Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 984: Same as five years ago

  Flag its wings, and the other side of the ocean may be a hurricane.

  Li Jia did not answer.

  However, she already had the answer in her heart.

  Su Lan is really dead, Cheng Yue is crazy, like a mental illness, making everyone desperate, Su Lan’s death took away all the hope and luck of the Cheng family, and the Cheng family’s bad luck continued.

  The old man was maliciously informed of his granddaughter’s death. He suffered a heart attack and died on the spot. Cheng Yue desperately rushed away, but failed to see the old man for the last time. Seeing the kind old man dying, the audience was choking with suffocation.

  Cheng Yue hugged Su Lan's body, desperate to marry her.

  Even if the audience in the movie theater knew that Su Lan was the corpse from the show, seeing Cheng Yue live as a living sister, they felt a strange feeling of panic and excitement, and it was difficult to explain the complexity.

  Su Lan’s death was an accident for everyone, including the night shadow who planned the car accident in the play. The shock was huge. The intense anger and pain caused him to transfer all his hatred to revenge on Cheng Yue.

After Su Lan's death, the family behind her finally found her. However, the news received made the Su family be dazzled by anger, intense political oppression, constant occupation and squeeze in shopping malls, coupled with Cheng Yue's mental instability, the past The business empire gradually collapsed.

  Everything ends. The moment Ye Ying shot into Cheng Yue's mind, the moment Cheng Yue fell, the corner of her mouth was frozen.

  Slowly, the ending subtitles scroll slowly.

  Tell all the audiences who have not recovered, the movie is over.

The ending of    was unexpected, but it was so natural.

  Weeping in the cinema, everyone gradually stood up from their seats and prepared to leave.

  The film critics present were all shocked, and it was not until this moment that they realized that the movie was over.

   Originally planned to pick the fault, pick the acting skills of the newcomer, and pick the mistakes and omissions in the plot. As a result... they showed it in, and followed with a long sigh.

  Everyone was ready to leave, however, the lights in the cinema did not turn on. There were a few people sitting motionless in the last three rows of the movie.

What's going on here?

  "Are there any end credits?"

   "That is...like Lu Shao and Mrs. Lu Shao..."

   "Bo... Bo Xuanrui?"


   "And Su Lan..."

At this moment, everyone noticed who else was sitting here. These three rows were all empty at first. They were watched by the staff. They came in at the beginning of the movie. Under the dim light, everyone did not notice. When they didn't stand up, they were particularly conspicuous and attracted everyone's attention.

  Because they wanted to watch the real reaction of the audience, everyone did not book the show, but chose the largest hall of this movie theater.

  The people who were about to leave stopped. At this time, an easter egg appeared at the end of the big screen.

  A passenger plane was parked at the Imperial Capital International Airport. In the first class, Cheng Yue was sleeping in his seat.

  "Dear passenger, your flight has arrived at the Capital International Airport, please take your luggage and get off the plane..."

  He frowned, opened his eyes, a touch of confusion under his eyes, the stewardess asked him politely.

   "Sir? How are you? Do you need help?"

   "It's okay." The confusion in Cheng Yue's eyes has not faded.

  Everyone in the cinema stood in place, staring at the screen.

  Cheng Yue got off the plane in a daze. He looked at the familiar airport, took out his cell phone, and was dull for a long time.

  The audience all saw the time displayed on the phone screen.

   Cheng Yue was surprised, and quickly flew up and rushed to the waiting hall.

  There, his sister is standing.

  The same as five years ago.

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