Letme directly reflexively took the big tree back and walked in the direction of the opposite home.

In the next second, the director's male gun appeared in Letme's field of vision.

"Damn. Letme was startled, and then hurried away.

But by this time, it was too late, and the big tree had been keeping the W skill.

Just as Letme was about to escape, Mouse's tree flashed directly to an Asian bondage.

The male gun keeps up with the output.

The two of them chased alchemy for a distance, and their blood volume was slowly decreasing.

"No, you can't chase it like this anymore. After the factory director finished speaking, he directly flashed the Q wall and leveled A, and accepted the head.


EDG and clearlove7 (outlaws) killed YM and letme (alchemists).

"Why is this man on the road at this time? Letme said, "Don't you want his blue?"

"I don't know, I'll go eat the blue on the other side first, and then I'll tell you. Li Mingyu said.

"Look at the poodle's position, it's going to eat the blue of the male gun. Remember to say: "In this case, EDG won't make money here." "

"That's right, two flashes, one of the people who exchanged for alchemy. Guan Zeyuan said: "The most important thing is that these two people are bloodless, and for male guns, the rhythm of brushing the field in the early stage is gone." "

On the other side, in the voice of the EDG team, meiko was cutting to the upper road, saw the blood volume of the two, and then said to the factory director: "Your blood volume is a bit of a loss." "

"No way, let's take the head first. The factory director accepted the head and went back to the city directly.

The game time is seven minutes, and Lee Mingyu rises to level six.

Directly open the ultimate and go down.

The bottom lane combination of Zet and meiko originally played a wave of advantages and was preparing to open UZI's Verus.

But then a sign was revealed.


"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw. Meiko said: "Poodle poodle." "

But in the next second, Ming's Tamu directly licked Ash with a Q skill, slowing him down.

The poodle chose to jump on Ash's body.

The EQ skill in the air is pressed together, and after landing, the second W skill is leveled with A.

After playing passive, the enhancement skill has been refreshed.

Then the enhanced Q skill strikes again, directly dealing a huge amount of damage.

Zet's ice flashes directly and heals backwards.

Then Li Mingyu walked to the grass on the side and jumped out of the grass again.

After taking Ash's head, Lee Ming-woo chose to walk to the grass on the second lower road and jumped on Zyra's body again.

Jiela, who was already charging, had already unhealthy blood, and Ming's ignition was hung up.

Meiko chooses to flash away and prepares to return to the bottom of the tower.

Li Mingyu seems to have given up, but he is actually waiting for the opportunity.

Continue back into the grass, looking like you're ready to retreat.

When the next wave of troops came, Li Mingyu chose to jump on the creeps with a passive, and then flashed into the tower E skill plus red punishment.

The damage is just enough to kill Zyra.


"Wow! This wave of poodles is completely damaged. Guan Zeyuan said: "If you do less damage, you may not be able to get this double kill." Three into the grass, plus the jump of the ultimate, four jumps directly jump out of the double kill!"

"I usually look at him Sven, and when he fights this kind of hero, it's really fierce. I remember exclaiming, "This is so showy." "

The bottom lane has just exploded into kills, and the middle lane has also come with good news.

YM, godv (Tricky Queen) killed EDG and scout (Rune Mage).

Wei Shen stuck a wave of level six, and directly chose to forcibly kill Ruiz on the opposite side.

The two sides also exchanged flashes.

In the voice of the YM team, Li Mingyu said to his teammates: "Brothers, the killing has begun. "

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