Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1103: Can't be done

  I rushed to the airport terminal, and after a few laps, no one was found.

  Working day, when Li Jia was still at work, she raised her eyebrows when she received a call from Yu Qing, a little surprised. "What happened? Why do you think of calling me?"

   "Wanwan and Xiaochen are gone. Has she ever contacted Mrs. Shao?" Yu Qing also went to the doctor in a hurry.

  Li Jia can hear his panting voice over the phone, the background sound is very noisy, and the female voice of the airport broadcast announcing the plane's landing and take-off time.

"Are you at the airport? Wanwan left again?" Li Jia could hear from his anxious voice. She was leaning on the desk with one hand behind her, and she said seriously: "I don't know about this matter in advance. , But Wanwan seems to have the intention to leave early in the morning. If you want to find her, I am afraid I can't help you much."

   "She is pregnant." Yu Qing said.

   There is a hint of surprise and worry in the tone.

  Li Jia was stunned for a moment, secretly stunned, it was godly.

  Wanwan still want to give birth to a child abroad alone at this time?

  Thinking about it, she frowned, and added: "The place she went should be Los Angeles, USA."

   "Thank you." Yu Qing was half relieved when he heard the news.

  He checked the flight schedule from the international airport to Los Angeles that day, and just left at 11 o'clock in the morning.


   "How is it? I said they will come together in the end."

  At night, at the dining table in the living room on the second floor of the Lu Family Villa, Lu Shao held a tall red wine glass in his hand, took a sip, and stared at Jia Jia with a wicked smile.

  Li Jia put her palm on her cheek and glanced at him. "You can find someone by chasing the past? You can get forgiveness if you find someone?"

"Yu Qingnianji is not young anymore, and so is Yu Wan. Rather than raising children alone, it is better to have a man next to you, especially now that she is pregnant with another one. She is also unlucky. Yu Qing just got caught. To be honest, I was also quite surprised." Lu Yichen's hot red lips lightly licked Jiajia's ear.

   is also Yu Qing’s luck, giving him a great opportunity. Pregnant women are more vulnerable and need someone to take care of them. Just in case, it happens to be Yu Qing’s opportunity to perform.


The sound of the phone vibrating came, and Lu Yichen raised his eyebrows slightly. Li Jia took the phone out of his pocket. He saw the phone call from her brother's assistant. He pressed the answer button and handed it to his ear. He followed it. .

  Lu Yichen was funny, touched her face, and the two heads stuck together.

   "Young President, things are done, Yu Qing and Yu Wan have already met..."

  Hearing this, Li Jia's eyes widened.

  Lu Yichen was a little innocent. After he hung up the phone, he explained: "I just told him the name of the hotel where Yu Shengtian picked up Yu Wan, and then it's up to him."

  Li Jia slapped him **** the back of the head. "A nest of snakes and rats!"

  She stood up angrily, dragged her chair away, and strode towards the room. "Bang!" closed the door and entered the bathroom inside the room.

  I even said the name of the hotel. What is the difference between telling Yu Qing and Yu Wan the exact coordinates?

  Water splashed from the shower in the bathroom, and Li Jia sighed slightly.

Time has changed. For five years, Yu Qing has been chasing Wanwan's footsteps, running far and wide, even if she once felt that Yu Qing was self-inflicted and Wanwan deserves a better man's treatment, but unfortunately, in the past few years, Wanwan rejected all men. Close.

  She did not let go when she left. There are some things, reason and self-esteem tell you that you should not accept it.

  There is always an empty corner in my heart, and only that specific person can fill it.

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