Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1064: Disputes at the entrance of the kindergarten

  Li Jia hung up the phone and stared at the phone for a while.

  Everyone has their own way of living.

  Yu Qing was hit hard, and became nervous, always thinking that he had not yet divorced.

  Li Jia didn't know what to say when he saw him, so he came back from the hospital in the evening.

  She checked the time, waited for the children to finish school soon, and was going to the kindergarten to pick them up.

  As a result, when she went, she saw two luxury cars parked on the opposite side of the road. There were a lot of bodyguards and soldiers in civilian clothes standing around the car. Although their dress was not obvious, their posture and temperament were different from ordinary people.

  Two big babies with pink jade carvings were held in their arms by two old people, and they were wrangling.

  Many parents next to them watch the excitement from a distance, but they dare not come close.

  These two elderly people, one of whom is always watching the news, I don’t know him. I heard that Lu’s dragon and phoenix are in the small class of St. John’s kindergarten. This kindergarten has suddenly more babies coming in this year.

  Think about the great-grandson of the old man above. It proves that this kindergarten is good, otherwise how could it be sent here? Therefore, the sky-high cost did not deter parents who love their children.

  And some wealthy families with active minds think of another thing. If their children become good friends with the Lu family’s dragon and phoenix, the family can make money by getting to know anyone from Lu Li’s family.

  It’s just that the children in the kindergarten are all small carrot heads, how can they understand the complex psychology of adults?

  Many parents' vehicles stopped outside the kindergarten to pick up their children. Seeing the familiar old man and another old man staring at each other, each holding a child, I couldn't help guessing the reason.

  Old Marshal Li is sure to be recognized. After he was recognized, Mr. Lu was quickly guessed of his identity. Although the old man retired for two years, he was also a man in the market.

  Even if the younger generation doesn't know him, dare to show Marshal Li's face, so you don't have to think about who he is.

  In addition to the old lady of the Lu family, who else can there be?

  It is said that these two ancestors have been blind to each other for fifty or sixty years, but the two of them eventually became relatives, which is also good luck.

   "That seems to be Lao Li?" Someone asked uncertainly.

   is a bit far apart, many people just watch and it is not easy to go.

  "What happened to the two families who picked up their children at the same time?"

   "Don't you know? The Lu family has four children. I heard that the old San Lu Lingfeng changed her surname and adopted the childless Li family. His name is Li Lingfeng. There were reports mentioning this a while ago."

   "Aren't they these two kids?"

   "Definitely not. This is the Lu family's baby, the eldest and second child. It is estimated that both elders and elders came to pick up the children, but they met..."

  There are a lot of lively discussions around, everyone knows that the two elders can't see each other.

  However, it seems that the Four Treasures of the Lu family are really favored, and the two old ladies are busy coming to the kindergarten to pick them up.

  Most of the babies in this kindergarten are wealthy children. The parents are busy, and most of them are picked up by the family's nanny and servants. Only a few of them come in person. The two children of the Lu family came from both families.

  When Li Jia saw them, she was preparing to cross the zebra crossing. The two elderly people each carried their children into their own cars and were leaving. She was speechless. This is the breakdown of the negotiation, each holding one and leaving?

  She quickened her pace, and hurried to trot over. The two helpless big babies saw her mom with sharp eyes, and waved her chubby hand to call mom.

  The two families who wrangled here finally noticed Li Jia, and they were all in one step. The two big treasures were about to get off the arms of the grandfather and great-grandfather. The two old men looked at Li Jia and their expressions were slightly slow.

  Li Jia ran over and saw the two babies pounce at him, squatting down to catch.


   "Mommy, hug."

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