“Then let me see how much you have grown over the years!” Daddy’s grave was put aside first, and Inuyasha’s words made Sesshomaru want to smoke him.

The killing pill quickly swooped down, condensed a light braid in his hand, and pumped it towards Su Ze.

“Get out of the way! Watch out for the scepter in the hands of that kappa youkai. Su Ze pushed Kagome away and whispered.

“I didn’t expect that fifty years have passed, and you still haven’t grown a little, and you’re mixed with humans again!” At this time, Killing Pill saw Kagome and frowned.



“Nani?!” Seeing the blood hole on his shoulder, Killing Pill’s face suddenly changed.

Although he saw that Inuyasha raised his hand, he did not take the weapon in Inuyasha’s hand to heart, and he did not expect that in a split second, he would be injured.

Although the injury was not serious, Inuyasha’s half-demon could actually hurt himself, and Sesshomaru’s expression gradually became serious.

“Come on! Let me see how much stronger you really are! ”

“Then you’re welcome!” Su Ze took out the magic sword, and before the iron shattered his teeth, he used this sword first.


Killing Pill only used his sharp claws to block the demon sword in Su Ze’s hand.

“Oh? Nice sword! Can you actually find this weapon? “In terms of sharpness and the hardness of the weapon, this sword is definitely the most perfect weapon Sesshomaru has ever seen.

It’s a pity that the killing pill already has a heart, and he has been thinking about the iron broken tooth for a long time…

Otherwise, he would definitely win this sword.

“Can’t you forget the iron crushed teeth?!” Su Ze grinned, turned around and kicked the killing pill back.

“You know?” Killing Pill suddenly became interested, after all, he came for the iron tooth breaking this time.

“Of course, where I can see but can’t see through, the place that the real gravekeeper will never see, is my own eyes!” Su Ze pointed to the eyeball of his right eye and grinned.

The place has told you, if you don’t make a move, I myself will be in a hurry.

“So that’s it, thank you for telling me!” When Orochimaru heard this, the corners of his mouth hooked, and in the next second, he came to Su Ze’s face in an instant, and grabbed his neck.

“So fast!” Su Ze was a little shocked, of course, it was not the kind of fast that could not be seen, but Su Ze saw it, but his body could not react


It seems that there is still not enough exercise.

“Hmm!!” The powerful demon force drilled into his right eye and forcibly dragged out the pearl sealed in it, and Su Ze could only endure the pain, and then return it to this dead pounce on the street later.

“No wonder I couldn’t find it when I dug three feet into the ground, I didn’t expect to hide in your right eye, you are also stupid, actually took the initiative to tell me!” Sesshomaru said with a sneer after taking out the pearl and throwing away Inuyasha in his hand.

“You bastard!!” Before opening the door to another world, Su Ze could only pretend to be very angry.

“Evil opinion!” Killing Pill was in a good mood, so he didn’t think about these anymore, and directly called the evil opinion.

“Coming, coming, coming! Young Master Killing Pill! ”

The human head scepter was sent to the hand of the killing pill, and the killing pill was directly pointed at the black pearl.

Suddenly, a purple light shone, and then a black space door appeared in front of everyone.

“Master Inuyasha! Hurry inside before the entrance is closed! “Hajia came over during the day, when Su Ze was cultivating, so he didn’t find it.

“yes! Isn’t that broken tooth a treasure left to you by your father? You can’t let that bad guy take it away! Kagome picked up Su Ze and said indignantly.

“Well, let’s go!” Su Ze directly hugged the princess, held Kagome in her arms, and rushed towards the space door.

“I didn’t expect that after so many years of not seeing, Young Master Inuyasha’s strength has become stronger, and he has even mastered the ability to fly!” This is an ability that many high-level yokai do not have! It is worthy of the blood of the master! ”

“It’s really flying!” Kagome also changed from shy to excited, but she didn’t expect Inuyasha to be able to fly in the sky like that killing pill.

“It’s time to give back everything you just gave that guy!” Su Ze took out a bazooka from the group space and grinned.

“Oh !!!!”

Kagome’s eyes widened the moment she saw the bazooka.

“You actually stole all this stuff!! Are you crazy?! This kind of weapon, which Kagome has only seen in textbooks, is said to blow up a house with a single shot, and is literally thousands of times more powerful than a pistol.

“Hmph!! There is such a good thing that I can’t use! Suze placed Kagome on a skeleton crow, and then flew himself towards the stomach of the dog general.

“Inuyasha! In this environment, the bazooka will accidentally hurt itself, right?! Seeing that the space around her suddenly became so small, Kagome suddenly became nervous.

If the bazooka explodes here, wouldn’t it be blown up even with you….

“Also, then change one!” Suzer replaced the bazooka with a Gatling gun.

Kagome: …


“You idiot! How many weapons have been stolen! Kagome finally didn’t hold back and punched Su Ze’s head.

“No more! In addition to this one called Gatling, there is only that bazooka left. Su Ze said helplessly.


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