“Good night…”

“This forest has lost the protection of Virudra, there is nothing to fear, tonight, we will destroy the Goblin Village and establish a foothold to conquer the Great Forest of Dora!!”

“We will be the rulers of this forest!!”

After nightfall, in a camp not far from Goblin Village, the leader of the Tooth Wolf clan is mobilizing before the war.

After howling a few times at the moon, the Tooth Wolf Clan all set off and rushed towards the Goblin Village.

And the Goblin Village side.

“Coming?” The distance of magic perception was very far, about a hundred meters, so Limuru saw a large number of toothed wolves rushing towards this side from a distance.

“Hmph! What’s the use of that fragile fence! The Tooth Wolf King stopped near the village, looked at the fence outside Goblin Village, and snorted coldly in disdain.

“Daddy!” At this time, Limulu’s future mount came to the side of the Tooth Wolf King.

Signaling him to pay attention to the little thing at the entrance of the village.

“Slime?” The Tooth Wolf Clan was surprised, after all, this extremely weak monster generally existed as food for other monsters.

Because it is very delicious, slimes are already rare monsters.

“Tooth Wolf, come and play?” The corners of Limulu’s simulated mouth rose slightly, and he said to the toothed wolf.

“Interesting! It just so happens that I haven’t eaten slime in a long time! The toothed wolf king did not put Limulu in his eyes in the slightest, in his eyes Limulu was just food.

Licking his lips, the toothed wolf leader slowly came to Su Ze.

“Well, you are so arrogant that you died unjustly.” Limuru said speechlessly.

“What did you say?!”


As soon as the tooth wolf’s words fell, a small water needle instantly penetrated its head.


The corpse of the leader of the toothed wolf collapsed weakly to the ground.

“Predation!!” Limulu did not hesitate and directly preyed on the leader of the tooth wolf.

Then he gained the ability of the toothed wolf family.

“Surrender, or die!” Su Ze imitated a tooth wolf, came to the front of the future Lanya, and said while releasing domineering.

Seeing his own “father” so domineering, Lanya decisively lay down, and the other tooth wolves also lay down and said in unison.

“I’m willing to surrender! Follow the master! ”

“Very good!”


“Naming so many monsters at once, it seems that I will also be overwhelmed.”

The next day, Limuru had already arranged for the goblins and toothwolves.

Basically, there is no difference from the original.

It’s just that Limuru didn’t hurry to name them, because Limuru in the original book didn’t know, but he knew very well that for a monster like him, naming was basically equivalent to consuming his own life force to evolve the other party.

Even if there is a Virudra in the body, it will fall into a deep sleep for several days due to excessive consumption of magic elements.

So, Limuru had an idea.

Generally speaking, monsters can absorb magic elements in the atmosphere to maintain life, so can they directly absorb magic elements to be stored in the body or stomach pouch, and used to return to blue when fighting in the future, or to supplement themselves after naming monsters?

“Great Sage, what do you say?”

[Answer! The solution works! Studying …]

[Sue!] Successfully acquire a skill: Mana Absorption! Do you use the skill? Yes/No? ]

“Yes!!” Limuru said excitedly.

In this way, you don’t have to worry about overconsumption of your magic element.

“Ah~” Limulu directly opened his mouth and began to absorb the nearby magic element.

He did not go to the Verudra Cave to absorb the huge amount of magic elements there, because the magic elements there could be used to cultivate Hippokut grass and produce magic ores.

If it is all absorbed, it will be wasted there.

It is better to keep the herbs and resources that produce them.

After absorbing for about an hour, Limuru returned to the village chief.

“Everyone gather! I’m going to start naming everyone! ”

Limulu’s words instantly exploded the audience, and everyone danced excitedly, after all, being able to get a name means that you can evolve.

Give the name, Limulu still chose the name in the original work, of course, the dragon set goblins are counted, after all, their names have not appeared in the original work, Limulu will directly let go of himself, Zhang San, Li and the four kings and two mazi are all greeted.

Anyway, the goblins don’t care if their name sounds good or not, they are already satisfied as long as they get the name.

After more than half an hour, Limuru finally gave all the creatures in the village names.

However, the magic elements that Limulu had absorbed before were actually only used up after naming a few goblins, and then he still used his own and Virudra’s magic elements.

Fortunately, he had been prepared, and the magic absorption skill had been turned on, so that he was not sucked dry and fainted.

Limuru estimated that the potential of the monsters that might consume the name of the Verudra Demon would be higher, such as the last few named Gobutas and Arashi.

Although the other goblins have names, they are not very powerful in the later stage, probably because they were all given names before, using Rimlu’s own magic.

And in the end, Rimlu’s magic element was almost used, and he consumed the Gobuta, Arashiya and others named after Verudra’s magic element.

It is very easy for them to learn the spatial ability of shadow movement.

And the one named after Limur Mo Tin, it takes a long time to practice.

After all, Limuru also received the protection of the Storm Dragon.

But it may be because the middleman of Limullu is making the difference, which makes their potential low.

Of course, these are also speculations, after all, when naming the big ghost clan, the red pill that was named first, the named monster that consumed its own magic element, was more powerful than other big ghost races.


Thank you good brother for the flowers ~~ Love you

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