Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 972: Fetal movement

Since Bo Xuanrui was appointed as the official spokesperson of Shengshi online games, after continuous publicity, the scene of Shengshi online games was very hot, and the server was paralyzed and collapsed several times. Nowadays, it is not a problem for the server to support the flow of people in nine figures. The actor who divided the world evenly turned to Bo Xuanrui.

  Bo Xuanrui’s popularity began to surpass Qiao Nan. If there is another scandal and there are no outstanding works of Qiao Nan, he is afraid that it will become the past tense in a short time.

  Qiao Shiming is still dragging his feet at this time, and doesn't want to think, if Qiao Nan's crew has a bad reputation, what good is Yu Qiao Nan?

  "Yiteng Entertainment..." Lu Yichen tapped the back of the chair with his fingertips, his eyes cool. "I started to be impatient as soon as I started."

"This time, City of Despair was originally sold by Yiteng Entertainment at a low price. When we went to talk, we used a little means and used twice the price to negotiate." Duan Xiu didn't feel very good about them, since it has been sold. Yes, and secretly engage in small moves.

  Lu Yichen's eyes were gloomy, and he glanced diagonally at Duan Xiu. "One of their favorite artists recently is Tang Mi'er, who can't finish the black history. A dog that bites a person can only be sensible after a sap."

  Duan Xiu grinned and showed an evil smile. Knowing what Lu Yichen meant, she raised her eyebrows and glanced at Yu Qing who was standing aside. "Understand, speaking of this, the image of Tang Mi'er has a certain conflict with our company's artist Tian Tian. Fans have fought more than once. Lu Shao can rest assured that I know how to solve this matter."

  Lu Yichen nodded and didn't care about it anymore. The next layout will naturally be completed by Shenghao's staff.

  Summer comes unknowingly, and it is the season for students to take summer vacation.

  The "City of Despair", which was delayed for more than a month, finally came to an end.

The two little milk buns in Li Jia’s belly are also old. Sometimes they can still go online, but they don’t dare to sit for too long. They play games for a little longer. The two big-tempered buns always kick her. Sometimes Li Jia could even see a pocket-sized foot printed on her belly.

  She quit Shengshi Online Games and shut down the computer.

Since the opening of the Shengshi online game event a few months ago, Shengshi has ushered in a huge crowd, and it has repeatedly set records. Fans of Bo Xuanrui have poured into the Shengshi game. The Dragon Wings Guild is full of people and has become the largest in the three regions. Guild.

Many of the players who participated in the offline meeting have been invited by the game company. They are familiar with the game and can also provide advice on the game to a certain extent. More coincidentally, the "Ruiguang" Su Rui, the first in the three-zone PK list , Turned out to be Su Lan's own brother.

  Feifei Liu was revealed to be Dragon Wing’s “ex-wife”. As soon as she went online, Bo Xuanrui’s fans would chase him wildly, and eventually disappeared in online games.

Soon after Bo Xuanrui participated in the endorsement, the artists in the cast of Desperate City were “accidentally” revealed that they played PK battles when they were bored. The Internet once sparked an upsurge of guessing which district Qiao Nan is in and what his name is.

The prosperous age is in full swing and is flourishing. Every time Li Jia goes online, he is blocked by the crowd. A bunch of players start to tease her, shouting that Shao Lu will soon take his wife away and play games with him on his back. Li Jia can't laugh or cry. For a trumpet, find a few acquaintances to pass the time.

  But for a while, neither of them gave her peace.

  Li Jia stood up, did a few stretching exercises, stood in front of the mirror and looked at her round and round herself, touched her belly with a sigh, and pulled her cheeky face.


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