Since she had a baby, she hasn't worn high heels anymore, especially when the child is short. How can she dare to wear high heels with such a high risk factor?

  "Young lady, you have pity for us. Do you want to wear a pair of red turtle-style embroidered shoes?" The young and beautiful stylist girl looked at her bitterly.

   "This cheongsam, wearing these high heels is really good-looking!"

   "Slim waist and white legs, looking at Mrs. Lu Shao's long legs, I can eat two bowls of rice less! I have the motivation to lose weight!"

  Li Jia could not hear or laugh. "If it's normal, I'm sure there is no problem, but now, in case something happens..."

  She never left her abdomen with one hand since she stood up. Out of her mother's instinct, she subconsciously protected her abdomen when she realized the danger of high heels.

   "It's okay, only when the couple is out, the groom takes the bride a short distance from the father."

   “There will always be someone leading by the side, and sit down after the ceremony is completed. The young lady has a baby and does not need to accompany guests to drink.”

  Someone constantly persuaded him to point to the approximate distance, so that Jiajia did not have to worry.

  Li Jia estimated it, and agreed that the distance was not too far. After agreeing, he dragged the high heels and replaced them with flat shoes.

  "Put up your makeup again and see if you missed anything, it's almost time!"

   "There are so many people outside!"

  People are constantly coming and going in and out of the room. Li Jia pedals on the white flat bottom and looks out. There is a special wedding hall in the manor, and a large stage is arranged in the center of the hall.

  There is a large sea of ​​flowers on the periphery of the manor, which is transported from far away countries for thousands of miles. Li Jia can see it very brightly, as red as blood, and as gorgeous as fire. Many people take pictures over there and sigh the handwriting.

  Such a large sea of ​​roses is definitely more shocking than diamonds. When Li Jia woke up today, he saw this large flower forest at the first sight, and it took a long time to return to his senses.

  He still remembered that her favorite was the red rose.

  She likes the scent of roses and the meaning of it. That is what she longed for most in her previous life, but she is at her fingertips in this life. Someone spends their time to make her happy.

  Sometimes, she can't believe it, what is a dream?

  Is this life an exceptionally gorgeous dream that she had made before her death, or was the suffering and despair of her previous life a dream?

   "How is it? How is it? Is the bride ready?"

  Several men and women walked into the room quickly to find out the situation.

   "All out! All out! It's ready soon!"

   "Old Marshal Li said he would come in person, he would take the young lady and hand her to Lu Shao..."

   "Why haven't people come here yet?"

   "Grandpa Lu has passed by."

  There were too many people at the wedding, babbled, Li Jia was listening inside, her eyes twitching, she had a bad premonition, why did the two old men run together? Don't you let the family members look at them and put an end to all "close contact"?

  Li Jia hurried to get her mobile phone and quickly called her brother.

  At this time, at the wedding scene, in a place farther away from the crowds, Lao Li and Lao Lu met on a narrow road. Both parties followed a lot of people. The two in-laws saw each other without squinting, and were prepared to treat each other as if they did not exist.

  However, there are too many people on both sides, and there will inevitably be friction when they do not give in to each other.

  So, Mr. Lu sneered. "Some people think that they are leaders? They don't look at the place, it's really big style."

  Lao Li snorted coldly without turning his head. "Some people just can't spit out ivory."


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