When the police heard that he was coming to bail Tang Mi'er, their expressions were weird. No wonder they couldn't control the facial expressions. Anyone who pays a little attention to the entertainment news knows the relationship between Yu Qing and Tang Mi'er.

  It seems that the unreliable entertainment reporters are not completely nonsense. This man does have an ulterior relationship with Tang Mi'er.

  This is a successful person at first glance. Do you know what Tang Mi'er, who sits in front of him, does?

   After watching the full version of the video sent by Duan Zong, the policemen can’t face Tang Mier squarely anymore. In order to consider the public influence, they did not announce it to the public. It is estimated that even the announcement will have to be mosaic, too hot.

What Yu Qing saw was only two videos that could be seen on the Internet. He was there for everything that happened on the video. As a client, he knew better than the audience, and he didn’t know much about more things. The company had to deal with many things. , Lu Yichen did not let him take care of Tang Mi'er's affairs, but gave Duan Xiu full authority.

  Tang Mi'er took Yu Qing’s hand and cried, her face flushed, her eyes flushed, she cried choked with tears, she looked like a little sister next door being bullied.

  Yu Qing's mind was a little wandering, thinking about another thing.

  Before he entered the police station, Wanwan called him and said that he had taken care of the divorce.

  Since getting the certificate with Wanwan, he never thought about divorce, and now Wanwan is pregnant with a baby, this baby is his...

   Thinking of this, Yu Qing showed a faint smile. He never thought that he was going to be a father soon.

  Don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy?

  The surprise came a bit suddenly.

   "Hey? What are you doing?"

   "What are these things?"

  Vaguely the voices of police officers were speaking outside, and Yu Wan asked everyone to move everything into the police station.

"I called the police yesterday, and it was picked up by a police officer surnamed Zhang. This is the proof I said on the phone yesterday. A small part of the package was opened, but most of it was not." Yu Wan's voice was heard from outside. Entering, Yu Qing was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't believe it.


   Tang Mi'er hates it even more. She can see that **** everywhere, what else does she want?

  Yu Wan handed the carton to the police. The people in the police station didn't quite understand what she wanted to do. The first time she recognized her, she thought she came to the police station to find Tang Mi'er and Yu Qing to settle the accounts.

  Looking at Yu Wan's posture, it is obviously not.

  Yu Wan handed all the packages to the police. The curious policewoman opened one of the packages and took a look, then let out a scream.

   "Boom!" The cardboard box fell from the policewoman's hand and rolled around on the ground, revealing the contents of the box. The policemen on the side were all shocked.

"what is this!?"

   "Ms. Yu, what are you doing?"

  "Hold the grass!" Someone couldn't help but burst out a foul language.

  The reporter squatting outside saw what seemed to be happening inside, he immediately leaned over, inspected his neck and looked in, his eyes widened when he saw things scattered on the ground.

   "Damn! Is it a prank?"

   "Mentally abnormal? Seeing this in the middle of the night, I have to be scared of heart disease."

   "At first glance during the day, it will scare people to death, okay?"

  The scattered limbs and heads scattered on the ground are just simulations, not real limbs.

Even so, looking at the horrified and **** head of the imitation of the seven orifices, and the severed limbs stained with red pigment, just like the severed limbs, they were suddenly seen, and they had to be taken. Scared crazy.

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