Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1009: Phone is out of service area

  The little nurse picked up the changed bed and explained: "Madam Young went downstairs to speak with another patient. It was the foreign youth who hit his head in the car accident last time."

  Lu Yichen's heart trembled, without saying anything, turned around and walked out of the room.

  Take out the phone and call the bodyguard next to Li Jia.

  "Hello, the number you dialed is not in the service area..."

  The sweet female voice repeats mechanically again and again, and Lu Yichen's heart keeps sinking.

  He got through before coming to the hospital! His mother talked to Jiajia on the phone before calling him, saying that Jiajia was in good spirits.

  How long has it been?

  He paced back and forth anxiously, and said to the five bodyguards standing next to him: "Call a few of them and see if you can get through."

  The bodyguards looked at each other, their hearts sank, and they quickly called different people.

  Lu Yichen called Winnie again to ask. Winnie said that Jiajia had left the ward half an hour ago. He was still with Bo Xuanrui and Su Lan, and there were a few bodyguards who followed.

   "Master, none of them are in the service area."

   "If you can't get through, you are not in the service area."

How is this going? The collective is gone.

  Lu Yichen's heart is chilling, what's the matter? Why did it disappear suddenly?

  "Go to the surgery to find Lang Yanhan."

  "Where is the monitoring room? Take me there!"

  "Take a look at the surveillance outside Winnie's room!"

   "Go downstairs first!"

  Lu Yichen did not dare to delay for a moment. He felt that something was wrong all day today. After making several calls to Jiajia, he confirmed that it was okay. Why did he suddenly disappear now?

  "Do you want to take the elevator?"

   "I asked the hospital to vacate the elevator that transports the machinery for a while. It shouldn't get in the way."

  A dozen or so levels of running is too slow.

  A few people split up, and Lu Yichen called Lang Yanhan while running.

  Lang Yanhan was shocked when he heard that Jiajia and several people had disappeared. What does it mean that several big people suddenly disappeared?

  Lu Yichen quickly came down from the 15th floor. The speed of going downstairs was much faster than that of going upstairs. The monitoring room was on the first floor, and Lang Yanhan immediately called out the monitoring on the third floor.

Lu Yichen and several people all gathered in front of the monitor to check the situation. Lu Yichen remembered clearly. When Winnie walked in, he said that Jiajia was only about ten minutes away. With the time for talking and going up and down, about forty-five minutes passed. He immediately adjusted the monitoring time to forty-five minutes ago.


  "Here." Several people spoke quickly.

The display showed that forty-five minutes ago, Li Jia, Bo Xuanrui, and Su Lan came out of the room one by one. Su Lan took Jia Jia’s arm and touched Jia Jia’s belly from time to time. The two talked and laughed, Bo Xuan Rui interjected occasionally, and several people looked at the state indeed.

  The bodyguard is also normal.

  A group of people walked to the elevator, the bodyguard pressed the fifteenth floor, and several people entered the elevators on both sides to go upstairs, and disappeared from the surveillance.

  Lang Yanhan did not see the problem. "Everything is normal, I look at the 15th floor monitoring."

  He called up the monitoring on the 15th floor again, and adjusted it to the same time period. However, strangely, they waited five minutes from the time when Li Jia got on the elevator without seeing anyone coming out of the elevator.

"How is this going?"

  Lang Yanhan has not reacted yet.

  Lu Yichen is already as white as paper! Suddenly turned around and ran out!

  A few bodyguards almost jumped up, and one of them shouted. "No! It's the elevator!"

  "The call shows that it is not in the service area! All are trapped in the elevator!"

   "That elevator looked broken just now! In the elevator!"

   Several people ran out with Lu Yichen like crazy.

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