Missing You Deeply

Chapter 423 (2)

Although Xi Zhiwei tried her best to stay calm, her body still couldn't stop shaking.

Pei Munian paused for a moment, put his hands on his knees, nodded lightly, and then spoke again, Weiwei, I know what you are thinking, but no matter what you think, just get rid of these thoughts. You know, Wanwan has always been my bottom line, don’t always try to cross it, this is a warning.”

If it were before, he wouldn't even tell her a warning, but now he was considering that she had saved him before and that she was still pregnant.

Ever since that incident happened, Pei Munian no longer treated her with that cold attitude. Unexpectedly, as soon as Su Wanwan came back to him, he would quickly turn his back on her and be ruthless.

Xi Zhiwei looked at his cold eyes, her heart ached, and tears welled up, Brother Mu Nian, I really just want to visit Sister Wanwan. I don't want to do anything, and I don't know Wanwan either. If I had known that sister would become like this, I would never have come.

You shouldn't have come! Pei Munian was indifferent to Xi Zhiwei's tears, But it was my negligence. I didn't instruct the guard not to let anyone in.


Miscellaneous people waiting.

Pei Munian's voice was light, but the words were heartbreaking, and Xi Zhiwei's face quickly turned pale.

Pei Munian didn't say anything else to her, but said to Aunt Wu on the side: Send Weiwei off for me.

Aunt Wu nodded, took a step forward, and made a gesture of invitation, Miss Xi, please.

Xi Zhiwei stood there with red eyes. She was angry and unwilling. The guilt she held against him was not even comparable to Su Wanwan's. She could hardly believe it.

But she also knew that now Pei Mu Nian was angry, and no matter how unwilling she was, she could only endure it first, otherwise she would only completely anger him, and she would not be able to consume his guilt towards her.

Yes, I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have come...

Xi Zhiwei said this in a low voice with a trembling voice and tears in her eyes, then turned around and walked quickly towards the door, with a very pitiful posture.

Xi Zhiwei seemed to be walking quickly, but she actually stayed behind, hoping to arouse Pei Munian's pity.

When she was about to walk out of the door, Pei Munian's voice finally sounded behind her, Wait a minute.

She was overjoyed and immediately stopped.

However, the next second, Pei Munian's ruthless and cruel words came into her ears clearly, word by word.

I don't want you to appear in front of Wanwan again. It's best if you meet her accidentally, don't let her see you!

The color on Xi Zhiwei's face was completely gone now. She froze on the spot for a few seconds, then staggered up and stumbled out.

Pei Munian closed his eyes and suppressed the fierce anger that was still boiling in his heart.

When he came down from upstairs and saw Xi Zhiwei, he almost had the urge to strangle her neck.

During these days, he carefully protected Wanwan, fearing that she would be stimulated or hurt again. Finally, her condition was getting better. She had not had a headache these days, but Xi Zhiwei gave her a headache again. Seeing her like that Painful, he wished that Xi Zhiwei suffered a thousand times or ten thousand times more than her.

Even though he owed Xi Zhiqian the grace of saving her life and felt guilty towards her, he could repay her and he would never hurt Wan Wan in the slightest!

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