Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 928: I'm Weicheng, please give me some advice from my wife

  Li Jia put on the headset, the computer has opened the page of Shengshi Games, she quickly logged in to her account, and put the microphone on the headset to her lips. "Hello everyone, I am the'rhinoceros running away'."

  As soon as she said this, the audience in the audience cheered and the voice was very good! It really is a girl!

The photographer moved the lens to her lips, revealing only a small part of her face. She gently curled her lips, and the crimson lips did not click. When she smiled, she had a certain determination and self-confidence. Looking at the skin, it was as thin as white. Porcelain, it is said that a girl will not be too ugly.

   "I am not a ladyboy. I will use my strength to prove that I am a rhino. Before that, I heard that the "Weicheng Chaoyu" was also present. I don't know if the Weicheng God dare to take my challenge?"

  After she had finished speaking, the scene was full of hoots.

   "Who is Weicheng? Isn't it that Rhino is his wife?"

   "Weicheng accepts the challenge!"

"accept the challenge!"

  In the field, everyone hoped that Weicheng could stand up and accept the challenge from the other side.

  At the same time, Rhino’s online launch once again caused a wide range of onlookers in the world of flourishing games. When many people saw her, they called friends to come and watch her.

  "Rhino is online!"

   "I don't know if it's me?"

  Looking at the screen, the names that appeared in the game of Flourishing Age were all from the first district, and among them were members of the Dragon Wings Guild. The members of the Dragon Wings Guild in the field almost laughed.

  Because many of the Dragon Wings Guild partners who protect their shortcomings on the World Channel have already begun to scold them.

   "The **** who steals the account dare to go online!"

   "Return my rhino account!"

   "Smelly shameless, pay back my number!"

  A lot of people are chasing behind, and there is an increasing trend.

Li Jia couldn't help but smile, her crimson lips curled up, and a smile appeared. The photographer caught the photo at the right time and saw her slender fingers tapping on the keyboard quickly. He bought a big speaker from the mall, clicked the purchase, and clicked to use. Knocked a sentence on the World Channel.

   "Hello everyone, I am a real rhino, brothers and sisters of Dragon Wing, the flood has swept away the Dragon King."

  She clicked OK, and this sentence immediately appeared at the top of the World Channel.

  After typing this string of characters, she continued to the arena, opened a room, stood by and waited for Weicheng to come.

  The room in the arena is surrounded by spectators, and the current channel has been screened by people from the Dragon Wings Guild.

   "Really a cow?"

  "Niu Niu! Have you recovered your account?"

  "Didn’t Rhino go to an official event? Why did you log in at this time?"


  "Why are you still playing the arena? It's still a heads-up mode, with whom PK heads-up?"

  "Password: rose0815." After opening the competition room, Li Jia set up the password, and told the official personnel of the event on the earphones the room password, so that Weicheng could come in.

  As the players in the arena were chatting, a familiar figure was already standing in the arena. When the onlookers saw who it was, the information on the channel scrolled at a more terrifying speed.

   "Weicheng Chaoyu!!!"

   "What is this going to do?"

   "The rhythm of falling in love and killing each other!"

  "Will it be the start of a two-person PK at the event site, right?"

   "The official event is not a live broadcast. It will take a few days to see it, right?"

   "This is going to kill each other!"

  The photographer dutifully captured Jiajia’s micro expressions and actions. The official person has entered the arena and began to record the PK battle.

   "I'm Weicheng, please give me some advice from my wife and be merciful." Lu Yichen didn't speak, but typed in the notification from the loudspeaker, which everyone in the world channel could see.

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