Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 925: Lu Shao of Little Tripe Chicken Intestine

  How come... Dragon Wing is Bo Xuanrui...


  He used to be her husband on the game, he once held a grand wedding for her that was a sensation, and she has always been called the president's wife by the Dragon Wings Guild.

  A month ago, she and all his fans were different, but now...everything is ruined by herself.

  She ran to question his betrayal. She scolded him with a loudspeaker on the World Channel, and strongly announced that he would not forgive his betrayal. Just now, she kept saying that he was the scumbag she met!

  Reality makes her cold.

  She raised her gaze, and stared straight at Bo Xuanrui who was radiant on the stage. The audience was full of fans who were crazy for him.

  The photographer carrying the camera was very unkind and gave her a close-up. This pitiful look of regret is also a big selling point.

  The real version has the strength to step on the face, and Bo actor does not need to do anything. Once the identity is announced, everyone with a good head will know how ridiculous Liu Feifei said.

  Li Jia looked at Bo Xuanrui who was interacting with you on the stage, leaning in the arms of a man next to him, and whispered: "When did you know that Dragon Wing was Bo Xuanrui?"

   "His background information is the real situation. Ruan Qu found out. It was handed over to me by Yu Qing. I saw that it was him and a celebrity in a district. The effect was better than asking Qiao Nan."

  Lu Yichen touched his wife's soft and warm face on the palm of his hand, riding on the dim light of the auditorium, finding the right time, and biting her lips.

  Li Jia touched the bitten lip and stretched out a hand for his earlobe. "Will you be so kind, suddenly thinking of asking Qiaonan?"

  Li Jia didn't believe it, her brother was so virtuous, and it was weird not to confuse Qiao Nan secretly.

  "Am I such a person with small belly and chicken intestines?" Lu Yichen raised his eyebrows.

  Li Jia has a look that I see through you. "Qiao Nan seems to also play Shengshi online games, but he seems to be in the third district. It is estimated that the registration is not his real information, but the information of his agent Ji Chen."

   "Jia Jia seems to be familiar? I heard that you still run to him to play Qiao Yue?" Lu Yichen's tone was full of sour air.

  Li Jia smirked and patted him on the chest. "Unreasonably making trouble, knowing why I asked him."

  Qiao Yue’s setting is Qiao Nan in her previous life, but she really did not expect that Qiao Nan in her previous life will end like this, being locked into a drug rehabilitation center and ruining her future.

Li Jia sighed silently, the past and the present have changed a lot. In this life, everyone is living well. I only hope that Zero will not appear again. He has lost his memory. Perhaps it was a way of life given to him by God to make up for everything he suffered in his childhood. Misery, I will start a new life again in the future.

   "What's wrong?" Lu Yichen noticed Jiajia's abnormal emotions.

"I'm thinking……"

  "Me?" Lu Yichen took it for granted.

  Li Jia stayed in a daze, fluttered. "Smelly."

  Lu Yichen stared at her smiling eyes with a smile, and her low, magnetic voice came to her ears. "What did you think of?"

   "I just feel that the difference between the two lives is too great, and I am afraid that it is a dream of lying on the hospital bed. I woke up and found that I was only dreaming.

   "Not a dream." Lu Yichen laughed softly.

  He was also afraid, afraid of losing all of this, afraid that everything was just a dream.

  If it is a dream, let him never wake up for the rest of his life.

  The two smiled at each other, with unspeakable tenderness between their eyebrows.

  The photographer shifted the lens casually and took a look at the captured image, and I felt pretty good. Unexpectedly, Lu Shao and Mrs. Shao would also be there, probably because Shengshi online games are also owned by the creation, and Lu Shao took his wife to watch the show.

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